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PolyU wins three TechConnect Global Innovation Awards

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) won three "Global Innovation Awards" at the TechConnect Business Virtual Summit and Showcase 2020 (TechConnect). It is the fourth year that PolyU research teams snatched the prestigious awards at the world's largest multi-sector event for fostering development and commercialisation of innovations. The TechConnect Global Innovation Awards identify the top 15% of submitted technologies based on their potential positive impact on a specific industry sector. Over 400 submissions were received this year including those from global top-notch universities and technology enterprises. Only 13 were presented with the global awards designated for non-US-funded innovations across the world; and PolyU received three of them. Other awardees include global-renowned institutes such as The University of Melbourne and The University of British Columbia.

18 Nov, 2020

Achievements Innovation and Technology Development Office


“Intergenerational Play Space Design Competition - Prosperous Garden” Showcases Innovative Winning Projects

Jointly organised by the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (JCDISI) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS), the “Intergenerational Play Space Design Competition - Prosperous Garden” has successfully concluded and the award presentation ceremony was held today (14 November). The competition is one of the action projects under the PolyU Jockey Club “Operation SoInno” programme.

14 Nov, 2020

Events Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation


PolyU scholar receives Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award

Professor Xiao-ming TAO, Chair Professor of Textile Technology and Director of the Research Centre for Smart Wearable Technology, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), was honoured with the 13th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). The award presentation ceremony was held in Beijing today (8 November). The biennial award is China’s most prestigious award for Chinese engineers and scientists who have made significant contributions to engineering technology and engineering management. Since the establishment of the award in 1996, more than 250 individuals from across the spectrum of engineering disciplines have been recognised for their outstanding achievements. This year, 41 awardees were selected from 296 candidates and Professor TAO is one of the three award recipients from Hong Kong. All the three Hong Kong awardees were nominated by the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES).  

8 Nov, 2020

Achievements Faculty of Science


Professor Wing-tak Wong appointed as next Deputy President and Provost of PolyU

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today announced the appointment of Professor Wing-tak WONG to the post of Deputy President and Provost (DP) with effect from 1 December 2020 to succeed Ir. Professor Ping-kong Alexander WAI, who will start his final leave on the same day prior to leaving PolyU in early 2021. Professor Wong has extensive management experience and an in-depth understanding of PolyU. He has held various leadership and management positions at the University, including Head of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (2009-2015) and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles (2015-present). Professor Wong is also the Chair Professor of Chemical Technology, and serves as Director of the University Research Facility in Chemical and Environmental Analysis and as Deputy Dean of PolyU’s Shenzhen Research Institute. Professor Wong is an accomplished scientist with outstanding research achievements. He has published papers in various prestigious academic journals, including Nature Communications, PNAS, and Chemical Sciences. He has played a vital part in establishing four state-of-the-art University Research Facilities, namely Materials Characterisation & Device Fabrication, Life Sciences, Big Data Analytics, and Chemical and Environmental Analysis. He was a key driver in setting up the Food Safety and Technology Research Centre in 2011 to address the societal need for professional advice on food related issues. Professor Wong has also played a prominent role in developing three well-received Master of Science degree programmes, four Bachelor of Science degree programmes, as well as the Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles Entry Scholarship in 2017 that aims to elevate student intake quality. Dr. LAM Tai Fai, Council Chairman of PolyU, said, “Professor Wong is an outstanding leader who has led his Faculty to achieve remarkable and well-recognised results during his tenure as Dean. We are confident that with his wealth of management experience, leadership vision, as well as his understanding of the University and the higher education landscape, Professor Wong will continue to contribute to the development of PolyU in his new role.” President Professor Jin-Guang TENG, said, “PolyU will benefit immensely from Professor Wong’s rich experience and exceptional track record as a world-class scholar and a seasoned academic leader. With his deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by the higher education sector in Hong Kong and beyond, he will be able to reinforce PolyU’s pursuit of excellence in education, research, and knowledge transfer for the benefit of our community, the nation and the world.” The President also expressed his gratitude to Professor Wai for his outstanding contributions to PolyU and wished him great success in his new endeavors. Professor Wong received a Bachelor of Science degree with first-class honours in 1986 and a Master of Philosophy degree in 1988 from The University of Hong Kong. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridge in 1991. Prior to joining PolyU, Professor Wong was a Chair Professor in the Department of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong, where he began his career as a lecturer in Chemistry in 1991.  

5 Nov, 2020

Others Communications and Public Affairs Office

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PolyU IAA hosts Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project Online Public Forum on Respect and Social Inclusion Exploring ways to promote a positive image of the elderly to build a culture of respect and inclusion in our society

The Institute of Active Ageing (“IAA”) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (“PolyU”) organised an online public forum on "Respect and Social Inclusion" yesterday (29 October 2020), with an attendance of around 220 participants from different sectors. As part of the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project ("JCAFC Project"), the forum invited experts and guests to share their views on future trends and developments of an age-friendly city, with the aim of helping the public to have a better understanding about the needs of the elderly and to give recognition to their contributions. It is hoped that by promoting a positive image of the elderly, we are able to nurture an age-friendly culture that values respect and inclusion. Ms Irene LEUNG, Head of Charities (Trust-Initiated Projects Management) of The Hong Kong Jockey Club delivered the opening remark at the forum. “The Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project has carried out about 140 community projects and benefited over 114,000 people, which has helped spread an age-friendly message in our society with encouraging results. This public forum allows different stakeholders and the elderly to exchange views and discuss the importance of ‘respect and social inclusion’ for improving the quality of life of the elderly. I hope that people from all walks of life will continue to actively participate and support and work together to build a culture of ‘respect and social inclusion’ for the elderly, so as to build Hong Kong into an age-friendly city,” said Ms Leung. In the keynote presentation, Dr LAM Ching-choi, Chairman of the Elderly Commission, shared his views on the opportunities and challenges in building a positive image for the elderly, while Dr Alma AU, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Social Studies of PolyU shared the findings and their implications of the baseline assessment related to respect and social inclusion under the JCAFC Project. During the panel discussion, Dr BAI Xue, Director of IAA and Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences of PolyU served as a moderator to facilitate the discussion on ways to promote a positive image of older people so as to nurture a culture of respect and social inclusion in our community. Panelists that participated were: Dr LAM Ching-choi, Chairman of the Elderly Commission; Mr CHU Man-kin, Ricky, Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission; Ms SZETO Wai-chu, Rachel, Chief Officer (Elderly Service) of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service; Mr CHAN Ho-man, Herman, Co-Founder & Executive Director of Eldpathy; Ms Zip CHEUNG, Founder & CEO, OHH Dear Communications; and Mr CHUNG Yiu-kwong, Alonzo, Ambassador of the JCAFC Project. An interactive session was arranged during the forum where participants could express their views on different topics related to respect and social inclusion. The JCAFC Project has been initiated and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust since 2015. In partnership with the gerontology research institutes of four local universities, the Project aims to address the challenges and opportunities of the ageing population in Hong Kong through different public education programmes including a series of public forums. In a cross-district baseline assessment on age-friendliness commissioned by the Project, public comments on the city’s age-friendliness were collected from respondants aged 18 or above, via 9,785 questionnaires and more than 90 focus groups. Findings revealed that among the eight domains of an age-friendly city identified by the World Health Organization ("WHO"), namely Outdoor spaces and buildings, Transportation, Housing, Social participation, Respect and social inclusion, Civic participation and employment, Communication and information, and Community support and health services, Respect and social inclusion was ranked third. The elderly in Hong Kong are in general treated with respect and friendliness, and are able to maintain a harmonious relationship with their neighbourhood and the younger generation. Furthermore, inclusive services such as discounts and priority queues are available for older people, and they can share their views on community issues by reaching out to District Council members and participating in meetings at elderly centres or estate committees. Nevertheless, acts of disrespect and neglect still exist and are yet to be improved. PolyU IAA has produced a booklet with local and overseas examples about promoting respect and social inclusion, as well as recommendations for improving the image of the elderly. To have a better understanding about how to build an age-friendly community, please visit:   *****End*****

30 Oct, 2020

Events Faculty of Health and Social Sciences


PolyU hosted “Global Youth Leaders Summit 2020” to re-connect young minds around the world despite global distancing

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) organised the "Global Youth Leaders Summit 2020" (“the Summit”) online with the overarching theme of "Transforming Crisis into Re-connection" last Saturday (24 October). The Summit attracted an audience of over 350 participants from over 10 countries and regions, including Australia, Belgium, Cambodia, Japan, Mainland China, Rwanda, South Korea, Sweden, Tanzania, the US and the UK, etc. It was followed by two interactive virtual platforms: a 24-hour “Global Re-connection Hackathon” and a “Global Reflection Workshop”, which were attended by 80 students nominated by over 10 institutions, who displayed innovation and creativity in their responses to the current pressing global challenges.

28 Oct, 2020

Events Service-Learning and Leadership Office


PolyU to host a Webinar at “Hong Kong FinTech Week 2020” to explore ways to address the talent need of the FinTech industry and support the fast-paced development in the Greater Bay Area

Asia’s annual flagship fintech event, “Hong Kong FinTech Week”, will take place from 2 to 6 November 2020, featuring a variety of online events which aim to connect experts from around the world to discuss the future trends and challenges of the fintech industry. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) will organise a webinar on the first day of “Hong Kong FinTech Week”, inviting renowned speakers from the industry to share their insights into the outlook of fintech in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and explore ways to foster exchanges and collaboration among cities. The speakers will also discuss strategies to facilitate talent development and find solutions to cope with the rising demand for talent driven by the rapidly developing fintech industry, so as to position Hong Kong as a strong support force for the development of fintech in the Greater Bay Area. Hong Kong is now home to more than 600 fintech companies, about 10% more than in 2019. More than half of these companies have indicated that they are operating in or plan to expand into other parts of the Greater Bay Area, or view Hong Kong as a base for global expansion. Alongside the steady growth of the local fintech community, several virtual banks have officially launched their services this year. The fast-growing fintech market in the Greater Bay Area has led to a huge demand for manpower. PolyU is committed to providing fintech education and training for people of various academic backgrounds and experience, with a full spectrum of fintech related programmes available, including: BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence, MSc in Information Technology, Master of Finance, Master of Science in Business Analytics, Doctor of FinTech, and the Certified Financial Technologist (CFT) Examination Preparation Programme. In addition, PolyU launched the “AMTD FinTech Centre of PolyU Faculty of Business” in 2018 to promote university-industry collaboration, which aims to make significant contributions to the fintech industry. PolyU’s Department of Computing is also devoted to undertaking research on the technologies that are critical to the development of fintech, such as blockchain, cybersecurity, machine learning, and produce impactful outputs. Professor Wilson TONG, Director of AMTD FinTech Centre of PolyU Faculty of Business cum Programme Director of Doctor of FinTech, said, “As a regional fintech hub and a super connector, Hong Kong plays a vital role in training and developing a talent pool to support the long-term development of the fintech market in the Greater Bay Area. In view of this, PolyU offers a relatively comprehensive fintech-related programmes to keep our students abreast of latest fintech development. With its unique inter-disciplinary curriculum and close connections with the industry, the University aims to equip our students with essential knowledge and skillsets so that they can be well-prepared and well-equipped to ride on this upcoming mega trend of fintech innovation and digital transformation .” PolyU will host a Webinar titled “FinTech Development and Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area” during the Hong Kong FinTech Week 2020. For registration, please go to   APPENDIX – “Fintech Development and Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area” Webinar Date: 2 November 2020 (Monday) Time: 2-5 pm Language: English   Time Topic Speaker 2:00 pm Welcome Introduction Prof Wilson Tong Director, AMTD FinTech Centre of PolyU, Faculty of Business, PolyU 2:05 pm Opening Remarks Dr Miranda Lou Executive Vice President, PolyU Session One: Talent Development 2:10 pm Introduction of PolyU’s Fintech Programmes Panel Discussion Programme leaders of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes Session Two: Outlook for Financial Services 3:00 pm FinTech Development in China Dr Jichuan Yang Former CEO, Hfax 3:20 pm ASTRI’s Fintech Research Programme and GBA Bearings Dr Martin Szeto Chief Operation Officer, ASTRI 3:40 pm Shenzhen – a Partner or Competitor of Hong Kong in Fintech Industry? Chris Shi Executive President, Asia Pacific (Ex-China), Tenwit Financial Technology 4:00 pm Development of Virtual Assets & Digital Currencies Mr Paul Pong Chairman, The Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia (IFTA) 4:20 pm Fintech Development and Opportunities in GBA Moderator: Dr Dicky Shek Professor of Practice (Management Information Systems), PolyU Panelists: Ms Michelle Li CEO, AMTD Digital Dr Henry Chan Associate Professor & Associate Head, Department of Computing, PolyU Dr Steven Wei Deputy Director, AMTD FinTech Centre of PolyU, Faculty of Business, PolyU Mr Ken Lo Deputy Chairman, BC Technology Group Dr Derek Chung Veteran banker, life member of DBA Alumni Association, PolyU 5:00 pm Closing Remarks Prof Wilson Tong Director, AMTD FinTech Centre of PolyU, Faculty of Business, PolyU   ***** END *****

27 Oct, 2020

Events Institute for Entrepreneurship


PolyU researcher honoured with Green Talents Award by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Dr Amos Darko, a PhD graduate and currently a Research Assistant Professor of Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), was recently honoured with a Green Talents Award in the Green Talents Competition 2020 organised by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Over 580 talents from 87 countries across the globe took part in the competition. The award, granted to young researchers with outstanding contribution in making the world more sustainable, recognises Dr Darko's accomplishments in adopting and promoting green building technologies in the developing world. Dr Darko successfully mapped out a novel "Implementation Strategy" in his PhD research. In Ghana, a developing country and Dr Darko's home country, green building technologies adoption is often hindered by high costs and lack of government incentives. Dr Darko's study investigated the issues and adopted strategies from developed countries, while recognising the challenges of the Ghanaian context. The jury of German experts was impressed by Dr Darko as an engaged scientist who conducts research on a highly relevant issue, especially for developing countries with their often young and growing populations. At PolyU, our researchers are committed to research excellence and address global challenges with innovation. From breakthroughs to scientific discoveries, our researches seek to expand human knowledge, address societal needs and positively impact the world around us. About the Green Talents Award Every year, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) hosts the prestigious Green Talents Competition – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development to promote the international exchange of innovative green ideas from various research fields. The Competition focuses on outstanding young scientists who are active in the field of sustainable development.   ***** END *****

23 Oct, 2020

Achievements Faculty of Construction and Environment

PolyU_Info Day

Education Info Day 2020 to be held online on 10 October to offer updated information and study advice

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) will hold an online Education Info Day on 10 October 2020 (Saturday), to provide students with the most up-to-date information about its full-time undergraduate and higher diploma programmes. A series of online seminars, video shows, sharing sessions and consultations with PolyU academics and student ambassadors will also be arranged to help prospective students plan for their further studies at the University. Starting from the 2020/21 admission exercise, PolyU has revised the mechanism for converting score points for results at Levels 5**, 5* and 5 of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) subjects. Student can obtain more information regarding this mechanism at the Info Day. For the 2020/21 academic year, PolyU has attained a remarkable admissions profile. Among the undergraduates admitted, 251 scored at least 5** in one subject, with both Chinese and English at level 3 or above, in the DSE examination. Amongst JUPAS applicants admitted this year, the average score for the Best 5 DSE subjects is 24.1*. Eleven admittees from BSc(Hons) Physiotherapy, BSc(Hons) Occupational Therapy and BSc(Hons) Radiography, achieved 5** in three subjects. Details of the average DSE scores for PolyU’s 2020/21 admittees will be released on 10 October 2020 at Study@PolyU ( Among the PolyU’s 45 full-time public-funded undergraduate programmes, “Scheme in Design” was the most popular, being chosen by 562 JUPAS applicants as their first choice. “Nursing” and “Hotel Management” placed second and third, attracting 518 and 399 applicants respectively. More than 91% of PolyU admittees this year chose the University’s programmes as their Band A choices. PolyU Education Info Day 2020 will start at 9:30 a.m. and run until 5:30 p.m. on 10 October. Academic staff and student ambassadors will be online to offer advice on admission and programme details for prospective applicants, and to share their experience of campus life. Highlights of the event include: one JUPAS admissions talk for Secondary Six students; two admissions talks for non-JUPAS applicants; around 75 information seminars organized by various academic faculties, schools and departments; an online admissions chat box ; and a sharing session conducted by PolyU’s outstanding sportsmen. For more details of the PolyU Education Info Day 2020, please visit:   End ****** *In 2020-21, new conversion scores are adopted for Level 5 or above results of HKDSE subjects. HKDSE level attainments are converted to score points where Level 5**=8.5, 5*=7, 5=5.5, 4=4, 3=3, 2=2, 1=1 and Unclassified=0

6 Oct, 2020

Teaching & Learning Academic Registry


PolyU flag-raising ceremony in commemoration of the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today held a flag-raising ceremony on campus in commemoration of the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Dr Lam Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU, Professor Jin-Guang Teng, President of PolyU and Dr Katherine Ngan Ng Yu-ying, Court Chairman of PolyU together with several hundred guests including Council and Court members, senior management, staff and students attended the ceremony to show support for the continued development of our Nation as well as the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

1 Oct, 2020

Events Communications and Public Affairs Office

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