PAIR Distinguished Lecture: Prof. David PUI of University of Minnesota delivers "Green Technologies Development for Sustainable Environment"
PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series

13 Sep 2024
PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
14:30 - 16:00
Senate Room, M1603, 16/F Li Ka Shing Tower, PolyU (Limited seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis)
Prof. David PUI
Prof. David Y. H. PUI, Regents Professor and LM Fingerson/TSI Inc. Chair in Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, USA, delivered the 29th PAIR Distinguished Lecture titled “Green Technologies Development for Sustainable Environment” on 13 September 2024 at PolyU. The lecture attracted nearly 100 participants to join in person and captivated an online viewing audience of over 11,200 from different countries and regions to watch the live broadcast on multiple social media platforms, including Bilibili, WeChat, Weibo, YouTube, etc.
The lecture commenced with a warm welcome and brief speaker introduction by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR. Prof. Pui kickstarted his presentation by highlighting the severity of pollution nowadays. He shared that his research in the field of green technologies and environmental sustainability aims to mitigate PM2.5, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone (O3) in urban environment; reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) to mitigate global climate change; and provide clean water to achieve water sustainability. Next, he introduced the current research projects by the Center for Filtration Research (CFR) at the University of Minnesota, covering indoor air cleaning and COVID-19 prevention, bioaerosols sensor development and evaluation, nanofiber production and modelling, nanotechnology and instrumentation developments, etc. Prof. Pui also shared some real case examples of large-scale air cleaning towers, including the Solar Assisted Large Scale Cleaning System (SALACS) in Xian and Yancheng in China, as well as the air cleaning towers in Delhi, India. He shared with the audience some recent developments on the second generation of the cleaning system, and explained how it can collect PM2.5 and remove CO2 effectively. To conclude, Prof. Pui pointed out that academia, government and industry play important roles and the three parties must work together closely in the same direction and at the same pace towards developing clean cities.
Following the presentation was a lively and insightful question-and-answer session moderated by Prof. Chen. The audience engaged in a productive discussion with Prof. Pui. As a token of appreciation for his inspiring talk and support for PAIR, Prof. WANG Zuankai, Associate Vice President (Research and Innovation), presented a souvenir to Prof. Pui.
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Prof. David PUI of University of Minnesota delivers lecture on “Green Technologies Development for Sustainable Environment”

Professor David PUI
Member of U.S. National Academy of Engineering
Academician of Academia Sinica
David Y. H. Pui is a Regents Professor and LM Fingerson/TSI Inc. Chair in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He is a Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and an academician of Academia Sinica. Dr. Pui is the Director of the Center for Filtration Research consisting of 20 international filtration manufacturers. He has a broad range of research experience in aerosol/nanoparticle engineering and filtration technology and has over 360 journal papers and 42 patents. He has developed several widely used commercial aerosol instruments for PM2.5 measurements and large-scale urban air cleaning systems. He received the Max Planck Research Award (1993), the CAS Einstein Professor Award (2013), and the Fuchs Memorial Award (2010) - the highest disciplinary award conferred jointly by the American, German and Japanese Aerosol Associations. He served as President of the American Association for Aerosol Research (2000-2001), and President of the International Aerosol Research Assembly (2006-2010) consisting of 16 national associations from around the world.
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