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NSFCs Young Scientists Fund 2022

LSGI researcher granted NSFC's Young Scientists Fund 2022

We are delighted to share that Dr Yiran WANG, Postdoctoral Fellow from the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, have granted funding support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s (NSFC) Young Scientists Fund 2022. The awarded project "Automatic Detection and Interpretation of Secondary Craters based on Spectral and Spatial Characteristics" will be granted funding of RMB 300,000 to support basic research work for three years. With financial support from the Fund, the young scientist can further foster her ability to independently undertake research projects and conduct creative research. Dr Wang receives a new appointment of Research Assistant Professor in LSGI in Nov 2022.  Congratulations to Dr WANG!

31 Oct, 2022


Prof Bo WU

Prof. Bo WU shares views on recruitment of payload specialists in Hong Kong

The recruitment of payload specialists in Hong Kong and Macau for the first time in the Nation's fourth recruitment of astronauts and specialists has been the most talked about topic recently. As one of the handful of scientists in Hong Kong who have been engaged in the Nation’s space exploration, Prof. Bo WU, Associated Head of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), Associate Director of the Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations (RCDSE), has been invited to share his views on the recruitment by several media platforms and the University in Oct 2022. Prof. Wu said it would be a great encouragement for Hong Kong if a local expert is recruited, and could facilitate Hong Kong scientists to further participate in the national aerospace missions. Noting the enthusiastic response from many young researchers, he also shared some advice from his decade-long experience of contributing to national space missions. According to Prof. Wu, apart from meeting the basic requirements, the ability to design innovative and scientifically impactful experiments would be an extra advantage. He also emphasized that participating in space exploration projects requires exceptional dedication. Prof. Wu recalled from his own experience, “Colleagues from Mainland China are very professional, passionate, devoted and uphold high standards.” Prof. Wu and his team are now intensively preparing for the lunar south pole exploration scheduled in 2026.   (Photos and source from FCE e-bulletin issue 144)

31 Oct, 2022



PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022

On 8 October 2022, the PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022 (Info Day) was successfully held that a broad range of face-to-face/online activities were provided first-hand information on undergraduate studies to the participants. As the first local tertiary institute holding face-to-face event this year, about 26,000 participants participated the event. Over 50 staff and students from the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) vigorously participated in the Info Day to introduce our bachelor programme and showcase our education and research excellence to the visitors. Apart from consultation booth to introduce the departments and undergraduate programmes, guided laboratory tours and hybrid seminars were also organised for students, parents, and members of the public. We are glad to invite two alumni Lo Leung and Peter Lau to give sharing on their career development in our admission seminars. Participants also took the opportunity to seek admission information and advice for the departmental-scheme admission programmes. For those who missed the event, you can now get an e-ticket to visit our virtual booth via the PolyU UG Admissions Info Platform for admissions and programme webinar playbacks, student sharing and other information. Seminar replay can be found on LSGI YouTube channel.   LSGI Undergraduate programme 2023/24 admission: JS3130 / BSc (Hons) Scheme in Spatial Data Science and Smart Cities (Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics) 34478-SY / BSc (Hons) in Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Programme FAQ

14 Oct, 2022


George Liu_0573

Dr. George Liu Appointed as Scientific Advisor to Hong Kong Observatory (HKO)

Recently Dr. George Liu, a professor at the Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics (LSGI) and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, was appointed as a Scientific Advisor by the Director of the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO). Scientific Advisors are expected to help the HKO maintain an active link with the scientific community, advise HKO on long-term scientific and technical development strategies, and provide guidance on research studies and operational applications in specific scientific disciplines. As the Government Department responsible for monitoring and forecasting weather as well as issuing warnings on weather-related hazards in Hong Kong, HKO has contributed significantly to the meteorological services in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, and the Mainland China. The HKO is well recognized internationally for its professional work and plays an important role in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Over the past decade, Dr. Liu has developed a close collaboration with the HKO and made significant contribution to the meteorological research in Hong Kong and internationally. Dr. Liu and HKO scientists successfully collaborated in six General Research Fund projects funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council and jointly published a number of peer-reviewed papers. Currently, Dr. Liu is collaborating with HKO scientists on transforming the Micro-LARGE Lab research outcomes to HKO’s daily weather forecasting work, aiming to enhance HKO’s Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) performance. In the past many years, Dr. Liu and his students at the Micro-Laboratory of Atmospheric Research and Geomatics Engineering (Micro-LARGE) have dedicated to atmosphere observation and modeling using both satellite-based sensors and ground-based in-situ instruments. The advanced algorithms developed at the Micro-LARGE Lab have remarkably improved the observation accuracy of global water vapor from many different satellites – the largest greenhouse gas and an atmospheric constituent playing a critical role in weather change and climate monitoring. Arguably the accuracy of satellite water vapor data produced by the Micro-LARGE represents the world’s highest level of its kind. The sheer amount of high accuracy global water vapor data from different satellites is expected to significantly contribute to global NWP, climate change, hydrology, and many other applications. In addition, Dr. Liu is also Life Member and an Executive Committee member of the Hong Kong Meteorological Society.

5 Oct, 2022


Endowed Professorships

Inauguration of Endowed Professorships and Endowed Young Scholars

The Endowed Professorship Scheme was established by PolyU in 2012 to honour distinguished scholars for their outstanding academic and research achievements. LSGI is proud to have two academics bestowed the honours at the Fourth Inauguration of Endowed Professorships cum the First Inauguration of Endowed Young Scholars held on 31 August 2022. The current Endowed Professors at LSGI are as follows. Prof. John Shi Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Endowed Professorship in Urban Informatics (Video Introduction) Prof. Bo Wu Fiona Cheung Endowed Professorship in Spatial Science (Video Introduction) Being appointed as an Endowed Professor or an Endowed Young Scholar is a joint recognition from the University and the wider community of an academic’s outstanding contributions in their respective fields of research. It also represents immense support and faith that the academic’s research endeavours will advance the frontiers of knowledge and benefit both society and the world at large.

3 Oct, 2022



Long-serving staff of LSGI

An instructor of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), Mr On Wa Lam, has retired after 27 years of service at PolyU. He served the University from October 1995 to September 2022. On his last day of service, a souvenir was presented to him by the Faculty Dean, Prof. Xiang-dong Li, as a token of appreciation.   (Photos and source from FCE e-bulletin issue 143)

30 Sep, 2022


Sr Paul Tsui

LSGI Alumnus Interview - Sr Tsui Hoi Yuen Paul

Sr Tsui Hoi Yuen Paul, Master of Philosophy (MPhil) alumni of LSGI, was interviewed by PolyU Graduate School. The feature story of Sr Paul Tsui was published in the latest GS News, Sep 2022. Sr Paul Tsui is currently the CEO of Esri China (Hong Kong). He is actively taking an interdisciplinary approach to land surveying and information technology during his MPhil study at PolyU and post-study development. He is an advocate of new applications and practical solutions in geographic information systems (GIS), which create, manage, analyse, and map all types of spatial data. He demonstrated his expertise and innovative mindset to expand the scope of GIS applications and cultivate future GIS professionals. During the interview, Paul shares his study at LSGI and career development after graduation. Paul also shares his view on the discipline and industry. GIS is a fundamental building-block technology for smart cities. It is widely used to understand patterns and relationships in geographical contexts, which benefits communication efficiency and decision making. Among its applications are the COVID-19 Local Situation Dashboard and combatting air pollution. This technology not only works on land but also in the sea and in space. PolyU’s recent accomplishment in the Nation’s mission on Mars is an excellent illustration of the massive power of spatial science. Paul wants to take GIS to a new level by integrating the technology with building information modelling in land surveying to expand the scope of GIS applications. As an external advisory member of university departments, Paul is taking the lead in his professional network to propose an increase in admission quotas for land surveying in tertiary education. This is necessary to meet the surging demand for professional spatial data scientists and expedite the innovative development of smart cities. We look forward to the visionary applications and positive impacts that GIS can bring to the world with Paul’s inspiration.   Below is the abstract from GS News, Sep 2022.

30 Sep, 2022


Prof Qihao WENG

FCE Chair Professor Lecture Series by Prof. Qihao WENG

Prof. Qihao WENG, Chair Professor of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), was invited to give the fourth online lecture of the FCE Chair Professor Lecture Series, entitled “Where does Remote Sensing Belong: Technology, Science, AI, or …?”, on 27 September 2022. After an introduction and warm welcome by Prof. Xiang-dong LI, Dean of Faculty, Prof. Weng gave presentation on how remote sensing has become a vital geospatial science and technology for understanding the Earth and managing human-environment interactions, including the latest interplay between remote sensing, image/signal processing, AI, computer vision. The event ended with Q&A session that interactive discussion on various issues, such as the challenges of applying up-to-date remote sensing technologies in urban environmental research and policy, and the formation of new paradigms and future trends of the discipline of remote sensing as technological advances continue between speakers and participants. There are around 280 staff, students, alumni and members of the public joined the fruitful online lecture.   (Photos from FCE e-bulletin issue 144)

28 Sep, 2022

News Faculty of Construction and Environment


LSGI scholar receives CPGIS Young Scholar Award

Dr. Yang Xu has been selected as the recipient of the 2022 CPGIS Young Scholar Award from the International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences. The award seeks to recognize young "rising stars" for research contributions to GIScience. In particular, this award is to recognize Dr. Xu's impressive research output in combining geospatial technologies, big data, and computational methods to advance understanding and modeling of human activities in urban contexts. CPGIS Announcement:

16 Sep, 2022



LSGI PhD Received the Faculty Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis

We are pleased to share that LSGI PhD graduate Dr. Jia He, Gail received the “Faculty Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis” by Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) in 2022. Under the supervision of Prof. George Liu, Dr. He completed her PhD with thesis “Enhancing the accuracy of water vapour retrieval from remote sensing observations using ground-based GNSS data” in 2021 at the Micro-Laboratory of Atmospheric Research and Geomatics Engineering (Micro-LARGE), the Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics (LSGI). Dr. He focuses on developing cutting-edge techniques to calibrate the atmospheric water vapor products from various remote sensing satellites. Her novel algorithms are arguably the first of its kind to beautifully link ground-based GPS/GNSS water vapor data with satellite-based remote sensing ones. The accuracy of remote sensing satellites’ water vapor products is remarkably improved, after being calibrated by using the non-physical model developed. For instance, her verification in North America (a large geographical area) shows that the root-mean-squares error (RMSE) of water vapor products calculated from MODIS/Terra satellite has reduced by 48.12% to 2.362 mm when using two-channel ratio transmittance and has reduced by 50.74% to 2.243 mm when using three-channel ratio transmittance. The algorithm and model Dr. He developed is accurate, reliable, and robust. It has been extensively validated with multi-year water vapor data collected from China, Australia, and North America from different satellites, covering both North and South Hemispheres. The scientific impact and practical value of Dr. He’s work is significant. The atmospheric water vapor is the largest and the most important greenhouse gas (GHG) source in the atmosphere, accounting for about two-thirds of the GHG effects (much larger than the well known CO2). The water vapor is critically important in meteorology and many other areas. Water vapor arguably lies at the heart of all key terrestrial atmospheric processes. It plays a significant role in studies such as weather forecasting, hydrology, climate change, atmosphere science, GPS/GNSS/Beidou satellite positioning and navigation, InSAR satellite remote sensing, and many satellite-based Earth Observation Systems (EOS), to name a few. Without the correction of water vapor effect, all the satellite-based systems such as GPS/GNSS/Beidou, InSAR, and others EOS would suffer a large error in their results, e.g. an error up to a few meters in the GPS/GNSS/Beidou positioning and navigation. FCE annually awards the outstanding thesis according to the research impact. Dr. He published five journal papers in peer-reviewed top international journals with an average impact factor of 9.27 (as of September 2022). Dr. He is the 6th recipient from LSGI since this award was established in 2011. She is also the 3rd recipient from the Micro-LARGE Lab supervised by Prof. Liu. Congratulations Dr. He!

1 Sep, 2022


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