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MHRC 外界資助項目 (只有英文版本)

日期 資助計劃 研究方向 項目名稱 首席研究員
Oct 2021 Commissioned Research on the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), Food & Health Bureau, HKSAR Basic and translational neuroscience of mental health The 3P (Prevention, Protection and Promotion) approach as a novel and effective strategy to prevent infection and enhance recovery in individual with COVID-19 Prof. David SHUM (HSS)
Sep 2021 Lee Hysan Foundation Behavioral and psychiatric rehabilitation Teachers Wellness MED Program (MED = Mental health + Exercise + Diet) Prof Hector TSANG (RS)
Apr 2021 Lee Hysan Foundation Psychosocial and cultural aspects of mental health Collaborative Efforts to Intervene and Prevent Elder Abuse Prof. Elsie YAN (APSS)

