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PReCIT Core Members Explore Deep Collaborative Opportunities with Jinjiang

Led by Prof. Christopher Chao, Director of PReCIT, Vice President (Research and Innovation) & Chair Professor of Thermal and Environmental Engineering, and Prof. Eric Chui, Co-Director of PReCIT, Head of Department of Applied Social Sciences and Professor, core members of Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) visited Jinjiang, Fujian from 19 to 21 January 2024, meeting with government officials and local industry representatives to explore potential avenues for collaboration between Hong Kong and Jinjiang to enhance the industries in the region. The highlight of the visit included the forum “Bridging Hong Kong’s Technology and Innovative Resources to Empower Industrial Upgrading in Jinjiang (「嫁接香港科创资源,赋能晋江产业升级」)”, where Prof. Christopher Chao, expressed optimism about the potential for mutual growth while Dr. Chili Wu, Manager of PReCIT, Senior Research Fellow of Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering, presented a report on the research conducted by PReCIT, which underscored the potential for collaboration and mutual growth between Hong Kong and Jinjiang. During the forum, representatives from the Jinjiang Government presented the latest policies supporting technology advancements in Jinjiang and shared their experiences and insights into the establishment and operation of a think tank. Three representatives from local industries also took the stage to share their success stories and express their anticipation to collaboration with PolyU. Mr K. K. Ling, SBS, Core Member of PReCIT, Interim Vice President (Campus Development and Facilities), Director of Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation, Ir Prof. Horace Mui Kwok-wai, Prof. Yu Changyuan, Dr Xihui Liu, Dr Xueyong Zhan, Dr Oscar Chan, Dr Zhu Xiaolin, and Ms Amylia Chan also joined the discussion with government officials and industry representatives, fostering a dialogue on the potential for deep collaboration in the future.  



Researchers from PReCIT Enlighten Students on Green Deck Development Research

In the final session of the "Seminar Series on Green Deck Development," Prof. Eric CHUI, Co-Director of Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) and Dr William CHAN, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS), from the Green Deck Project Team, shared their insights and valuable experiences in assessing public opinions towards the Green Deck Project. The seminar series, organised by the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) of PolyU, aimed to deepen undergraduate students’ understanding of Green Deck development and related research. During the session, Prof. CHUI and Dr CHAN took the students on a comprehensive journey through their research process. They explained the guiding theoretical framework, survey design, the two surveys that they conducted, and the findings they obtained. In addition, they discussed the implications of their research, providing students with a real-world perspective on the impact of their work. Throughout the presentation, Prof. CHUI emphasized the importance of cross-disciplinary efforts in translating scientific knowledge into practical solutions. He also encouraged students to apply the knowledge that they have gained from the seminar series in their future endeavors, highlighting their potential to contribute to the field of Green Deck development and beyond. The Green Deck Project Team aims to construct the Green Deck over the Hung Hom Cross Harbour Tunnel Toll Plaza, with the goal of improving air quality and community health, restoring community connectivity, meeting social needs, revitalizing urban centers, and boosting the local economy. PReCIT has been commissioned by the project team to assess public support for the latest Green Deck proposal. To view more photos from the seminar, please visit:



Prof. Christopher CHAO appointed to Hong Kong Web 3.0 Standardization Association

Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director, and Prof. CAO Jiannong, Director of the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Things (RIAIoT) of PolyU, have been appointed as members of the advisory committee and expert committee of the newly established Hong Kong Web 3.0 Standardization Association respectively to advise on HK's digital development.   Online Coverage: CCTV-


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PolyU Representatives on Hong Kong I&T Talent Index 2023

Dr Miranda LOU, Executive Vice President of The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univerisity (PolyU) and Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director of PolyU shared their insights into the Hong Kong I&T Talent Index 2023 as well as scientific research and entrepreneurship at the index-releasing event. Online Coverage:



PolyU Supports CLP Power & Equinix HK’s Energy Efficiency Project

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) was engaged to assess the energy efficiency of an set of airflow optimisation best practices funded by the China Light and Power and Equinix HK, a data centre operator. The solution was verified to reduce CRAC energy consumption by 29.3%, fostering the achievement of Hong Kong's carbon neutrality targets. Dr Oscar Chan Ka-chung, Research Assistant Professor of PolyU PReCIT and the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering, said the project could reduce 51,000 kg of carbon emissions annually. Online Coverage: The Standard - Hong Kong Economic Times - required) Hong Kong Economic Journal - Wen Wei Po -


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PolyU Scholars Witness Historic Milestone in National Aviation Manufacturing Industry

Scholars from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) were invited to visit the home-developed aircraft C919 and ARJ21 display in Hong Kong for the first time, witnessing a significant accomplishment in the national aviation manufacturing industry. The tour co-hosted by the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) and the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK), included introducing C919 and ARJ21’s facilities and visiting the control cabin. PolyU scholars specialising in aviation and engineering engaged in fruitful dialogues with the C919 pilots, who will be conducting the inaugural flyby over Victoria Harbor tomorrow, on flight operations and aircraft structure. Prof. H.C. Man, PolyU Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, believed the flyby is significant as it allows Hong Kong citizens to learn more about the country’s aircrafts, and will be inspiring to the young people. PolyU signed an MOU with the C919 and ARJ21 manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd (COMAC) in March, on promoting civil aviation technology collaboration and fostering research, talent development and knowledge transfer in artificial intelligence, big data and new materials. Scholars from Aviation, Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engineering, Logistics & Maritime Studies shared insight in reinforcing Hong Kong’s status as an International Aviation Hub, outlined in the National 14th Five-Year Plan and the latest 2023 Policy Address, for a research report ,compiled by the One Country Two Systems Research Institute, for submission to the HKSAR Government next year. This visit to the C919 and ARJ21 aircraft showcases PolyU's commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration in the aviation industry while playing a crucial role in advancing the nation's aviation manufacturing capabilities.



PReCIT Core Member Sheds Light on the Development of Northern Metropolis

Prof. Ling Kar Kan, Director of Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation JCDISI and PReCIT core member of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, shared his insights into the development of the Northern Metropolis at a forum about the development and planning of the GBA held earlier this month. Online Coverage:


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PReCIT presents the Third Consul General Talk

The Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) hosted the third talk in the “Consul General Talk Series” with the topic “Promote Partnership between Bangladesh and Hong Kong in ICT for a Knowledge-based Economy” on 21 November 2023. Ms Israt ARA, Consul General of Bangladesh in Hong Kong, captivated the audience with her comprehensive insights into the intertwined relationship between ICT and transformation in the socio-economic life of people. A PolyU student from Bangladesh also shared his experience and life in Hong Kong. Through the Hong Kong-based diplomats sharing their perspectives, PReCIT’s “Consul General Talk Series” aims to serve as a platform for the PolyU community and the general public to gain inspiring insights and knowledge about the development of innovation and technology, policies, as well as the opportunities and prospects in the Belt and Road countries. Photo album: Click here Press release: English - Click here; Chinese - Click here


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Hong Kong Should Go All Out On Digital Twin Technology

Prof. Haitian Lu, Dr. Sirui Han and the team of PReCIT made suggestions for Hong Kong to develop digital twin technology, referencing the European Commission’s strategies, in response to the smart city vision in the letter to the editor of SCMP. Please refer to below for the full article.



PolyU Senior Management Exchanges View with Hefei Government Officials

Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director, Prof. Dong Cheng, Associate Vice President (Mainland Research Advancement) and other members of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University exchanged views with the Hefei Government officials at a conference about cooperation between the University and Hefei. Online Coverage:


