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Media Releases

The Chairmen of the Councils of the UGC Funded Universities issue the following statement

The Chairmen of the Councils of the UGC Funded Universities issue the following statement: As residents of Hong Kong, we enjoy the protection provided by the state, and in turn have a reciprocal obligation to protect the state by supporting the introduction of legislation which prohibits criminal acts that threaten the existence of the state. We therefore support the national security laws which will operate under the principle of “one country, two systems,” to better ensure universities can continue to create knowledge through research and learning. Mr Lester Huang, Chairman of the Council of City University of Hong Kong Dr Clement Chen, Chairman of the Council of Hong Kong Baptist University Mr Andrew Yao Cho-fai, Chairman of the Council of Lingnan University Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Chairman of the Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang, Chairman of the Council of The Education University of Hong Kong Dr Lam Tai-fai, Chairman of the Council of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Mr Andrew Liao, Chairman of the Council of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Professor Arthur Li, Chairman of the Council of The University of Hong Kong (Listed in alphabetical order of university titles)

1 Jun, 2020

Others Communications and Public Affairs Office

Statement by University Heads

The following is our statement regarding the national security legislation for Hong Kong to be enacted by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress: The stability and prosperity of our country and our city are of paramount importance to the future of our younger generation. A safe and stable social environment, a robust legal system, the rule of law, maintenance of law and order, as well as inclusiveness and diversity are key to Hong Kong’s long-term development. We fully support “One Country, Two Systems”, understand the need for national security legislation, and value the freedom of speech, of the press, of publication, of assembly, and other rights the Basic Law confers upon the people of Hong Kong.  Our universities will continue to stand fast in upholding the principles of academic freedom and institutional autonomy, as well as promoting academic excellence and embracing diversity, and contributing to society. Prof. Leonard K CHENG, President, Lingnan University  Prof. Rocky S. TUAN, Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong  Prof. Stephen Y. L. CHEUNG, President, The Education University of Hong Kong  Prof. TENG Jin-Guang, President, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  Prof. ZHANG Xiang, President and Vice-Chancellor, The University of Hong Kong (Listed in alphabetical order of university titles)

1 Jun, 2020

Others Communications and Public Affairs Office

press release_2000x1050

PolyU to hold online "PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day 2020: Admissions Strategies" and to adopt flexiblility towards the minimum score requirement for admission via JUPAS

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) will hold the "PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day 2020: Admissions Strategies" online in the afternoon of 30 May (2-5pm, Saturday). During the Consultation Day, Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) applicants will obtain the latest update on PolyU’s programmes. This will be useful for them when re-evaluating programme choices they have made and amending any choices by 3 June, before the release of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) results. Registration is required on or before 26 May via Places are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The PolyU Academic Registry will arrange an online seminar during the Consultation Day on “admissions strategies and interview skills”, which will focus on the latest admissions arrangements, key considerations in programme selection and essential interview skills. Academic units will organise a series of online programme information seminars and Q&A sessions during the Consultation Day. JUPAS applicants will have ample opportunity to understand the entrance requirements, curricula and programme features, and student life of their preferred disciplines/programmes. “PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day” has been successfully held over the years. Over 3,000 attendees, including JUPAS applicants, parents and teachers, were drawn to the event last year. In view of the current COVID-19 pandemic, PolyU has, for the first time, introduced the online Consultation Day so as to ensure a safe environment for our JUPAS applicants, whilst at the same time providing them access to the latest information and resources that are essential to their applications. In addition, PolyU today announced that starting from the academic year 2020/21, the University will adopt flexiblility towards the minimum score requirement for JUPAS admission. Previously, the entrance requirement for JUPAS candidates to PolyU has been “3-3-2-2-3-3”, which means candidates have to reach level 3 in both languages and level 2 in Mathematics and Liberal Studies together with level 3 in two additional electives. Under the new arrangement, applicants who fall slightly short on the general entrance requirements for degree programmes but meet the following conditions will be given special consideration for admission:- having a result in one subject in the HKDSE examination falling one level below the required level, but with the attainment of a total score of 28 points# or above in the best five subjects (i.e. deemed equivalent to attaining at least Level 5 in 5 HKDSE subjects); and having selected PolyU’s degree programmes as their Band A choices, i.e. first 3 priorities, in JUPAS; and having passed an admission interview. To know more about the flexible approach towards the minimum score requirement, please visit and register for the Consultation Day seminars .  JUPAS programme details are available at the Study@PolyU website:  Enquiries about the event should be directed to (tel) 2333-0600 or (email)   #HKDSE level attainments will be converted to score points where Level 5**=8.5, 5*=7, 5=5.5, 4=4, 3=3, 2=2, 1=1   ***** End *****

21 May, 2020

Teaching & Learning Academic Registry


PolyU Explores the Application of Peptides in Data Storage for Space Exploration in China’s Next-generation Manned Spacecraft

With the huge amount of digital data generated and recorded during space missions, the data storage devices currently used for this purpose reveal great limitations in terms of their data storage capacity and the durability of the retained data. To meet this challenge, a team of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) researchers has developed a novel technology for massive data management involving the use of peptides, which has been developed to optimise data storage for space exploration in China’s next-generation manned spacecraft in the new Long March-5B rocket. Led by Dr YAO Zhong-ping, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology and Prof. Francis LAU, Professor and Associate Head, Department of Electronic & Information Engineering, the team has used peptides for the storage of digital data and tandem mass spectrometry for its retrieval. Compared with existing commercial data storage devices and other developing technologies such as DNA data storage, peptides offer a much higher storage density and longer storage duration – with the data still viable for sequencing even after millions of years when DNA would have already degraded. As such, this new technology has very great potential for handling the enormous amount of data generated during space missions. Dr Yao considers the peptide synthesis industry to be already well-developed, allowing fast peptide synthesis at a reasonable cost; with the development of proteomics, the process of sequencing thousands of peptides in a mixture can now be completed within a short period of time. Combining proteomics and data storage technology for the first time, this innovation has the potential to transform the data storage industry. Besides its application in data management for space missions, this technology has potentially wide applications, and could benefit governmental agencies and corporations that generate and archive large volumes of big data. Dr Yao adds that the further advancements in the peptide synthesis industry and sequencing technology would enable the peptide data storage to be applied at a more reasonable cost. Launched on 5 May 2020, the manned spacecraft of the Long March-5B rocket, with the support of Space Biology Group, carried mixtures of peptides encoding a bilingual text file containing the PolyU motto ‘To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind’ and ‘PolyU 80th Anniversary’, as well as an audio file of the music ‘Silent Night’, prepared by the PolyU research team. The purpose of this space ride-share experiment is to test the reliability and stability of the peptides for data storage and retrieval after exposure to the space environment. Upon the safe return to Earth of the spacecraft along with the experimental materials, the PolyU team will decode and retrieve the data. It is expected that this technology will hold promise in supporting data management in space exploration in the coming future.  PolyU has a strong research track record in space technology, with its researchers having been involved in a number of national and international space exploration projects since the 1990s, and with this important space ride-share experiment, the University has now participated in the historic launch of the China’s Long March-5B rocket along with the next-generation manned spacecraft to support the nation’s plan for space exploration to Mars. PolyU looks forward to further collaboration with China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Space Biology Group, China Resources Life Sciences Group and various other research partners to develop other forward-looking research projects for future space missions.   ***** END *****   About The Hong Kong Polytechnic University While boasting a proud history of over 80 years, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is a vibrant and aspiring university with a forward-looking vision and mission. Committed to building a talent pipeline and research strength for advancing the development of Hong Kong, the Nation, and the world, PolyU provides the best holistic education to nurture future-ready global citizens and socially responsible leaders, conducts high-impact interdisciplinary research, and proactively transfers knowledge to create value and build impact.  We embrace internationalisation and engage the Nation for education and research through strategic partnerships and collaborations. With “Opening Minds. Shaping the Future” as our brand promise, the University is currently offering more than 160 taught programmes in six faculties and two schools, engaging in 3,200 exciting research projects, and collaborating with over 660 institutions overseas and in the Chinese mainland on a wide variety of initiatives. We have over 400,000 alumni around the globe and currently 28,000 students. PolyU website: About Space Biology Group Space Biology Group manages and operates space biological experiments for the China aerospace industry. It provides a platform for conducting space biology experiments for research centers, tertiary educational institutions, and agricultural and life sciences companies, through the provision of a one-stop service, as well as advanced instruments for space biological experiments, including those at the high-level operation modes of civil space crafts and space station modules. Space Biology Group website:

20 May, 2020

Research & Innovation Innovation and Technology Development Office

PolyU Jockey Club “Operation SoInno” Project : Intergenerational Play Space Design Competition - Prosperous Garden to Inspire Innovative Design and Re-imagine Public Space in Hong Kong

The Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (JCDISI) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) together with Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) announced today the launch of 'Intergenerational Play Space Design Competition - Prosperous Garden' (Competition), a pioneering contest which aims to create play space in our cityscape to promote intergenerational harmony. Registration for the competition is open now. Re-imaging HKHS Prosperous Garden into a child and elderly-friendly urban public space An ageing population is one of the major challenges facing all modern cities. In Hong Kong, there is also a lack of public spaces and outdoor recreation areas for intergenerational interaction. Research from overseas has shown that intergenerational play space is able to motivate the elderly to participate in outdoor activities. This cannot only improve both their physical and mental health, but also foster communication between different generations. The Competition stems from PolyU Jockey Club “Operation SoInno” - "Intergenerational Play Space" co-creation workshops and a symposium organised by JCDISI in 2019. Participants are required to redesign the public space in Prosperous Garden, an estate managed by HKHS, the Action Project Co-organiser of the Competition. It is aimed to advocate intergenerational harmony and complement the "Ageing-in-Place Scheme" launched by HKHS in 2012, which was designed to promote the well-being of their elderly tenants. Located in Yau Ma Tei, Prosperous Garden was built in 1991. Of the 1,600 sale and rental flats, 157 rental units are designed for the elderly. With a mixed-age population, the public space in Prosperous Garden would be an ideal location for participants to design a creative open space, catering to the needs of both the aging and the younger residents. The winning design will serve as a prototype to facilitate the transformation and creation of more intergenerational play spaces in Hong Kong. About the Competition The Competition is open to university students and professionals such as architects and designers. Participants are required to put forward creative ideas or solutions to overcome the challenges in the public space design for promoting intergenerational play and interaction. All entries should focus on the overall environment of the public open space of Prosperous Garden, and specifically how to improve the confidence of the elderly, motivate them to continue outdoor exercises, encourage the shared use of the playground among different generations, strengthen social cohesion, and increase the residents’ sense of belonging. Uniting Cross-disciplinary Experts for Knowledge Sharing The joint effort of interdisciplinary experts is required so that an innovative but workable idea can be developed and implemented. The organiser encourages participating teams to include members with expertise in different fields, such as environmental design, public health, rehabilitation science and the Internet of Things in order to enrich the overall proposal. The Competition is supported by various professional bodies, including the Hong Kong Institute of Planners, the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects and the Hong Kong Institute of Housing. Professionals from these fields form the jury panel and include: Dr Lam Ching-choi, SBS, JP - Chairman, Elderly Commission; Dr Lawrence Li Kwok-chang, JP - Deputy Chairman, PolyU Council; Mr James Chan – CEO and Executive Director, HKHS; Mr Lawrence Chau - President, Hong Kong Institute of Planners and Ms Iris Hoi - President, Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects. Key Dates and Awards The Competition opens today (15 May) for entry. Interested parties are encouraged to join the online briefing session on 30 May. Group registration and portfolio submission should be made on or before 30 June. All successful submissions will be offered for public online voting. Prosperous Garden residents will be also invited to select their favourite design proposals. The results will be announced at an Award Presentation Ceremony to be held on 14 November 2020. As the Action Project Co-organiser of the Competition, HKHS will provide prize awards to the most workable and innovative design schemes.  Prizes of $30,000, $20,000 and $10,000 (HKD) will be awarded to the first, second and third team from the professional track, and $10,000, $7,000 and $3,000 (HKD) for the university students track. A "My Play, My Say" Award will be given to the most popular design voted online by the general public and residents of Prosperous Garden. For further details , please visit the Competition website:   ***** END *****

15 May, 2020

Events The Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation

Application deadline for PolyU’s taught postgraduate programmes be extended to end June • 70 local students of the six designated programmes will benefit from the UGC’s new Fellowships Scheme

In light of the social impact brought about by COVID-19, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today announced the extension of the application deadline for most of its 2020/2021 taught postgraduate programmes to 30 June, 2020. This is to give ample time and opportunity for prospective students to enrol in the programmes. Six PolyU taught postgraduate programmes have been elected for the “Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme” (the Scheme) launched by the University Grants Committee (UGC), these are Master of Design, MSc in Electronic & Information Engineering, MSc in Health Informatics, MSc in Information Technology, MSc in International Shipping & Transport Logistics and MSc in Mechanical Engineering. A total of 70 Fellowships will be granted to local students who are admitted to these designated programmes. The Fellowships are subject to a cap of HK$120,000 (for the whole taught postgraduate programme, regardless of the actual study period) and can be used for the settlement of the tuition fee only. Students are required to pay a minimum tuition fee of HK$42,100. Applicants for the Scheme have to undergo a PolyU selection process which includes the assessment of their academic performances, professional qualifications, relevant working experience and other achievements. Nominated applicants are required to submit a proposal expounding on how they can contribute to the priority areas of Hong Kong after completing their programme. To avoid double subsidy, applications from students who are receiving other forms of government scholarship (excluding student financial assistance) for pursuing the same programme will not be considered. In line with the University’s Motto - “To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind”, and to meet the demand for talent arising from the rapid global development in innovation and technology, PolyU is committed to offering various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that focus on cutting-edge technologies and sustainable socio-economic development. Encompassing creative industries, emerging research, information technology and health technology, the selected taught postgraduate programmes enable prospective students to equip themselves with relevant knowledge and skills, and to contribute their expertise in critical areas conducive to the macro development of Hong Kong. PolyU is now accepting application for 2020/21 taught postgraduate programmes until 30 June 2020. For more details and the exact application deadline for individual programme, please refer to the following websites: About Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme, please refer to About PolyU 2020/21 taught postgraduate programmes, please refer to   ***** END *****

29 Apr, 2020

Others Others

PolyU Study Shows One in Eight Not Wearing Face Masks Properly • Almost 80% of People Reusing Them • Experts Urge Users to Wear Face Masks Correctly and Formulate Guidelines on Reuse to Minimise Contagion Risks

The outbreak of COVID-19 in Hong Kong has recently eased slightly. The number of confirmed cases has declined, and we see the first signs of success in the fight against the pandemic. However, both the government and experts have called on the public to continue stringent anti-contagion measures for the foreseeable future, in particular, to wear face masks and maintain good personal hygiene. The Department of Health Technology and Informatics, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) conducted a research study from February to April 2020 on the behaviour and attitudes of Hong Kong people towards the use of face masks during the COVID-19 outbreak. The results were published in EClinicalMedicine (, a clinical journal published under the auspices of The Lancet. In February, the research team conducted an observational study of 10,211 people in different areas of Hong Kong, recording how people wear their masks. The study found that most people wore face masks when going out (95%) of whom 84% wore disposable surgical masks. However, more than one-eighth (13%) wore their surgical masks incorrectly; major mistakes include: wearing a mask inside-out or upside-down (36%) and wearing it too low exposing their nostrils and/or mouth (43%). The team has also been conducting an online survey since mid-March to collect local citizens’ views and attitudes on wearing face marks. Among the 2,859 responses collected so far, most respondents (94%) agreed that wearing a face mask could prevent infection and reduce the risk of viral transmission in the community. However, a significant number of respondents said that they would reuse face masks (76%), with people in the 46-65 and >65 age groups showing a higher percentage of reuse. Despite heightened awareness of the need for prevention of viral spread, many fail to wear their masks properly According to Dr Shara Lee, Associate Professor of the Department of Health Technology and Informatics who led the study, the majority of the public have been on high alert and have taken effective preventive measures since the outbreak of COVID-19, and wearing face masks is seen as one of the key measures in the fight against the disease. “Our studies found that people have a high awareness of COVID-19 and agree that wearing face masks is an effective way to prevent viral transmission and community outbreak,” said Dr Lee. Many of them put this into practice by consistently wearing a face mask. However, despite months of public health education, one in eight have not mastered the correct way to wear a surgical mask. Surprisingly, nearly 80% of the respondents said they would reuse them. This shows that reuse of disposable face masks is widely accepted by the public, probably due to reasons such as an inadequate supply, poor awareness a mask’s disposable nature, financial reasons or receiving incorrect information. These factors potentially increase the risk of transmission and infection, and project a false sense of security when people wear a mask in the belief that they are now protected. The situation is worrying. The research team identified some common mistakes when using face masks: Wearing the mask inside-out or upside-down Positioning it too low on the face, exposing the nostrils and/or mouth Touching the outer layer of the mask during use or disposal Pulling down the mask when eating or smoking, or hanging the mask around the neck/other part of the body Keep up the anti-pandemic effort Do your bit by wearing a face mask correctly The fight against the COVID-19 outbreak requires perseverance and the cooperation of every member of the public. The research team advises that the public should “do the right thing” by adhering to the proper practices of wearing face masks at all times and keep up the hard-earned effort in containing the community outbreak. The team also recommends solutions to improve protection from infection due to improper use of face masks, including: Experts formulating comprehensible guidelines for safe handling and storage of face masks for reuse, to minimize the risk of both virus spread and self-contamination Publicity and education on the potential risks of incorrect use of face masks Printing a symbol on the outer layer of the face mask to indicate correct orientation Inclusion of information made available by face mask manufacturers, e.g. a clear visual guide or QR code printed on the box for easier access.   ***** End *****

28 Apr, 2020

Research & Innovation Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

留家抗疫 不忘增值 「理大與您: 網上專題講座系列」即將上線 (only Chinese version)

留家抗疫  不忘增值 「理大與您: 網上專題講座系列」即將上線 (only Chinese version)  

21 Apr, 2020

Teaching & Learning Academic Registry

PolyU Senior Management donates 10 per cent of their salaries to support the needy students

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about severe impact on the global economy. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today announced that the senior management including the President and all Vice Presidents will donate 10% of their salaries over a period of 12 months from April 2020 to help students with financial hardship. The details of the financial assistance scheme will be announced in due course. President Jin-Guang TENG said, “The pandemic has been seriously affecting all businesses, and we are particularly concerned with the financial challenges faced by some of our students and their families due to the current situation. We hope this financial assistance scheme will help them in tiding over the difficult times.”   *****  End  *****

18 Apr, 2020

Others Others


Bracing for a long battle against COVID-19: General Use Face Shields designed by PolyU ready for mass production

The situation in Hong Kong has become more critical amid the rise of confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections. Experts have warned that members of the public should prepare for a long fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past few months, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has been closely monitoring the situation and has devised plans to help contain the spread of the coronavirus. In February 2020, PolyU designed and started producing disposable face shields for the Hospital Authority in order to alleviate the immediate need for protective gear amongst frontline medical professionals. PolyU today announced the launch of two new reusable face shields, namely “General Use Face Shield” and “Extra Protection Face Shield”, both of which will soon be available at affordable prices. It is hoped that the face shields could provide enhanced protection for the public in their daily lives and working environment thus minimising the risks of virus transmission in the community.

2 Apr, 2020

Research & Innovation Faculty of Engineering

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