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Adjunct Professor of RILS was invited to moderate a session in HKIS BIM Round Table Forum 2023 - How Digitalisation could help?

Sr Prof. Ben Chan, Adjunct Professor of RISUD, is invited by The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) to moderate a session in BIM Round Table Forum 2023 in Tai Kwun on 7 December 2023.  The Forum centered around the theme "How Digitalisation could help?". It was graced by the presence of Mr LAM Chi Man, David, JP, Under Secretary for Development, as the Guest of Honor. It also attracted over 180 industry leaders, researchers and scholars to share their insights and learn more about the advancements in BIM. 

12 Dec, 2023

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The International Expert Workshop on Volatile Organic Compounds 2023 was successfully held

The International Expert Workshop on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 2023 was successfully held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) from 28 November to 3 December 2023. The Workshop brought around 110 researchers access the globe to deliver plenary presentations and share their valuable insights on frontier topics.   At the Opening Ceremony, Prof. Xiang-dong LI, Dean of Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) and Director of Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) of PolyU, gave an opening speech to introduce the PolyU's positioning and long-term strategic goals. He also highlighted the remarkable ranking and research achievements of FCE. Besides, Prof. Xiaoli DING, Director of RILS and Chair Professor of Geomatics, gave a welcome address to thank the Chairman and other committee members in organising the Workshop. He also said "the RILS is committed to conducting cutting-edge interdisciplinary research to address land and space issues in Hong Kong, and other cities in Greater Bay Area".   Sponsored by Environment and Conversation Fund and the RILS, the Workshop attracted over 130 participants joining onsite to discuss the latest findings and strategies for VOCs.

12 Dec, 2023

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Delegation Visit by Southwest Jiaotong University

Prof. Xiaoli DING, Director of RILS and Chair Professor of Geomatics, welcomed the delegation from the Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering at Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) who visited PolyU on 23 November 2023, with the aim of strengthening ties between the two academic institutions in the areas of teaching and research. During the visit, the SWJTU team had the opportunity to tour the Laboratory for Deformation and Geohazards Studies, gaining a deeper understanding of the recent accomplishments as well as to identify potential areas for future research collaborations.

8 Dec, 2023


RILS Delegation Visits Yangjiang

Prof. Xiaoli DING, Director of RILS and Chair Professor of Geomatics, led the research team (including Prof. Songye ZHU, Dr Kaiming Bi, Dr Jinghua WANG and Dr Ning ZHANG of CEE, Dr Jianfu SHEN of BRE, Dr Weisong WEN of AAE and Dr Jian GUO of RILS) to visit Yangjiang Offshore Wind Energy Laboratory, Guangdong Jianheng Offshore Wind Energy Testing and Certification Center, and Guangdong Mingyang New Energy Technology Company Limited on Monday 13 November 2023.   Prof. Ronghua ZHU of Yangjiang Offshore Wind Energy Laboratory, introduced their research strengths and latest developments. Prof. Xiaoli DING, Director of RILS and the RILS members had a fruitful meeting with the representatives of the Laboratory to discuss potential research collaborations between the two sides. This visit was also supported by Mr Dewei LIU, Vice Mayor of Yangjiang City and Mr Jiaqiang MO, Deputy Director of Science and Technology Bureau of Yangjiang City.  

16 Nov, 2023


RILS member secures grants under 2023-24 Public Policy Research Funding Scheme

Among the seven projects funded by the Government’s Public Policy Research Funding Scheme in 2023‑24 as of November this year, Prof. WANG Yuhong, member of RILS and Professor of CEE, wins a project about how to effectively implement nature-based solutions in urban development and urban renewal, which has secured the most grants of about HK$775,100.    Online coverage: Oriental Daily News -  

14 Nov, 2023

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ADoRILS shares views on Northern Metropolis development at Master Insight Forum

Prof. K. K. LING, Associate Director of the Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS) and Director of Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation, shared his views on the development of the Northern Metropolis in a panel discussion of the Master Insight Forum held on 27 October 2023. Prof. LING believed that the Northern Metropolis has several implications for Hong Kong: (1) it reshapes the development pattern of “emphasising the south over the north”; (2) it establishes a “twin city” relationship between Shenzhen and Hong Kong; (3) it is a new driver of Hong Kong’s future development; (4) the speedy development of the Northern Metropolis is an irreversible trend; and (5) the development reflects the advantages of “one country, two systems” policy. Prof. LING said that San Tin Technopole will be able to attract innovation and technology (I&T) talents and industries, and suggested developing Shenzhen Bay into a “golden inner bay”.   Online coverage: Master Insight - Ta Kung Pao - Wen Wei Po - Bauhinia - Hong Kong China News Agency - China Review News - -  

9 Nov, 2023

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RILS Field Visit to Tai O Village

Prof. Xiao Lin ZHAO, management committee of RILS, Sr Prof. Ben CHAN, Adjunct Professor of RILS, and Dr Daniel ELKIN, member of RILS, formed a research group to visit Tai O Village on Thursday 25 October 2023. They also invited Prof. Shenjing HE and Dr Junxi QIAN from The University of Hong Kong (HKU) to join the field visit.   This visit was facilitated by Mr Wai Hung LO (盧偉雄), the son of a prominent builder Mr Shu Shing LO (盧樹勝) who had contributed to the construction of numerous stilt houses in the village. The purpose of their excursion was to gain comprehensive insights into the geography, living style, culture, and architecture of Tai O Village and stilt houses, with the additional objective of exploring possibilities for collaborative research.   Tai O Rural Committee Historic and Cultural Showroom   Breakwater wall built in 2013 to prevent future flooding   Group photo taken inside the stilt house of Mr LO (first on the right)   The field visit provided the group with a deeper understanding of the living environment, habitat, culture, beliefs, and economic activities within Tai O Village. They explored the distinctive cultural characteristics of the water village and identified its potential for conservation and development. Stilt house villagers prefer remaining in proximity to the river environment despite offers of access to public housing on land. Stilt house residents display high levels of tolerance for their physical housing conditions, whose difficulties include flooding and underdeveloped sanitation. However, stilt houses may benefit from maintenance and improvements to address concerns related to structural degradation, hygiene, inconvenience caused by flooding, inadequate infrastructure, employment, and lack of opportunities for their livelihood.   Moreover, the excursion unveiled promising opportunities for collaborative research endeavors. These included the design and construction of innovative floating solutions to modernize stilt houses while simultaneously preserving the cultural heritage of Tai O Village, and implementing preventive measures to counteract decay within the village to provide resilience among people. Tai O's stilt houses were deemed an ideal research site for integrating civil infrastructure and social infrastructure development, offering solutions for stilt houses, safeguarding habitats and heritage, establishing a test bed for floating construction, and even providing entertainment facilities, hotel accommodations to promote tourism and augment the village's economic value. It is necessary to discuss a holistic approach to consider the overall development of Tai O village and surrounding waters through cross-disciplinary collaborations among researchers in civil and environmental engineering, architecture, urban planning, social sciences, and law.   

2 Nov, 2023


Goldwind Science and Technology Visited RILS

A delegation from Goldwind Science and Technology Co., Limited led by Dr Endi ZHAI, Director of China National Wind Power Engineering & Technology Research Center, and Group Chief Engineer (CTO) of Goldwind visited RILS on Thursday 12 October 2023. Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU, met with the delegation and introduced PolyU’s research strengths and latest developments. Prof. Xiaoli DING, Director of RILS and some RILS members had a meeting with the visitors to discuss potential research collaborations between the two sides. Dr ZHAI also delivered a RILS Public Lecture that provided a comprehensive overview of the ocean wind power generation industry in China. The lecture received over 350 online registrations.

27 Oct, 2023

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19 RILS Members Recognised as Top 2% of Most-cited Scientists 2023

Stanford University has recently released an update of the list that represents the top 2 percent of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines. The report was prepared by a team of experts led by Prof. John Ioannidis, the eminent Professor at the Stanford University. RILS is very proud to have 19 of RILS members on the list.  As per the data published by Elsevier on 4 October 2023 (version 6):

26 Oct, 2023

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The Finals and Closing Ceremony of HKBIM Future Public Housing Design Competition was successfully held (只有中文版本)

由中國(香港)建築及工程交流學會、香港理工大學土地及空間研究院、物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心、香港科技創新教育聯盟、香港建設管理交流中心、香港管理學院聯合主辦的HKBIM未來公屋設計比賽於2023年7月4日啟動,經過各方共同努力,決賽暨頒獎禮於10月7日在香港理工大學賽馬會創新樓V322演講廳隆重舉行。   本次比賽涉及多學科、跨專業的知識,所需的基本技能包含了STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)的所有環節,參賽者經過精心準備後,展示出了許多充滿創意的絢麗作品,對進一步改善香港市民的居住條件提供了很多建議。   評審代表馮宜萱教授及建築師表示,參賽者帶來了新穎的設計理念,有些作品具有非常高的水準,期待這些熱愛設計和具有天賦的年輕人在這個領域取得更大的成就。主辦單位代表中國(香港)建築及工程交流學會秘書長呂文傑表示,參賽者對比賽的投入程度及出色表現遠超主辦方的預期,將繼續與社會各界一道集思廣益,為香港建築工程界、創新科技界的廣大青年創造更多接觸創新科技和展現自己才能的機會。 HKBIM軟件研發單位、香港理工大學土地及空間研究院李恆教授對參賽作品的專業水準感到驚歎。他表示參賽者能夠使用香港首個自主研發的BIM軟件,發揮創意設計出多個具有創造力及實用性的公屋作品,為香港建造業未來的創新發展注入活力。同時,他鼓勵年輕人設立遠大的目標並為此努力,一定可以取得巨大的收穫。

7 Oct, 2023

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