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Dr Wayne Chan_GRF grant_Final

MHRC member awarded GRF grant for designing fall prevention intervention for older adults

Dr Wayne CHAN, Member of the Mental Health Research Centre (MHRC) and Assistant Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, was awarded a grant of about HK$1.5M from the General Research Fund (GRF) of the University Grants Committee (UGC), for his project “Investigating the effects of step training and the mediating effects of prefrontal cortex functioning in older adults with mild dementia: a randomised wait-list controlled trial”. The project aims to design a step-training programme for older adults with mild dementia and evaluate its effectiveness in fall prevention. The programme requires older adults to perform stepping and visuospatial tasks concurrently. The researcher will investigate the programme’s association with prefrontal cortex functioning and fall of older adults. The project will help understand the mechanism that affects the effectiveness of the step-training programme, and will provide empirical evidence for the use of step training to reduce the risk of falls in older adults with mild dementia.

12 Oct, 2023


Dr Georg Kranzs project granted HMRFfinal

MHRC member awarded HMRF grant to examine efficacy of brain stimulation for depression

Dr Georg KRANZ, Member of the Mental Health Research Centre (MHRC) and Assistant Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, was awarded a grant of about HK$1.4M from the Health and Medical Research Fund of the Health Bureau, HKSAR, for his project “Intermittent theta-burst stimulation for major depression: an intensity-response study”. Intermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS) is a clinically proven, non-invasive brain stimulation procedure that induces neuroplasticity of the brain for improving depression symptoms. In the project, a randomised, multicentre, triple-arm, sham-controlled clinical trial, Dr. Kranz will compare the efficacy of iTBS at various stimulation intensities. Subjects will receive iTBS on a daily basis for 4 weeks. The relationship between stimulation intensity and treatment response will be studied. The project holds important clinical implications in determining the optimal, tolerable stimulation intensity for patients, hence enhancing treatment adherence and effectiveness.  

4 Oct, 2023

Funding & Donations

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MHRC member awarded funding from Health and Medical Research Fund to conduct study for early detection of postpartum depression

A project “A Mobile Application for Early Detection and Symptoms Trajectories of Postpartum Depression Using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA): A Prospective Cohort Validation Study” led by MHRC member Dr Jessie LIN, Assistant Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, was awarded a grant of about HK$500K from the Health and Medical Research Fund of the Health Bureau, HKSAR. The project aims to evaluate the validity of using a mobile-based ecological momentary assessment (mEMA) for studying the changes in mood symptoms among pregnant women during and after pregnancy, thus enabling the early identification of postpartum depression and the trajectories of depressive symptoms and associated factors. The study will follow a sample of 120 pregnant women for six months, and assess their mood, sleep, exercise, physical wellbeing and environmental context via a mobile application. Findings of this project will facilitate the future development of effective digital interventions for maternal mental health.  

18 Jul, 2023

Funding & Donations

MHRC members awarded HK 59M grantFinal 2000 x 1080 px

MHRC members awarded funding from Quality Education Fund to develop digital physical quotient and learning platform

A three-year project “Digital Physical Quotient and Learning Platform” led by MHRC members including Dr Cynthia LAI, Associate Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) and Prof. Shamay NG, Associate Head and Professor of RS Department, was awarded a grant of HK$5.9 million under the e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme of the Quality Education Fund. Dr Lai and Prof. Ng are the project’s Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator, respectively. The project aims to develop a digital learning platform for promoting children’s physical and cognitive development. The platform will include motor and cognitive skills developmental assessment and training for children, as well as online learning programmes for children, parents and teachers. The platform will apply multi-media, internet of things (IoT) tools and cloud technologies to enhance the learning and teaching experiences.  

18 Jul, 2023

Funding & Donations

Prof Hector TSANG shares views on mental health services_Final

Prof. Hector TSANG shares views on mental health services

On the RTHK radio programme “Open Line Open View” on 12 June 2023, Prof. Hector TSANG Wing-hong, Interim Director of the Mental Health Research Centre (MHRC), Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, shared his views on the roles of District Health Centres and family doctors in supporting the public mental health services.   Online review: RTHK - (0:56:37 - 1:08:45) (Chinese only) SCMP - (subscription required)

27 Jun, 2023

Media Coverage

Prof Hector TsangShare My Song Final

Prof. Hector Tsang shares tips for mental health on radio

Prof. Hector Tsang Wing-hong, Interim Director of the Mental Health Research Centre (MHRC), Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Chair Professor and Head of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, was interviewed on the “Share My Song” programme by Commercial Radio Hong Kong on 6 June 2023, sharing tips for emotional self-care and emotional support for others. The episode covered sharing on important topics related to emotional health, including the importance of help-seeking, common signs and symptoms of mental health issues, and the impact of stress on mental health. Review the entire programme on Commercial Radio - (subscription required)

12 Jun, 2023

Media Coverage

RS45A Seminar_MHRC

RS 45th Anniversary Research Seminar MHRC Concurrent Session Was Successfully Held

The RS 45th Anniversary Research Seminar was successfully held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) on 27 May 2023. The seminar was organised by Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) in collaboration with Mental Health Research Centre (MHRC) and Research Centre for Chinese Medicine Innovation (RCMI). The main objective of the seminar was to explore the latest advancements and state-of-the-art research in the field of rehabilitation sciences. During the seminar, members from RS, RCMI, and MHRC shared their valuable knowledge and insights under the theme of the event "Current trends in rehabilitation sciences research: Interdisciplinary collaboration, outcome, and impact.". Three distinguished keynote speakers had been invited to deliver lectures, they are Prof. Masud Husain (Professor of Neurology & Cognitive Neuroscience, Wellcome Trust Principal Fellow, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford), Prof. Alisoun J. Milne (Professor Emeritus of Social Gerontology and Social Work, University of Kent) and Prof. Rupert Lanzenberger (Professor in Clinical Neurosciences Section Head: NEUROIMAGING LABS (NIL) Division of General Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical University of Vienna). The seminar was also graced by esteemed guests including Dr Cissy Choi (Assistant Commissioner for Primary Healthcare 1, Primary Healthcare Office Health Bureau), Prof. Christopher Chao (Vice President – Research and Innovation, PolyU) and Prof. Qingyan Chen (Director of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research, PolyU) . At the round up session, Prof. Hector Tsang (Interim Director of MHRC; Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences, and Head of RS, PolyU) expressed his high satisfaction with the seminar, and highlighted its important role as a platform for productive exchanges of cutting-edge research and innovative technologies. We extend a warm thank you to everyone who participated in the seminar.  

7 Jun, 2023


Prof Hector TsangSCMPv2

MHRC Interim Director Prof. Hector Tsang featured in SCMP

Prof. Hector TSANG, Interim Director of MHRC, Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Head and Chair Professor of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, in a recent interview with the South China Morning Post (SCMP), shared his views on mental health services in Hong Kong in response to a recent incident in the community. Prof. Tsang urged the Hong Kong government to reallocate more mental health-related resources from public hospitals to the community, including support services in district health centres. He pointed out the importance of community support for mental illnesses, and more resources should be placed in supporting the community integration of people with mental health needs, in addition to hospital care. “There should be a team, consisting of occupational therapists, social workers, community nurses and psychologists, closely supervising people with severe mental illnesses and providing holistic help. It is different from hospital settings where more emphasis is put on using medications ….” said Prof. Tsang. Click here to see the entire article from SCMP:

6 Jun, 2023

Media Coverage

Prof Hector TsangBeat Drugs Fund Projectrevised

MHRC Interim Director Prof. Hector Tsang awarded HK$ 2.4 million funding from Beat Drugs Fund

Prof. Hector TSANG, Interim Director of MHRC, Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Head and Chair Professor of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, was awarded a grant of HKD 2.4 million from the Beat Drugs Fund to support his anti-drug education programme for local youths. The project aims at integrating creative and entertainment technology such as virtual reality (VR) and interactive robots to deliver mini films and workshops that engage young people, raise their awareness about drug use, and promote positive mental health. The community-based project will engage multiple stakeholders, including parents, teachers, social workers, counsellors and healthcare professionals, to comprehensively explore the effective approaches to drug prevention. Prof. Tsang said, “Edutainment is an effective health communication strategy to promote drug users’ community re-integration and combat the temptation of drug use, particularly the commonly misused ones like marijuana and cannabidiol (CBD), among young people. The use of innovative technology including VR in providing youngsters with simulated experience of the side-effects of drug abuse can raise their anti-drug awareness.” The Beat Drugs Fund Regular Funding Scheme aims to support projects that provide drug treatment and rehabilitation services to people with drug problems, organise preventive education and publicity programmes targeting the general public and/or specific groups, and conduct research on drug abuse problems. Congratulations to Prof. Tsang!  

1 Jun, 2023

Funding & Donations

Prof Eric Chui  NEWSFinal

MHRC Member Prof. Eric CHUI appointed as member of Mental Health Review Tribunal

Prof. Eric CHUI Wing-hong, Member of the Mental Health Research Centre, Professor and Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, Co-Director of Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology, was appointed as a member of the Mental Health Review Tribunal for a term of two years from 15 April 2023 to 14 April 2025. Prof. Chui has been actively involved in community and public services. He currently serves on the editorial boards of several SSCI journals and has served as a committee member or advisor of many social and public service organisations in Hong Kong. The Tribunal comprises a Chairman, 15 medical members, 15 social work members, and 15 other members with suitable experience in and knowledge of administration or clinical psychology, or other suitable qualifications or experience. The membership list of the Tribunal is available from the website of the Health Bureau. The Tribunal was set up in 1989 pursuant to the enactment of the Mental Health (Amendment) Ordinance. The function of the Tribunal is to consider applications or cases of patients who are liable to be compulsorily detained in mental hospitals or to compulsory guardianship, as well as to determine whether these patients should be discharged in accordance with the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap. 136). Congratulations to Prof. Chui!

31 May, 2023

Awards & Recognitions

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