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Student Development

The Student Affairs Office (SAO) actively supports holistic development of students through a comprehensive range of co-curricular opportunities. These initiatives aim to enhance students’ learning experience beyond the classroom, unleash their potential and offer opportunities to broaden their horizons. 

Life Development

Deans Talk

Dean of Students Talk Series

Themed as “Together We Dream, We Fly (追夢人生)”, the Dean of Students’ Talk Series encourages and inspires students to pursue their dreams. It features stories and personal journeys of renowned speakers, including entrepreneurs, industrialists, academic experts and more, who are invited over to share their nuggets of wisdom.  

Click here for more information.

Excell 2024-25

EXCELL Programme 

The Extra-Curricular Enrichment for Lifelong Learners (EXCELL) Programme offers a series of non-credit bearing courses for all current full-time students. The Programme could help you pick up essential life skills and become a more mature and confident person, unlock your unknown potentials and passions, broaden your perspectives and expand your network.

Check out more information on EXCELL Programme.



The “Amigos: Global Peer Support Scheme” (Amigos) helps PolyU first-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate students (“New Pals”) adapt to the university life at PolyU and living in Hong Kong with the support from senior students (“Old Pals”).

Under Amigos, Old Pals will organise local expedition activities with New Pals. All Amigos Pals can also take part in big functions organised by SAO throughout the year.

Check out more information on Amigos.

Leadership Development

Student Participation in University Governance

Student Participation in University Governance

Students are empowered to voice out ideas and suggestions for the development of PolyU through various channels of student participation in university governance. Student members are returned to PolyU’s Council, Senate and committees of the Senate by elections, while other student representatives are selected to serve on university committees or to reflect students’ concerns over institutional services.

Click here for more information.



The “EAGLE Global Youth Leadership Programme” (EAGLE) aims at nurturing global youth leaders who are with global perspectives, a strong sense of social responsibility and citizenship at the local, national and global levels. All PolyU full-time UGC-funded undergraduate students are welcome.

Under this scheme, students will take part in workshops, leadership camps and local engagement activities. After further trainings, they will also use their knowledge to actualise their projects offshore.

Click here for more information.

PolyU Student Organisations

Under the guidance of different PolyU hosting units, a rainbow of student organisations and interest groups hold hands with the University to create a vibrant and colourful campus culture. 

You are welcome to make the most out of your first few months as a university student by joining various orientation activities run by student organisations, but please note that only group activities approved by the PolyU Hosting Units of registered student organisations are covered by the University’s group personal accident insurance. 



General Reminder about Engaging in External Developmental Programmes/Opportunities

New students who are interested in joining developmental programmes or organisations run by external parties are strongly advised to:

perform due diligence check on the credibility of the organisers and details of the programmes, as well as terms and conditions of the programmes; and

seek advice from anyone you trust, e.g. your friends, family members, mentors or teachers, before enrolment.


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