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Professor LIU Dikai of University Technology Sydney delivers PAIR seminar on 'Human-Centred Intelligent Robotics: Case Studies, Lessons Learnt, and Opportunities'

PAIR Seminar Series

Event Recap of 20241010 PAIR Seminar by Prof Dikai LIU 2000 x 1050 pxEN
  • Date

    10 Oct 2024

  • Organiser

    PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research

  • Time

    14:30 - 16:00

  • Venue

    Senate Room, M1603, 16/F Li Ka Shing Tower, PolyU (Limited seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis)  


Prof. LIU Dikai


Prof. LIU Dikai, Distinguished Professor and Strategic Research Director in the School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, delivered a PAIR seminar titled “Human-Centred Intelligent Robotics: Case Studies, Lessons Learnt, and Opportunities” on 10 October 2024 at PolyU. The seminar attracted over 120 in-person participants and captivated an online audience of over 13,100 from various countries and regions, who watched the live broadcast on multiple social media platforms, including Bilibili, Weixin, Weibo, YouTube, etc.


The seminar began with a warm welcome by Prof. ZHANG Weixiong, Associate Director of PAIR, followed by a brief introduction of the speaker by Prof. ZHANG Chengqi, Chair Professor of Artificial Intelligence. Prof. Liu kick-started his presentation by outlining the key milestones in the evolution of robotics, and pointed out that human-centred intelligent robots should be able to co-exist, cooperate and collaborate with humans. He stated that robotics is a truly interdisciplinary field that combines engineering, science and humanities. Next, through a series of case studies, Prof. Liu examined how intelligent robots have been designed to work alongside humans in various applications, including civil infrastructure maintenance, construction, and manufacturing. He then discussed the dynamics of collaboration between humans and robots, and examined issues such as trust, computational modelling, physical and cognitive workload, brain-robot interface and human-centred design. By reflecting on the lessons learnt from these case studies, Prof. Liu highlighted both successes and challenges. At the end of his presentation, Prof. Liu emphasised that human-robot teaming is an interdisciplinary field. He also pointed out some areas for further development in the field, highlighting the many opportunities in robotics.

The presentation was followed by a lively and insightful question-and-answer session moderated by Prof. Zhang Chenggi. The audience engaged in a productive discussion with Prof. Liu. 

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Prof LIU Dikai 560 x 860

Prof. LIU Dikai

Distinguished Professor
Strategic Research Director
School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
University Technology Sydney, Australia


Prof. LIU Dikai is a Distinguished Professor at the Robotics Institute of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and an IEEE RAS Distinguished Lecturer. He is Director of the ARC Research Hub for Human-Robot Teaming for Sustainable and Resilient Construction (2024-2029). He served as Co-Director of the UTS Centre for Autonomous Systems (2013-2019) and played a key role in establishing the UTS Robotics Institute in 2019. His research interest lies in robotics, with a focus on field robotics, human-robot collaboration, and robot systems. In addition to conducting fundamental robotics research, he has been instrumental in transforming robotics research into industry applications. Examples include autonomous robots for bridge maintenance, bio-inspired climbing robots for inspection of confined space, intelligent robotic co-worker for human-robot collaborative abrasive blasting, smart hoist for patient transfer, and autonomous underwater robots for underwater structure maintenance. Since 2006, his research has received over 20 Best Paper and Research/Engineering Excellence awards, including the 2019 UTS Medal for Research Impact, the 2019 ASME DED Leonardo da Vinci Award, the 2019 BHERT Award for Outstanding Collaboration in Research & Development, and the 2016 Australian Engineering Excellence Awards (AEEA). His research has been featured by reputable newspapers and TV news channels, such as the BBC, ABC, SBS, TVBS (Taiwan), Sydney Morning Herald, 7News, AFR, and The Robot Report (USA).

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