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Research Centre of Textiles for Future Fashion holds symposium to present research outcomes

9 Sep 2024

Research Institute / Research Centre Seminars

The Research Centre of Textiles for Future Fashion (RCTFF) held its first International Advisory Committee (IAC) Meeting and a Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research for Fashion & Textile on 12 July 2024. Prof. FAN Jintu, Director of RCTFF and Chair Professor of Fiber Science and Apparel Engineering, introduced the research themes and projects of the Centre.

The symposium was held following the IAC meeting. It demonstrated how different fields of expertise can be integrated to bring innovations to the fashion and textile fields. Five core members of the Centre presented their research outcomes. Prof. WANG Xungai, Associate Dean (Strategic Planning and Development) of the School of Fashion and Textiles (SFT) and Chair Professor of Fiber Science and Technology, shared research on denim recycling; Dr LIU Xihui, Associate Director of RCTFF and Assistant Dean (Academic Programmes) of the School of Design (SD), presented her work in fashion entrepreneurship and design management; Dr SHOU Dahua, Limin Endowed Young Scholar in Advanced Textiles Technologies and Associate Professor of SFT, introduced his research on personal moisture and thermal management; Dr YUAN Yancheng, Assistant Professor of the Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, presented the model for sequential recommendation systems; and Dr LI Ping, Assistant Professor of the Department of Computing and SD, introduced the latest work on simulation of visual art, fashion and design.

Online coverage:

Wen Wei Po -

Research Units Research Centre of Textiles for Future Fashion

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