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Multi-Billion-Yuan National Project's First Space Weather Station Installed in Hong Kong

On June 6, 2023, the Chinese Meridian Project, a multi-billion-yuan National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure Project funded by the National Development and Reform Commission, China, installed its first instrument in Hong Kong, in partnership with Prof. George Zhizhao Liu from the Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics (LSGI), Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). This instrument, named Ionospheric High-Frequency Doppler Monitor (IHFDM), is the first instrument ever installed in Hong Kong by the Chinese Meridian Project. Ionospheric high-frequency Doppler monitor is a classic technique to use continuous and stable short-wave standard frequency signals to observe and estimate the vertical movement of the ionosphere. The ionosphere, located approximately 60 km to 2,000 km above the Earth surface, has a crucially important impact on satellite navigation such as GPS and Beidou, ground- and space-based communication, and space programs. The IHFDM can be used to study the disturbances and irregularities in the ionosphere, ionospheric response to solar flares, ionospheric disturbances caused by magnetic storms and typhoons in China. Investigating the ionosphere on satellite navigations such as the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is one of the major research areas in relation with the Micro-Laboratory of Atmospheric Research and Geomatics Engineering (Micro-LARGE), led by Prof. Liu at the PolyU. His group has been working on the ionosphere scintillation characteristics and the impact on GNSS positioning and navigation for more than one decade. His Lab was the first one in the world to use satellite signals from all the four GNSS constellations to study ionosphere scintillation. The Chinese Meridian Project is a major national project for space weather science and infrastructure development in China. This project aims to explore the propagation, evolution, and impact of space weather events on China’s space by monitoring the space from the solar atmosphere to near-Earth over the whole China with a high spatiotemporal resolution. As the southernmost station, the Hong Kong observation station will play a significant role in realizing the scientific and application goals of this project.

15 Jun, 2023



LSGI hosted the 2023 Croucher Foundation Summer Course on GPS/Beidou/GNSS Satellite Positioning and Navigation and Earth Observation at PolyU

During 28 May to 3 June 2023, the Croucher Summer Course 2023 on GPS/Beidou/GNSS Satellite Positioning and Navigation and Earth Observation was successfully held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). This Croucher Summer Course, funded by the Croucher Foundation, is the third and last one of the Summer Course series generously funded by the Croucher Foundation. This 6-day Croucher Summer Course was lectured by 5 internationally distinguished lecturers invited from Canada, Germany, Mainland China, and UK. About 30 MSc and PhD students including PolyU volunteers from various universities and research institutes were attracted to this premium Summer Course on modern satellite positioning and navigation technologies. The Croucher Foundation generously provided financial supports to the one-week accommodations for the lecturers and students’ stay in Hong Kong.  The Director of the Croucher Summer Course, Prof. George Zhizhao Liu from the Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics (LSGI), said “The satellite-based positioning and navigation is one of the key technologies in 21st century that change people’s lifestyle. The Croucher Summer Course offered an excellent opportunity for all the students to gain the state-of-the-art knowledge about GPS/Beidou/GNSS Satellite Positioning and Navigation and Earth Observation. At the same time, it is also a unique opportunity for the students to conduct social networking and get to know the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.” The opening ceremony was officiated by the Course Director Prof. Liu, with welcome speeches delivered by the then Faculty Dean Prof. Xiangdong Li and LSGI Department Acting Head Prof. Bo Wu in the morning of 28 May 2023.

4 Jun, 2023


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FCE Staff Corner – LSGI Session

On June 2, 2023, the Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics (LSGI) hosted the 2nd FCE Staff Corner on the 6th floor of Block Z. This initiative, supported by the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE), aimed to strengthen connections and encourage academic and personal interactions within the Faculty. Prof. George Liu, Associate Head (Partnership), welcomed all participants on behalf of LSGI. Prof. Xiangdong Li, Dean of FCE, and Prof. Linda Xiao, Associate Dean (Partnership) of FCE, also joined the event and interacted with different staff members.  About 40 staff members from FCE joined the event and gathered for an enjoyable and relaxing afternoon filled with snacks and refreshing beverages.

3 Jun, 2023



LSGI held the International Conference on Geomatics Education – Challenges and Prospects (ICGE) on 10-12 May 2023

The International Conference on Geomatics Education – Challenges and Prospects (ICGE) was successfully held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University during 10 – 12 May 2023. The ICGE is organized by the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), co-organized by the Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, sponsored by International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS); co-sponsored by International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) and International Cartographic Association (ICA); supported by Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), and The Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors (HKIES). Near 100 participants from local and other 13 countries attended while 34 of participants gave presentations in Geomatics education. There were diverse and knowledgeable group of individuals came together to share their insights on Geomatics education. Every sharing, engagement, and contribution made this conference a great success. During the opening ceremony, Prof. Xiangdong LI, Dean of Faculty of Construction and Environment gave welcome remarks, followed by the opening addresses by Sr CHANG Kwok Fai, Deputy Director of SMO, Lands Department of HKSAR Government; Prof. Derek Lichti from ISPRS and Prof. Tao WANG from ICA. There were total of 9 sessions throughout the Conference, including Session 1: Web-based Tools for Surveying Education, Session 2: Curricula Development, Session 3: Promotion of Young Professional, Session 4: Multi‐level Education, Session 5/6: Promotion of Materials on Geomatics & Emerging Techniques in Surveying, Session 7/8: Multi‐level Surveying Education & Cost-effective Surveying Education and Session 9: Innovation for Asset Management. Below are keynote presentations of ICGE. Keynote Speech 1: Sailing Through Radical Changes in the Geomatics Education by Prof. Liqiu MENG, Technical University of Munich Keynote Speech 2: Integrating New and Emerging Concepts into a Geomatics Engineering Curriculum by Prof. Derek LICHTI, The University of Calgary Keynote Speech 3: Experiences from several Erasmus+ Education Projects by Prof. Georg GARTNER, Vienna University of Technology Their contributions helped us explore new ideas and perspectives on Geomatics education. We are delighted to see much fruitful sharing and discussions that took place during these 3 days. The connections and relationships formed during the conference will undoubtedly continue to benefit our community and discipline for years to come. For more conference photos and materials, please visit our photo gallery, highlights video, or social media channels of LSGI (links provided below). LSGI Website: WeChat: PolyU-LSGI Facebook: Instagram:

1 Jun, 2023



Service Learning Program in Cambodia: Students Make a Difference

A group of students from LSGI2S03 recently embarked on a service learning program in Cambodia, where they spent a week volunteering in different communities across the country. The program, organized in partnership with local NGOs and community leaders, aimed to provide students with a unique cultural immersion experience while also making a positive impact in the lives of Cambodians. During their stay, the students participated in a range of activities, including rural area planning workshops, map making, UAV mapping, and weather & water samples collection and organizing educational and recreational programs for children. They also learned about the history, culture, and traditions of Cambodia through visits to museums, temples, and other cultural sites. One of the highlights of the program was the opportunity to work with a local organization that supports young people affected by poor living environment. The students helped to organize a workshop on disease prevention and awareness, which was attended by dozens of young Cambodians. Through interactive sessions and discussions, the students were able to share their knowledge and experiences, while also learning from the local participants. Reflecting on their experience, the students said that the program had a profound impact on their lives. "We came to Cambodia hoping to make a difference, but we ended up learning just as much from the people we met," said Kris Tsang. "We were struck by the resilience and warmth of the Cambodian people, and we feel privileged to have had the opportunity to contribute to their communities in some small way." The program also received praise from local leaders and NGOs, who expressed their appreciation for the students' efforts. "The students showed a great deal of dedication and enthusiasm during their time here, and their contributions will have a lasting impact on the communities they worked with," said Mr. Vatanak, director of Living Water Farm. Service learning programs like this one provide students with a unique opportunity to learn about other cultures and make a positive impact in the world. As the students return home, they hope to inspire others to get involved in similar initiatives and continue making a difference in the lives of people around the globe.

23 May, 2023



Result of 2023 Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award for LSGI

We are proud to announce the two awardees of 2023 Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award for Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI).   2023 Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award for LSGI - Awardee Professor Ahmed Shaker (Award Category: Scholarly Achievement) Prof. Ahmed Shaker Abdelrahman received his Ph.D. in Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) in 2004. After having a two-year postdoctoral research in LSGI, he started his academic career first in Institute of Geomatics, Generalitat de Catalunya & Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain for a year, and then Department of Civil Engineering, Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), formerly Ryerson University, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2007. He is currently a full professor and Associate Dean at TMU, and was formerly an Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies and Interim Graduate Program Director. He was formerly the Director (2014-2018) and Vice President (2018-2020) and is now the President of Canadian Remote Sensing Society (CRSS) (2020-now). He was also a Co-Chair of Toronto Branch for Canadian Institute of Geomatics, 2013-2016, Co-Chair of Working Group IV (Methods for Image Classification) in Commission VII, International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), 2014-2018, and Vice-President of Commission III (Remote Sensing), ISPRS, 2016-2022. His excellence in research and teaching have been recognized by a number of academic awards; these include Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship, European Commission, 2006, Dean's Teaching Award in 2015, Faculty Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity Award, 2011, and CRSS Bronze Medal Award, 2011.   2023 Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award for LSGI - Young Awardee Mr Chan Kit Lung, Paul (Award Category: Professional Achievement) Sr. Paul CHAN Kit Lung is currently a partner of Engineering Surveys Limited, which is a leading Geospatial Solution Provider in Hong Kong. He received his BSc(Hons) Geomatics with First Class Honour from Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics in 2008. He became the member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in 2012, the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors in 2013, and also currently a Registered Professional Surveyor (RPS(LS)). In the last decade, he and his team have been involved in various large-scale infrastructure projects in Hong Kong, including Hong Kong Express Rail Link Construction, Third-Runway Construction, and Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) Development, to name a few. Apart from day-to-day professional practice, he has also participated in research and teaching activities by serving as a visiting instructor and visiting lecturer in the department in the last few years. In different courses, he shared his extensive experience over spatial data collection, utilization, and management. He also provides internship and job opportunities to PolyU students and graduates. Recently, he has actively participated in and promoted the use of advanced technology in 3D Digital Mapping for Hong Kong Smart City Development. Congratulations to our alumni!

16 May, 2023



Donation of land surveying equipment to Survey Store

Engineering Surveys Limited (ESL) has kindly donated eight total stations and eight digital levels, with a total cost of around HKD$750,000, to the Survey Store of Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics to support various teaching activities. Indeed, business partners of ESL include excellent LSGI alumni, including Mr. Paul Chan (BSc '08) and Mr. Mike Au (BSc '08), and both of them have a strong tie with the department. They previously served as visiting instructors in a number of courses, sharing hands-on experience in operating hydrographic surveying, UAV, and laser scanning equipment. The department is thrilled to see our alumni coming home, supporting the department, and passing torch to the next-generation of land surveyors. Thank you Paul, Mike, and ESL.

4 May, 2023


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LSGI Alumni Association paid a visit to a class of LSGI

The LSGI Alumni Association (LSGIAA) and the Department have close connection in the bond. Each year, the Alumni Association and LSGI co-organize different events, e.g. career talk, admission seminars and home-coming activities. In the last week of Dr Yin Tiangang’s class “Digital Terrain Modelling” on April 15, 2023, representatives from LSGIAA gave an introduction of LSGIAA by sharing membership privileges, activities and enrolment methods. Sr Paul Tsui, President of LSGIAA, Rebecca Tse, Mandy Tang, Vice Presidents of LSGIAA presented the association to greet and interact with our students. LSGIAA is an important association for students to get connected to their alumni to know more about their fields. It is a golden opportunity for them to develop network in the industry by making alumni friends and gain more knowledge in their careers, along their studies. This visit to the last class of Dr Yin Tiangang’s course “Digital Terrain Modelling” is a new breakthrough to introduce more on the Alumni Association to LSGI students. We expect more graduates from LSGI will join LSGIAA and keep close contact with their alma mater.

18 Apr, 2023


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PolyU Taster Programme 2023 – LSGI Session

On April 13, 2023, approximately 30 secondary school students from F4 & 5 participated in a one-day hands-on STEM workshop and tour organized by the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) at PolyU. The event was kicked off by Ir Dr Wallace Lai, Associate Head (Teaching) & Associate Professor of LSGI, who delivered a STEM talk titled "Unfolding the Lost WWII Heritage in Hong Kong through Technologies and GIS". Following the talk, the students engaged in a hands-on workshop on GIS and had the opportunity to explore the LSGI labs. After lunch, the students were escorted to the Survey and Mapping Office (SMO) of the Lands Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government in Kwun Tong. The purpose of this visit was to offer the students valuable insights into the career opportunities available to LSGI graduates. Ms. Mavis Lo, a Senior Land Surveyor and Principal of the Training School of SMO, who is also an LSGI graduate, warmly greeted the group and provided an informative introduction to the office. The students were then divided into small groups to learn about various surveying technologies and job roles. Throughout the one-day workshop and tour, the students gained valuable knowledge about the daily operations of the Lands Department and disciplinary expertise. It is evident that the event was highly beneficial for all parties involved.

14 Apr, 2023


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LSGI and BRE students dominate rowing competitions

Nimbus Kwun Ho TSANG, Year-2 class representative of LSGI higher diploma, and Anakin Chun Hei CHAN, Year-1 undergraduate student of BRE, have dominated various indoor and outdoor rowing competitions on behalf of PolyU SAO Rowing Club. Nimbus and Anakin first earned the 2nd runner-up in the Men’s Double Sculls event final in the Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championships 2022, held on 25th December 2022. (see LSGI News) On 26th February 2023, Nimbus received the championship in Men’s Double Sculls (Men’s 2x) and the 1st runner-up in the Mixed Coxed Quadruple Sculls (Mixed 4x+) partnering with teammates from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in the 2023 Tolo Harbor Regatta. Nimbus then won the championship, together with teammate Ho Yat Au-Yeung from CityU in Men’s Double Sculls (Open 2x) in the St. James's Place 7th Harbour Regatta on 19th March 2023. A week after, Nimbus served as the captain of PolyU SAO Rowing Club and won three awards in Hong Kong Rowing Indoor Championships (25th to 26th March 2023). These awards include 1st runner-up – Mixed Higher Education Institutions Challenge Team Relay 4x500m (together with Anakin, Phoebe Pui Hei LAU from SO, and Ariel Tsz Wing CHENG from SN), 1st runner-up – Men Higher Education Institutions Challenge Individual 2000 m, and 2nd runner-up – Men (Age 19-29) Lightweight 2000 m. Overall, PolyU SAO Rowing Club ranked 1st in the Higher Education Institutions Challenge Overall Ranking among other rowing clubs from six local universities. On 2nd April 2023, Nimbus and Anakin, together with Sean Chun Yui CHUI from SN and Oscar Yin Cheung LEE from AE, received the 1st runner-up in the Men’s Coxed Four (Men’s 4+), and they together with Bob Chi Hung LUI from CEE, Ryan Man Pan WU from COMP, Stanley Tung Wong CHAN from AE, Christoph Martin HEESS from ISE, took the 2nd runner-up in the Men’s Eight (Men’s 8+) in the Green Regatta 2023 organized by the University of Hong Kong. Both of them were coxed by Anna Ka Wai MOK, an alumni of AF.

6 Apr, 2023


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