Abstracts Submission
Abstracts for papers of any of below areas are welcome:
- Urban Science and Systems
- Energy Networks
- Smart Cities and Urban Science
- Smart Mobility
- Transport Systems
- Urban Metabolisms
- Urban Spatial Structure
- Urban Sensing
- Ambient Sensing
- Urban Positioning
- Urban Remote Sensing
- User Generated Content (UGC)
- Urban Big Data Infrastructure
- Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
- Spatial Search
- Urban Cyberinfrastructure
- Volume, Variety and Velocity
- Urban Computing
- A.I.
- FinTech and Blockchain
- Technologies and Principles
- Uncertainties and Biases
- Urban Models
- Urban Problems and Possible Solutions
- Housing
- Human Health and Well-Being
- Pollution
- Transport
- Urban Ecology
- Urban Economy
- Urban Freight and Logistics including Urban Supply and Waste Management Chains
- Urban Governance
- Urban Risks and Resilience
6. Smart Cities
Abstracts (1,200 words or more and in Microsoft Word format, please refer to the template) should be submitted electronically via Submission System in this website for review by the Organizing Committee.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by email. Please find the “Important Dates” for more information.
Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper. Those papers will be further reviewed and; if accepted, will be published in a Special issue of Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.