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PolyU researchers collaboratively develop high-performance titanium alloys through additive manufacturing

The industrial production of titanium alloys has always been plagued by challenges associated with quality and waste management. Engineering scientists from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in collaboration with RMIT University and the University of Sydney, have successfully used additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, to solve these long-standing issues in titanium alloy production. The research study, titled “Strong and ductile titanium-oxygen-iron alloys by additive manufacturing”, was recently published in Nature. Titanium alloys are advanced lightweight materials that play an indispensable role in many critical applications. The research team’s discovery of the innovative use of additive manufacturing for the production of titanium alloys and potentially other metal materials offers numerous advantages, such as reduced costs, improved performance, and sustainable waste management. Through the use of 3D printing, the research team has produced a new strong, ductile, and sustainable titanium alloy (α–β Ti-O-Fe alloy). These properties are achieved through the incorporation of inexpensive and abundant oxygen and iron, which are the two most powerful stabilising elements and strengtheners for α–β phase titanium alloys. The new titanium alloy exhibits immense potential for diverse applications, ranging from aerospace and marine engineering to consumer electronics and biomedical devices. Compared with the Ti-6AI-4V benchmark material, which has been widely used since its formulation in 1954, the new titanium alloy produced by the research team demonstrates better mechanical performance, with comparable ductility and considerably higher strength. Although traditional manufacturing methods, such as casting, can also be used to produce the new titanium alloy, the poor properties of the resulting material may render it unsuitable for practical engineering. Additive manufacturing effectively overcomes the limitations of traditional methods to improve alloy properties. The energy-intensive Kroll process, typically used to produce titanium alloys, generates off-grade sponge titanium, which accounts for approximately 10% of all sponge titanium, resulting in substantial waste and increased production costs. Additive manufacturing effectively addresses this problem by enabling the recycling of off-grade sponge titanium, converting the waste into powder for use as raw material. Dr Zibin CHEN, Assistant Professor of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at PolyU, an awardee of the Young Innovative Researcher Award 2022 and a leading author of the research, stated, “Our work can facilitate the recycling of more than 10% of the waste generated by the metal alloy production industry. This can significantly lower both material and energy costs for industries, contributing to environmental sustainability and carbon footprint reduction.” The research integrates alloy design, computational simulations, and experimental characterisation to explore the additive manufacturing process-microstructure-property space for the new titanium alloy (α–β Ti-O-Fe alloy). The study highlights that additive manufacturing enables the one-step production of complex and functional metal parts, thereby accelerating product development with reduced costs. Additionally, it can be used to fabricate metal parts with unique structures and compositions, which cannot be achieved using traditional methods. In terms of quality improvement, additive manufacturing allows for the adjustment of the microstructure of metal alloys, resulting in increased strength, flexibility, and resistance to corrosion and water. Furthermore, lightweight but strong metal parts with intricate internal patterns can be manufactured. This research breakthrough opens up possibilities for holistic and sustainable material design strategies facilitated by 3D printing. Prof. Keith K.C. CHAN, Chair Professor of Manufacturing Engineering at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at PolyU and a co-author of the study, noted, “This work can serve as a model or benchmark for other metal alloys that use 3D printing to enhance their properties and expand their applicability. Metal 3D printing is an emerging field, and it will take time before it is widely adopted in materials manufacturing.”   ***END***

24 Jul, 2023

Research & Innovation Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering

Prof Weixiong Zhang 2000x1050

PolyU awarded RGC Strategic Topics Grant to address societal needs in mental healthcare

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has received funding support from the Strategic Topics Grant (STG) 2023/24 of the Research Grants Council (RGC) for a health technology project aimed at promoting a new paradigm shift with creation of an integrated solution to address urgent mental healthcare needs. In Hong Kong, major psychiatric disorders (MPDs), such as major depressive disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, have a high prevalence rate of 13.3%. In addition, less than 40% of patients achieve complete symptoms control after initial treatment. Currently, the standard diagnosis criteria rely on cognitive and behavioural indicators. The PolyU project introduces an innovative and integrated strategy that utilises artificial intelligence (AI) and genomic and biomedical technology to support diagnosis, treatment planning and understanding of disease mechanisms. The project has been funded under the STG topic of using AI to address imminent challenges in healthcare, proposing an AI-based, data-driven approach to diagnosis and personalised therapy. Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) said, “Under this new RGC funding scheme, PolyU has received the highest funding allocation among all institutions to support our scholars in conducting interdisciplinary and collaborative research in areas pertinent to the strategic needs of Hong Kong. PolyU has been working with various sectors to provide solutions to societal challenges. This major funding received from the RGC demonstrates PolyU’s experience in mental health research and its strengths in translating academic research for the benefit of the society.” Prof. Weixiong ZHANG, Chair Professor of Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics at PolyU, leads the project “Integrated innovative artificial intelligence, and genomic and biomedical technologies in healthcare: Objective diagnosis, personalised therapy and determination the etiology of major mental disorders,” which has been awarded funding of over HK$37 million. With a strong academic and research background in interdisciplinary fields, Prof. Zhang is a professor at both the Department of Health Technology and Informatics and the Department of Computing at PolyU. He is also a Hong Kong Global STEM Professor. The project aims to revolutionise the approach to diagnosing complex diseases like MPDS by shifting from symptom-based diagnosis to AI-based, data-driven diagnosis, disease study and personalised therapy. It builds upon Prof. Zhang’s extensive research in heuristic search, planning and optimisation, as well as his innovative techniques in AI and big data. By combining these techniques with genomics and biomedical technologies that he has been studying over the years, the project seeks to develop medical explainable AI (XAI) solutions for MPD diagnosis, etiology disease study and personalised therapy. Prof. Zhang said, “This is a multidisciplinary project that responds to the urgent need for new technologies to improve mental healthcare in Hong Kong and beyond. The research team combines expertise from diverse fields such as computer science, biology and medicine, to address some fundamental challenges in complex disease studies.” The project will involve 20 investigators and collaborators from eight institutions in Hong Kong, the Mainland China and the United States. The STG has been set up to support collaborative research in specific areas which can help Hong Kong overcome imminent challenges and tap fast-evolving opportunities. The maximum duration of a project is five years. The ceiling of project cost per project to be awarded by the RGC is $40 million (excluding on-costs).   Details of the funded project Project Coordinator: Prof. Weixiong Zhang - Chair Professor in Bioinformatics & Integrative Genomics in the Department of Health Technology and Informatics and Department of Computing - Hong Kong Global STEM Professor Project Title: Integrated Innovative Artificial Intelligence, Genomic and Biomedical Technologies in Healthcare: Objective Diagnosis, Personalised Therapy, and Determining the Etiology of Major Mental Disorders Abstract:   The project proposes a paradigm shift from symptom-based diagnosis to AI-based, data-driven diagnosis and a personalised therapy approach. By integrating AI, genomics and biomedical technologies, the research team aims to create an explainable AI-enabled treatment planning system that can support reliable diagnosis and guide personalised repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy.   The research project encompasses three research focus (RF) areas: RF-1 : Identify genetic disease biomarkers and brain activity patterns to classify MPDs into distinct categories. RF-2 : Study the longitudinal impact of stress on diseases and their inheritance. RF-3 : Combine the findings of previous research focus areas by applying genetic biomarkers and brain patterns from RF-1 and the knowledge of disease mechanisms obtained from RF-2, so as to guide reliable diagnosis and personalised therapy, ultimately improving mental healthcare. * RGC provides 90% of the approved budget and the remaining 10% will be provided by coordinating university and collaborating universities. ***END***

19 Jul, 2023

Achievements Research and Innovation Office

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PolyU announces the establishment of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition to nurture food specialists and promote innovative and sustainable development

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) announced the establishment of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition (FSN), which is Hong Kong’s first UGC-funded academic department specialising in Food Science and Nutrition. To celebrate its inauguration, an International Conference on Food and Human Health was held at PolyU, followed by a Grand Opening Ceremony last week (13-14 July). More than 300 guests, including government officials, community leaders, industry partners, and staff attended the opening ceremony. Miss LAU Lee Kwan Vivian, Permanent Secretary for Environment and Ecology Bureau (Food Branch) of the HKSAR; Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; Prof. Wing-tak WONG, Acting President of PolyU; Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU; Prof. Raymond WONG, Dean of Faculty of Science of PolyU; and Prof. CHEN Sheng, Head of Department of Food Science and Nutrition of PolyU, officiated the ceremony. Since 21st century, the food supply has become a complex and specialised industrial process, with quality management being a key challenge throughout the entire food supply chain. In 2008, PolyU launched the self-financed BSc (Hons) in Food Safety and Technology to address the escalating concerns of food safety related to the outbreak of a number of large-scale food safety incidents. Based on the key pillars of Food Safety, Food Technology, Human Nutrition, and Chinese Medicine, FSN is dedicated to providing professionally crafted trainings to nurture food specialists. FSN is also focused on addressing health-related issues and pursuing impactful research to promote innovative and sustainable development that benefits the world and mankind. Miss Lau Lee Kwan said, “With the establishment of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, we expect that experts from relevant fields will come together to collaborate and share their knowledge and experience, making positive contributions to the development of innovative solutions to benefit society. We are also happy to see young professionals being groomed in the related fields.” Dr Lam Tai-fai said, “The new Department of Food Science and Nutrition is well positioned to become a centre of excellence in research, education, and outreach in the areas of food and human health. I am confident that the Department will make significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge in these areas for the betterment of society as a whole.” Two fascinating food projects were presented during the Grand Opening Ceremony. The first was an award-winning project on the AkkMore™ formula, which has been further developed into a low-calorie ice cream by Dr Gail CHANG, Research Assistant Professor of FSN. The second project was on modernised and sustainable mariculture at a demonstration farm, specifically the cultivation of grouper, by Dr Kevin KWOK, Associate Head of FSN. The grouper was served as one of the dishes at the Ceremony dinner. Prof. Raymond Wong said, “With the growing concern over food safety and sustainability, and nutrition-related health issues, our role has never been more important. Through the pursuit of excellence in holistic education, impactful research and knowledge transfer, we strive to contribute to the development of innovative solutions in Food Science and Nutrition for the betterment of our society.” Prof. Chen Sheng said, “We believe that the challenges we face in this field are multifaceted and require an interdisciplinary approach to tackle. That’s why our Department brings together scientists, nutritionists, engineers, and social scientists so that people with expertise in different areas can complement each other and work towards the common goal of improving human health.” FSN will work hand-in-hand with Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood) and Research Centre for Chinese Medicine Innovation (RCMI) to provide interdisciplinary solutions for major societal challenges through advanced research and knowledge transfer, creating positive impacts to improve the health and well-being of mankind. ***END***

18 Jul, 2023

Events Department of Food Science and Nutrition


Two PolyU projects awarded the RGC Theme-based Research Scheme funding

Two research projects led by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) have won close to HK$100 million funding from the Research Grants Council’s Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) 2023/24 to foster sustainable development for the city. Prof. Yi-Qing NI, Chair Professor of Smart Structures and Rail Transit in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, leads the project “INTACT: Intelligent Tropical-storm-resilient System for Coastal Cities,” which has been awarded funding of HK$48.293 million. Addressing the challenges posed by extreme winds and complex urban environments, Prof. Ni’s project aims to mitigate the risk of tropical storms for high-rise building clusters in coastal cities by developing a real-time early-warning and resilience system. Enabling development of a sustainable environment is the ultimate research goal, which is one of the TRS designated research themes. Prof. CAO Jiannong, Chair Professor of Distributed and Mobile Computing in the Department of Computing, leads another project “High-performance Collaborative Edge Computing Enabling Smart City Applications: Framework and Methodologies,” which has received funding of HK$50.821 million. Pushing forward the development of smart cities, Prof. Cao’s research aims to meet the requirements of advanced applications such as autonomous vehicles, industrial IoT and the metaverse, by developing a collaborative edge computing framework. The project has been funded under the designated research theme of advancing emerging research and innovations important to Hong Kong. Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) said, “PolyU is dedicated to transforming research excellence into impactful and practical innovations through multidisciplinary collaborations. This remarkable funding achievement is encouraging and highlights PolyU’s strategic importance in driving Hong Kong’s long-term development. Moving forward, we remain committed to providing all-round and in-depth support to our scholars, enabling them to address global challenges.” The TRS aims to focus the research efforts of UGC-funded universities on themes of strategic importance to the long-term development of Hong Kong. The maximum duration of a funded project is five years. Details of the two funded research projects: Project Coordinator Prof Yi-Qing Ni Director of the National Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Centre (Hong Kong Branch) Yim, Mak, Kwok & Chung Professor in Smart Structures Chair Professor of Smart Structures and Rail Transit in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Project Title INTACT: Intelligent Tropical-storm-resilient System for Coastal Cities Abstract Ongoing population growth and the impact of climate change pose heightened risks of typhoon and tropical storm-related hazards in coastal cities. Hong Kong was hit by Super Typhoon Mangkhut in 2018, causing significant disruption to the safety of the city and well-being of residents. The objective of this project is to minimize the losses caused by typhoons by establishing an intelligent tropical-storm-resilient system for coastal cities. The project will devise a framework that enables efficient and accurate assessment of turbulence flows from sparse measurements. It will also quantify urban-environment tropical storm risks that arise due to complex urban aerodynamics. The project will establish a real-time urban typhoon risk early-warning and management prototype that will be made accessible to the public for guiding effective emergency responses, such as evacuation measures and the temporary reinforcement of glass panels. The project outcomes will also lead to new methodologies and design codes/standards for high-rise buildings that are more resistant to tropical storms. This will in turn create a safer environment, benefiting the construction industries and developers, public and city planners in the long run. The fundamental scientific discoveries and technologies developed for Hong Kong’s complex urban environment will have easy transferability to other cities, including those in the GBA, and can serve as case models for global reference. Approved Budget* HK$48.293 million;   Project Coordinator Prof Jiannong Cao Dean of Graduate School Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Professor in Data Science Chair Professor of Distributed and Mobile Computing in the Department of Computing Project Title High-performance Collaborative Edge Computing Enabling Smart City Applications: Framework and Methodologies Abstract Existing edge computing projects focus on vertical collaboration among cloud, edge and end devices while neglecting horizontal edge-to-edge collaborations, which leads to unoptimised resource utilisation, restricted service coverage and uneven performance. This project aims to build a new smart city computing infrastructure enabled by collaborative edge computing with edge/cloud collaboration, city-scale edge network deployment and built-in AI services. The Collaborative Edge Computing Framework (CECF) proposed by this project aims to construct a future ubiquitous computing infrastructure by connecting, sharing and managing the resources of a large number of edge nodes. CECF provides new abstractions and functionalities for geo-distributed edge nodes to share computing and data resources and collaborate to perform application tasks, enabling advanced smart city applications. The project addresses many key challenges, including large-scale resource management, performance-guaranteed task scheduling, resource-aware edge AI and secure data sharing. It will ultimately enable emerging advanced smart city applications to flourish in HK and establish a first-mover advantage for the City in new computing infrastructure. Approved Budget* HK$50.821 million   *RGC provides 90% of the approved budget and the remaining 10% will be provided by the coordinating University.   ***END***

13 Jul, 2023

Achievements Research and Innovation Office


PolyU recognises six scholars with the Young Innovative Researcher Award

Talent is an important asset for the innovation and technology ecosystem. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is committed to supporting and encouraging young researchers. The Young Innovative Research Award 2023 recognises faculty members aged under 35 who have demonstrated research excellence in addressing global challenges. This year’s six young awardees are dedicated to research in fields that include renewable green energy, wearable medical rehabilitation devices, nanotechnology, soft materials to aid the visually impaired, human-machine collaborative manufacturing systems and information networks. Their research is geared towards constructing a sustainable future and improving human life, and showcases PolyU’s academic and research excellence in meeting societal demands and creating practical solutions. Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation), congratulated the awardees and said, “It gives me great pleasure to chair the award assessment panel for the second year running and witness the original and innovative research conducted by our young researchers. With a vision for a positive future, their remarkable work showcases novelty, contributes to technological advancement and drives transformational innovation towards solutions for addressing societal problems. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt congratulations to our exceptional awardees and express my pride in having them as particularly valued members of the PolyU community.”   The six awardees of the Young Innovative Researcher Award 2023 Awardee(s) Research Focus Dr Songhua CAI Assistant Professor Department of Applied Physics Research project Towards next-generation halide perovskites: In situ STEM characterizations assisted structure engineering Details This project aims to improve the lifespan and efficiency of perovskite solar cells by revealing the microscopic mechanisms that cause perovskite solar cell performance degradation in the working environment. The research results are expected to equip industry with the knowledge necessary to promote the practical application of perovskite solar cells. Dr Ho Lam HEUNG Research Assistant Professor Department of Building and Real Estate Research project Robot-assisted recovery system for stroke survivors Details The project focuses on developing a lightweight, wearable and easy-to-use medical-grade rehabilitation robotic exoskeleton. The system is designed to detect the movement intent of users and provide adaptive assistive force to empower joint movement. Regular use during rehabilitation training can aid in the reorganisation of the brain cortex and recovery of mobility. Dr Kai LENG Assistant Professor Department of Applied Physics Research project Scalable growth of 2D hybrid perovskite film Details A set of nanotechnology tools and methods has been developed for the molecularly thin 2D hybrid perovskite. Development has included preparation, materials transfer, atomic characterization and nano-device fabrication. Her team is currently focusing on achieving scalable growth for hybrid 2D perovskite monolayers and their integration into large-scale devices, to further enable the realisation of their impactful applications. Dr Yuan MA Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Research project Flexible surface haptics technology for aiding the visually impaired Details To help individuals with visual impairments interact with digital devices and the digital world more easily, this project aims to develop a novel touch feedback technology on soft materials that can generate various touch sensations. Advanced haptic technologies and artificial intelligence algorithms will be combined to create a more efficient and user-friendly experience. Dr Shuowen ZHANG Assistant Professor Department of Electronic and Information Engineering Research project Smart and reconfigurable 6G wireless networks aided by intelligent reflecting surfaces Details With the increase in the volume of mobile data traffic and emergence of mobile applications like virtual reality, this research focuses on intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) as a pivotal technology to achieve high data rates in 6G wireless communication networks. This project also aims to devise efficient IRS phase shift optimisation algorithms, thereby approaching the data rate limits of IRS-aided 6G networks in practice. Dr Pai ZHENG Assistant Professor Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Research project Towards futuristic human-machine symbiotic manufacturing system Details This project aims to establish a holistic human-machine symbiotic manufacturing environment by exploring manufacturing system technologies, immersive human-robot interaction mechanisms and robot learning methods. The environment will enable humans and machines/ robotics to more effectively and efficiently co-exist, collaborate and evolve together through improved collaborative intelligence.   ***END***

12 Jul, 2023

Achievements Research and Innovation Office


Design Infinity: Unfolding Creative Universes at the PolyU Design Show 2023

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design (PolyU Design) welcomes the general public, design enthusiasts and industry professionals to join the PolyU Design Show 2023. The Show, which runs from now until 25 October 2023 in the Jockey Club Innovation Tower on the PolyU campus, presents an array of creative design works by new-generation designers. This year's event is particularly meaningful as it represents a triumphant return to physical interaction after the pandemic, providing an opportunity to celebrate the enduring spirit of innovation and creativity. The Show is an annual event that has been a highlight for the creative and innovation industries in Hong Kong since the 1970s, this year showcasing more than 160 design projects created by students across various disciplines. It is open not only to those who are interested in design but also to individuals who are enthusiastic about improving their personal lives, businesses and societies through the application of cross-disciplinary creative approaches. The exhibits are the work of students from PolyU Design’s undergraduate programmes in Advertising Design, Communication Design, Digital Media, Environment and Interior Design, Interactive Media, Product Design and Social Design, as well as postgraduate programmes in Innovative Business Design, Intelligent Systems Design, Multimedia and Entertainment Technology, Smart Service Design and Transitional Environments Design. There are also cross-disciplinary and cooperative client projects on display. Prof. Kun-Pyo LEE, Dean of PolyU Design, said, “As one of the world’s top 20 tertiary institutions in art and design, PolyU Design will mark its diamond anniversary next year. The School has been an important hub of design education and research for Hong Kong since 1964. PolyU Design has long been nurturing designers who are not only innovative but also keep up with the trends in finding solutions to everyday problems.” With the theme “Grow to Discover. Expand to Show,” the exhibits address pressing issues that impact our day-to-day lives and reflect an amalgamation of innovative ideas and thorough user research. The projects not only demonstrate proficient application of design disciplines and technologies, but also reflect an understanding of social responsibility. Among the featured works are a customizable, digitised temple experience, a virtual time-travel experience to Lin Fa Kung in Tai Hang, a self-sustaining moisture harvester and a collaborative creative platform for DJs, among others. To find out more about the Show, please visit or connect with PolyU Design via social media using the hashtag #PolyUDesignShow23.   ***END***

11 Jul, 2023

Events School of Design


PolyU hosts Forum of the Belt and Road Alliance Founding Institutions

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) hosted the Forum of the Belt and Road Alliance Founding Institutions on 7 July 2023 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. Under the theme of “Jointly Building the Belt and Road”, the Forum was organised by PolyU’s Global Engagement Office, which brought together 18 scholars from the founding institutions of seven Belt and Road academic alliances to share insights on fostering talent development, knowledge transfer and research development for sustainable advancement of the Belt and Road countries. The alliances include the University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR), Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities (ASRTU), China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Consortium of Universities, University Consortium of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (UCMSR), Alliance of International Science Organisations in the Belt and Road Region (ANSO), ASEAN-China Network for Cooperation and Exchanges among Engineering and Technology Universities (ACNET-EngTech), and BRICS Universities League (BUL). In his welcoming remarks, Prof. Ben YOUNG, Vice President (Student and Global Affairs) of PolyU, said, “By leveraging our strong presence in the Mainland, and our expertise and strengths in education, research and knowledge transfer, PolyU has been playing an instrumental role in supporting the country’s Belt and Road Initiative to bring about positive changes in the region. Through this forum, we aim to exchange ideas and experiences with representatives from those academic alliances, in order to unlock opportunities for academic and research collaborations with Belt and Road universities.” Prof. Geoffrey Q.P. SHEN, Associate Vice President (Global Partnerships) and Chairman of PolyU’s Sub-Committee on Belt and Road Development, said, “PolyU is dedicated to advancing student exchange and academic collaboration with Belt and Road countries. We have co-founded and joined various Belt and Road alliances and are working closely with our partners on initiatives such as cultural exchange, mobility for students and faculty, professional training, and related services. We aim to further strengthen our collaboration with the Belt and Road alliances and their member institutions and contribute to the prosperous development of the Belt and Road.” The speakers included: Prof. XI Guang, Member of the University Council and Vice President at Xi’an Jiaotong University (Founding Institution and President of UASR); Prof. ZHEN Liang, Member of the University Council and Vice President of Harbin Institute of Technology (Founding Institution and President of ASRTU); Prof. FANG Ying, Vice President at Xiamen University (Founding Institution and President of UCMSR); Prof. CAO Jinghua, Executive Director of the Secretariat Office of ANSO; Associate Prof. ZHANG Jiegen, Director of the Pakistan Study Centre at Fudan University (Founding Institution and President of CPEC Consortium of Universities); Prof. SHEN Yi, Director of Centre for BRICS Studies at Fudan University (Founding Institution and President of BUL); and Prof. SU Rongxin, Deputy Dean of School of Marine Science and Technology at Tianjin University (Founding Institution and President of ACNET-EngTech). During the Forum, participants shared their experience and best practice on regional academic exchanges and research collaboration to advance the Belt and Road development. Additionally, discussions were held on the future development of alliances, industry-academia-research collaboration, and cooperation between universities and alliances. The participating institutions have released the “Joint Consensus of the Belt and Road Alliance Founding Institutions Forum,” committing to collectively work towards the high-quality development of the Belt and Road. The full text of the Consensus is available here (Chinese version only). PolyU has built robust partnerships with tertiary and research institutions worldwide to advance its education, research and knowledge transfer impact around the globe. Actively strengthening its international networks to support the Belt and Road Initiative, PolyU is not only the Co-founder and Vice-President of UASR, but also a member of ASRTU, CPEC Consortium of Universities, UCMSR, and ACNET-EngTech.   ***END***

10 Jul, 2023

Events Global Engagement Office


PolyU’s latest publication, Comprehensive Exercise Guide for All, promotes the right way of exercising

Established recently by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), the PolyU Press has published a new title entitled Comprehensive Exercise Guide for All with the aim of promoting basic knowledge about exercising and providing appropriate exercise suggestions for people of different health needs The publication of the book was sponsored by Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund, and was co-edited by Prof. Amy FU, Peter Hung Professor in Pain Management, Associate Head and Professor of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of PolyU, and Prof. Gabriel NG, former Chair Professor and Head of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of PolyU. Many experts from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences also contributed articles to the book. The book launch was attended by Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; Dr Miranda LOU, Executive Vice President of PolyU; Dr Katherine NGAN, Court Chairman of PolyU; Ms Jasmie MONG, Senior Manager of Shun Hing Group; Mr Justin MONG, Executive Assistant of Shun Hing Group; together with PolyU’s Council and Court members, Foundation members, elite student-athletes, as well as other guests. At the book launch, Prof. Amy Fu and one of the contributors of the book, Dr Shirley NGAI, Associate Professor of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of PolyU, along with YIP Tak-long, an elite student-athlete of PolyU, exchanged ideas with attendees, sharing common knowledge about exercising and “why” and “how” to exercise for chronic low back pain and enhancements on cardiopulmonary functions. In her address, Dr Miranda Lou said, “The Department of Rehabilitation Sciences has been designing exercise solutions with targeted curative effects based on their professional knowledge in the fields of both medical and sports science. For many years, PolyU has been highly supportive of sports development, encouraging students to unleash their talents in sports while supporting sports science. The Research Institute for Sports Science and Technology (RISports) was founded under the PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) to promote interdisciplinary collaboration in the field of sports, with the goal of strengthening our research capacity in sports.” Prof. Amy Fu said, “We sincerely hope this book can help readers understand how to improve personal health and raise exercise performance through appropriate exercise training and changes in personal habits. We also hope to transfer and popularise the research efforts of the University, promoting ‘target-oriented’ exercises to improve public health.” The main aim of establishing the PolyU Press is to motivate more PolyU scholars to share their teaching and research efforts, thereby contributing to wider society.   ***END***

7 Jul, 2023

Events Department of Rehabilitation Sciences


Global Competition PolyHack 2023 Concludes with Outstanding Innovations and Collaboration

PolyHack 2023, a global student-led hackathon and ideathon competition jointly organised by PolyHack, Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office (KTEO) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), successfully concluded on 24 June. The 2-week competition brought together more than 700 talented individuals from over 80 regions, fostering innovation, collaboration, and technological advancements on an international scale. The competition served as a platform for talented individuals to harness their creativity and technical prowess, focusing on the domains of artificial intelligence (AI), financial technology (FinTech), smart city, and Internet of things (IoT). PolyHack is a competition initiated and organised by a group of PolyU students in 2022. Organised as a hybrid event, participants can choose to join online or physically in Hong Kong. PolyHack invites all students, regardless of major and discipline, to join the event individually or form a team with complementary skills to create a well-rounded project. The event features an inspiring series of talks by industry leaders, where esteemed professionals shared their insights on emerging tech trends and opportunities. Workshops and mentorship sessions further enriched the participants' knowledge and skillsets, equipping them with the necessary tools to tackle complex challenges and refine their project concepts. Mr JaeYoun KIM, Lead, PolyHack 2023, said, “PolyHack is made for the students by the students. With the experience of joining different competitions, we wanted to create a rewarding and playful journey for our global student community, fostering true collaboration, networking, and inclusivity. This will not be possible without the support of PolyU KTEO and HKSTP. Not to mention the generous sponsorship from our diamond sponsors Chinachem Group and Huawei, platinum sponsors Deloitte Digital and ServiceNow, and silver sponsor RS Grassroots. We are excited for all the innovation seen in this competition, and we look forward to being back with a bigger and better PolyHack 2024 with the support from our sponsors and partners next year.” Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation), PolyU, said, “PolyU takes great pride in fostering an ecosystem that encourages entrepreneurship, innovation, and research from students to graduates, alumni, teachers, researchers, and our staff members. PolyHack is a very good example. It has brought together bright minds from high schools and universities worldwide, focusing on three vital domains this year – artificial intelligence, financial technology, and smart city. These themes embody the important elements of our rapidly evolving world, where innovation is the key to addressing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. As we witness the remarkable ideas and projects that have emerged from PolyHack 2023, I am filled with hope and excitement to the future. Our young innovators embraced the spirit of enquiry, collaboration, and critical thinking. They have harnessed their diverse backgrounds, skills, and perspectives to propose solutions that have potential to shape the world we live in, to make an impact on our world and society.” Mr Raymond CHU, Associate Director of University Collaborations, HKSTP, said, “HKSTP endeavours to catalyse the growth of local technology start-ups and support universities at the upper stream of the innovation and technology ecosystem value chain to transfer technology and translate academic research into commercialised products. We congratulate all the winners and participants of PolyHack 2023, which aims to foster a new generation of talents with cross-disciplinary expertise, and from over 80 regions. These young and aspiring innovators hold the future in their hands and we're excited to see how they will chart society's progress and power new growth for Hong Kong and other cities worldwide.” The competition follows a three-phase competition structure, namely Qualifiers, Ideation & Implementation, and Final Pitching. To qualify, participants must complete at least one of the Capture The Flags-like puzzles and challenges. In the main competition, individuals or teams are asked to submit their project proposals that tackle the problem statement of the chosen domain. Through a rigorous evaluation process, a select group of participants are then advanced to the Implementation Phase, where a technical prototype is submitted. For finalists, they are required to pitch and showcase the solutions developed during the competition. The judging panel, comprised of experts from industry and academia, evaluated the projects according to the triple-line judging system, encompassing technical excellence, business viability, and innovation. The winners of PolyHack 2023 were selected based on their exceptional performance and groundbreaking solutions. The distinguished winners of PolyHack 2023 are as follows: First Place: ALGA Second Place: Birru Third Place: GoPark Special recognition was also given to outstanding teams and individuals in specific categories: Best AI Award: ALGA Best Fintech Award: FlexiChange Best IoT Award: Birru Entrepreneurship Award: Aquila Best Deloitte Digital Award: ALGA Best ServiceNow Award: Tech Dragon Best Chinachem Group Award: Visionerse Best Huawei Award: The Great Wave in Kanagawa Best GIS Award: GoPark, Eastern Spice, JoePickTeam, hellowhat Top Qualifiers Phase Award: Yijun Gu The Merit Awards were presented to the following teams for their commendable contributions, in alphabetical order: Banh Giò BreathEZ Crusaders Curltai CyberHealthy DeezNuclearLamas Demiurges Dev Beans FUN Lone warrior MKPA nameless RiseUpSquad SEntralians Sleepless Unhackable Utshob PolyHack, PolyU, and HKSTP extend their appreciation to all participants for their remarkable efforts and contributions. The organisers would also like to acknowledge the support of various stakeholders who played a crucial role in making PolyHack 2023 a resounding success. For more information, please visit the PolyHack website ( About PolyHack Driven by a shared passion for innovation and a commitment to fostering a dynamic learning environment, the PolyHack committee stands at the forefront of organizing the remarkable PolyHack event. Led by JaeYoun Kim (Lead), Romeo Ng (External Vice-Lead), Sollal Fouilland (Internal Vice-Lead), and Matthew Kong (Technical Vice-Lead), the committee is comprised of a diverse group of talented students from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University with majors in computer science, mechanical engineering, business, and design. With a collective vision to inspire creativity, collaboration, diversity, and technological advancement, we work tirelessly to curate an unparalleled experience for participants. As avid problem solvers and forward-thinkers ourselves, we understand the aspirations and challenges faced by fellow students, ensuring that every aspect of PolyHack is meticulously crafted to provide an empowering platform for innovation, networking, and personal growth. Together, we strive to create an atmosphere where budding talents can unleash their full potential and shape the future of technology. About The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) aspires to be an innovative world-class university with a strong sense of social responsibility, driven by its motto, “To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind”. The University provides the best holistic education to nurture socially responsible “leaders of tomorrow” who possess a strong sense of national identity and a global perspective, and pursues impactful innovation and interdisciplinary research to address the world’s most pressing challenges. A robust culture of knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship is a cornerstone of the University, ensuring PolyU’s technologies are transformed into practical real-world applications. The University's unwavering commitment to excellence has earned it international recognition, with PolyU consistently ranking among the top 100 universities worldwide. Based on this solid foundation, the University will continue to make positive contributions in collaboration with its strategic partners for the betterment of Hong Kong, the Nation, and the world. About Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) has for over 20 years committed to building up Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology hub to propel success for local and global pioneers today and tomorrow. HKSTP has established a thriving I&T ecosystem that supported over 10 unicorns and Hong Kong’s leading R&D hub with nearly 13,000 research professionals and over 1,300 technology companies focused on healthtech, AI and robotics, fintech and smart city technologies. Established in 2001, we attract and nurture talent, accelerate and commercialise innovation and technology for entrepreneurs on their journey of growth in Hong Kong, to the Greater Bay Area, Asia and beyond. Our growing innovation ecosystem is built around our key locations of Hong Kong Science Park in Shatin, InnoCentre in Kowloon Tong and three modern InnoParks in Tai Po, Tseung Kwan O and Yuen Long. The three InnoParks are realising a vision of new industrialisation for Hong Kong. The goal is sectors like advanced manufacturing, electronics and biotechnology are being reimagined for a new generation of industry. Through our infrastructure, services, expertise and network of partnerships, HKSTP will help establish innovation and technology as a pillar of growth for Hong Kong, while reinforcing Hong Kong’s international I&T hub status as a launchpad for global growth at the heart of the GBA innovation powerhouse. More information about HKSTP is available at   ***END***

6 Jul, 2023

Events Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office


PolyU, Tsinghua University and the University of Macau organise tripartite exchange programme to promote Chinese culture

The Research Centre for Chinese History and Culture of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), established on 17 January this year, successfully held its inaugural event from 26 to 30 June. The Research Centre jointly organised an academic and cultural exchange programme with Tsinghua University and the University of Macau, enabling students from Beijing, Hong Kong and Macau to engage in Chinese historical and cultural exchange. The exchange programme provided an important platform for students to explore modern Chinese history, new perspectives on traditional Chinese culture, and deepen professional learning in the context of national development. PolyU was honoured to receive strong support from Tsinghua University’s Rixin College and Faculty of Humanities, and the University of Macau’s Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Approximately 70 teachers and students from the three universities gathered in Hong Kong to participate in the five-day exchange programme. In addition to lectures, participating students were tasked with writing a 3,000- to 5,000-word paper on one of three topics: 1) Modern China and the World; 2) Modern China: Thought, Culture and History; or 3) New Interpretations of Traditional China. Students then presented their papers for discussion with instructors and peers. The Research Centre arranged excursions for teachers and students to cultural sites including the Sheung Wan Heritage Trail, West Kowloon Cultural District, Hong Kong Palace Museum, Tai Kwun and The Peak. These visits provided first-hand experience of Hong Kong’s modern historical and cultural developments.   Dr Louis Ng, Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum (4th from left) and Mr Kenneth Ng King-tsun, General Manager, Communications and Public Affairs of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (1st from left) introduced the Hong Kong Palace Museum and cultural facilities of the West Kowloon Cultural District to participants.   Dr LAM Tai-fai, Chairman of PolyU’s Council and Advisory Committee Chairman of The Research Centre for Chinese History and Culture, said, “The Research Centre is committed to enhancing young people’s interest in Chinese culture and their awareness of national identity. Through this exchange programme and other upcoming activities, we hope participating students will gain a deeper understanding of China, build national pride, and contribute to the Nation’s development.” He added, “Moving forward, the Research Centre will continue establishing close partnerships with Tsinghua University and the University of Macau for cooperation in education, research, and innovation. This includes co-hosting high-level academic symposia, developing Chinese history learning materials, and providing teacher training - all with the aim of promoting Chinese culture together.”   PolyU held the Opening Ceremony of the Research Centre for Chinese History and Culture on 17 January 2023. The ceremony was officiated by Mr Kevin Yeung Yun-hung, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism (3rd from left), and Mr Zhang Guoyi, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Publicity, Cultural and Sports Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government (3rd from right). They were joined by Dr Lam Tai-fai (2nd from left), Prof. Jin-Guang Teng (2nd from right), Prof. Wing-tak Wong (1st from left), and Prof. Li Ping (1st from right).   The Research Centre signed an MoU with the Institute of Humanities of Tsinghua University on 17 January 2023. Mr Kevin Yeung (rear, 3rd from left), Mr Zhang Guoyi (rear, 4th from left), and leaders of PolyU and Tsinghua University witnessed the signing by Prof. Li Ping (left, seated) and Prof. Zhong Weimin, Chairman of the Department of History, Tsinghua University (right, seated). PolyU witnesses (rear): Dr Lam Tai-fai (2nd from left), Prof. Jin-Guang Teng (5th from left), Prof. Wing-tak Wong (1st from left), Executive Vice President Dr Miranda Lou (6th from left). Tsinghua University witnesses (rear): Prof. Peng Gang, Vice President (3rd from right); Prof. NI Yuping, Associate Dean of the School of Humanities (4th from right), and the Department of History’s Prof. A Feng (2nd from right), Dr Gu Tao (5th from right), Dr Sun Zhengjun (1st from right), and Dr Huang Zhengping (6th from right). *** END ***

5 Jul, 2023

Events Faculty of Humanities

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