Physical Wellness
To boost physical wellness of PolyU students, the Sports Development Team of SAO provides sports skill training for all full-time students throughout each academic year. The training is also one of the components to fulfil the General University Requirements of the Healthy Lifestyle Programme.
A wide variety of skill-oriented physical education courses are offered, including archery, badminton, basketball, fencing, futsal, kick boxing, soccer and more.
Explore details about Sports Skills Training.

Fitness training course is also available throughout the academic year. This two-hour course will introduce the principle of physical fitness and proper use of training equipment. Upon completion of the course, students are then eligible to use the fitness room.
More details on Fitness Training Course.
Exercise is Medicine® On Campus (EIM-OC) is a global health initiative that calls upon universities and colleges to promote physical activity as a vital sign of health. As an advocator of EIM-OC and the third university in Hong Kong joining the global health initiative, PolyU established a Wellness Centre to provide advice and training for individuals in their pursuit of physical wellness.
Anyone in PolyU is welcome to use the Centre through advanced bookings. Tailor-made exercise prescription will be provided after a fitness assessment.
A mobile app named PolyU WellFit helps you find the latest news about EIM-OC. Get FitCoins by watching fitness videos on this app! FitCoins can be used for redeeming gifts and e-coupons applicable to the sports facilities on campus. You can also make an appointment for fitness consultation on the app. Let’s make exercise a habit in your daily life!
Click here for more information.
There are in total 33 sport teams representing PolyU to participate in the Inter-Collegiate Sports Competition by the University Sports Federation Hong Kong, China (USFHK).
In 2023/24, PolyU’s Sports Teams once again achieved remarkable results in the Competition. 15 championships, 7 positions of 1st runners-up and 7 spots of 2nd runners-up places were bagged, leading to the 6th-time awards of the Yearly Men’s and Yearly Women’s Overall Championships. Among our student players, 17 were named “Most Valuable Player” or “Individual Champion”, as a result of their impressive performances in respective events.
Click here to learn more about PolyU Sports Teams.