RI-IWEAR Research Seminar XVII
Research Institute / Research Centre Seminar

17 Jul 2024
16:00 - 17:30
P309, 3/F, Anita Chan Lai Ling Building, PolyU Map
Dr WEI Yang
Ms Savannah WANG savannah.wang@polyu.edu.hk
An e-Certificate of attendance will be provided for the participant attended in person. Latecomers or early leavers of the seminar might NOT be eligible for the certificate.
Topic: Smart Medical “b” for People Living with Chronic Conditions
By Dr WEI Yang
Electronic textiles (e-textiles) are textiles where electronic circuity is incorporated into or attached onto fabric to provide sensing, actuation, display and communication functionality. Examples include garments that can light up, heat up, track movement or measure physiological signals. E-textiles have started to cross over from idea to reality in recent years, in particularly in the areas of early detection/prevention of disease and rehabilitation.
The team at NTU has developed innovations that enable real time monitoring and management of personal heath and care. Comparing with the existing wearable technologies, such as iWatch and Fitbit, our innovation is able to integrate more functionality within the clothing, providing a single solution for all rather than using multiple different discrete devices which increase the complexity of deployment and treatment. In this talk, the current development at NTU will be presented followed by a number of case studies, focused on the MedTech applications.
Keynote Speaker

Dr WEI Yang
Associate Professor,
Department of Engineering,
Nottingham Trent University
Dr WEI is an associate Professor in wearable technologies, in the Department of Engineering at the Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom. He is the head of smart wearable research group and also the academic lead for smart medical textile at Medical Technologies Innovation Facility (MTIF) which is a £23M regional investment for boosting the MedTech sector nationally and internationally. He has secured more than £3M as a principal and co-investigator on a number of projects funded by UK EPSRC, DSTL, MRC, EU as well as charities. His research has been featured on BBC, The Guardian, The Independent, Metro and Daily Mail. Dr WEI is a board member of the EPSEC review collage, European Science Foundation, EPSRC E-textile network and Institute of Printed Electronics. Dr WEI focuses on developing wearable technology to detect and diagnose medical conditions with the aim to improve people's quality of life, prompt independent living and ease pressure on the healthcare system. He has been working in the area of detecting breast cancer, managing lymphoedema, treating chronic wounds, monitoring breathing continuously, through wearable technologies and advanced materials. The essence of his research lies in enabling invisible and non-invasive monitoring and treatment of patients, empowering them to control their treatments and substantially improve their quality of life.
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