
PolyYES 2016 – Event Recap
PolyYES 2016 was successfully completed on 28 July 2016. Visit Event Recap to look at the highlights of the event.

PolyYES 2016
What’s your plan in this summer? Join our 3-day symposium PolyYES 2016 to be held on 26-28 July 2016 in Hong Kong. Our theme this year is "Sustainable, Entrepreneurship and the Future". Find out more here

PolyYES 2015 – Event Recap
PolyYES 2015 was successfully completed on 30 July 2015. Visit Event Recap to look at the highlights of the event.

PolyYES 2015
PolyYES is back! This summer, we will extend PolyYES to a 3-day activities under the theme of "Explore. Build. Create." on 28-30 July 2015 in Hong Kong. Read more about PolyYES 2015.

PolyYES 2014 – Event Recap
PolyYES 2014 was successfully completed on 31 July 2014. Visit Event Recap to look at the highlights of the event.

PolyYES Youth Essay Contest
Have you started preparing for the essay? We are glad that Hong Kong Airlines Ltd will sponsor air tickets as prizes for our essay contest. Remember the submission deadline is 22 June 2014 (Sun). Check out here for the essay contest details.

Launching our website for PolyYES 2014
Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the official launch of our PolyYES 2014 website.
This summer, we will organise our 13th Junior Entrepreneur Programme in Hong Kong, with 1-2 weeks training classes designed for different groups of students aged 15-20 from Hong Kong, mainland China and overseas. In addition to this signature programme cultivating the entrepreneurial potential of the youth, we are glad to announce that we have added a new feature to our programme this year – the launch of PolyYES2014.
PolyYES 2014 consists of two full days of intensive activities for around 300 young people from Hong Kong and overseas to be held on 30 and 31 July 2014. Read more about PolyYES 2014.