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Prof. LU Haitian Pens Article on Soft Connectivity with Shenzhen

Prof. Lu Haitian, Professor of the School of Accounting & Finance, Core Member of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) and Director of Mainland Development Office, and postdoctoral fellows of PReCIT, Dr Wang Shan and Dr Zhu Xiaolin, suggested in a bylined article in Hong Kong Economic Journal that “soft connectivity” would be vital for the collaboration of I&T between Hong Kong and Shenzhen.   Full Article: HKEJ: (subscription required)



Prof. Christopher Chao Encouraged Students to Cultivate the Ability to Innovate across Disciplines

PolyU hosted the regional qualifier for the remote-control underwater vehicle tournament on Tuesday, where nearly 500 primary and secondary school students were required to build an underwater vehicle in the shape of a seaperch, and remotely control the vehicle to capture and transport floating objects. Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice-President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT, said at the event that he hoped students could gain an in-depth understanding of cutting-edge marine technology, master scientific research methods, and cultivate the ability to innovate across disciplines.   Online Coverage: China Daily:    



Prof. Christopher CHAO Shared PolyU's Efforts to Cultivate Researcher-led Entrepreneurship and PReCIT's Research

Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director, appeared on the RTHK's radio programme “一桶金之財經新思維” and discussed how PolyU is at the forefront of fostering research-led entrepreneurship and PReCIT's research. To learn more about how PolyU helps to drive research excellence beyond academia and into the marketplace and more about PReCIT.   Full Interview: RTHK: (00:12 - 20:05)


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PolyU Researchers Introduce Pioneering Metaverse-enabled Expressive Arts Therapy Programme to Foster Empathy in Adolescents

Innovative technology continues to drive educational transformation, not only enhancing the teaching experience and its effectiveness, but also providing support for students with diverse learning needs. An interdisciplinary research team from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has designed an expressive arts therapy programme utilising metaverse and virtual reality technologies to foster empathy and self-expression among adolescents, thereby improving their social skills and mental well-being. Led by Prof. Eric Chui, Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, and Co-Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology; Dr Grace NGAI, Associate Professor of the Department of Computing; Dr Richard LI, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences and the Department of Computing; and Dr Peter NG, Assistant Professor of the Department of Computing and the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, the research team collaborated with Sheng Kung Hui (S.K.H.) St. Christopher’s Home to provide an eight-week therapy course for 30 adolescents aged between 12 and 18 from March to December 2023. The course was delivered by a licensed expressive arts therapist online via a virtual platform on a one-to-one basis. Through virtual reality technology, the course enabled the expressive arts therapist and the adolescents, who were situated in different locations, to engage in real-time interaction and collaborate in three-dimensional art creation based on a variety of themes. During the course, adolescents created their own personalised virtual avatars and made use of a wide range of virtual tools for their artistic expression, while the therapist provided guidance and support to them on how to express themselves and understand the feelings and thoughts of others, through art. The research team surveyed the participating adolescents before and after the course. They found that over 70% showed significant improvement in empathy, with a nearly 40% increase in their scores in relation to interpersonal response, while older participants exhibited greater progress. The findings indicate that the course is effective in fostering adolescent ability to imagine and understand the perspectives and situations of others. Meanwhile, assessments from the art therapist further revealed more than 70% of participants were willing to open up and share their emotions during the course, while almost half of them engaged in self-exploration and self-reflection. The research team concluded that, built upon metaverse and virtual reality technologies, this novel platform for art creation allows adolescents to freely present their thoughts and feelings, while a virtual environment provides them with a sense of security which facilitates closer and more comfortable interaction and communication between them and the therapist. Positive feedback was also received from the adolescent participants who said that they were delighted to be exposed to a new way of creating art and to gain a better understanding on how to build positive relationships with others and the community. They were also excited about participating in similar innovative programmes in the future. Prof. Eric Chui believes that, with ever-evolving social needs and technological advancements, social workers have the responsibility to stay updated on relevant technology so as to be able to offer innovative and timely services. This programme is evidence of an innovative and successful use of metaverse technology in the development of adolescent mental well-being, while also illuminating the potential of educational innovation. He added that the younger generation in Hong Kong is facing numerous pressures, and therefore any method encouraging them to share and relax is worth the social welfare sector exploring. Ms Kiann WONG, registered social worker at S.K.H. St. Christopher’s Home, said that this innovative programme has been profoundly beneficial to the growth of adolescents, allowing them to explore new technologies like the metaverse and virtual reality, and to learn about the importance of empathy. She hoped to continue collaboration with PolyU and provide more innovative learning opportunities for young people. With an aim of supporting a broader range of communities in need, the research team intends to fine-tune the design of the course based on the experience and findings from the programme and expand it to a more diverse audience base, especially including adolescents with special educational needs or facing behavioural and other mental difficulties.   ***END***   Press Release: Click here (English Verision)  Click here (Chinese Version)



PolyU Contributes to First Lunar Far Side Sampling in Human History

The “Surface Sampling and Packing System” developed and manufactured the team of Prof. YUNG Kai-leung, Director of the Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations, Sir Sze-yuen Chung Professor in Precision Engineering, Chair Professor of Precision Engineering and Associate Head of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (RCDSE) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in collaboration with the China Academy of Space Technology, has accomplished the tasks of automatic sample collection and packaging on the far side of the moon for the Nation’s Chang’e-6 mission, marking a milestone in human space exploration. Prof. Yung said the team is deeply grateful for the opportunity granted by the motherland. Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) said that PolyU has invested a considerable amount of resources in the RCDSE, and he hoped the Government would provide long-term support to the relevant projects. He also introduced the University’s efforts to promote STEM education, including the “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” and other exhibitions, conferences and seminars, aiming to foster interest in aerospace technology among young people.   Online Coverage: Ta Kung Pao -; Wen Wei Po - Xinhua Net -  



PolyU Wins Record Number of Awards at International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) won a record-breaking number of accolades at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva (Geneva Inventions Expo), a widely recognised annual event devoted exclusively to invention. 43 PolyU innovations seized 45 accolades, including two Special Prizes, five Gold Medals with Congratulations of the Jury, 18 Gold Medals, 13 Silver Medals and seven Bronze Medals. Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT introduced the winning research at i-Cable’s programme “InnoAction” and PolyU’s efforts to foster interdisciplinary research and nurture start-ups.   Interview Replay: (00:13 - 12:15)  



PolyU Forum Empowers HK SMEs on Aligning ESG Disclosure with International Standards

The Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) hosted a forum on “Charting the Path: ESG Policies and SMEs in Hong Kong's Green Finance Journey”, in collaboration with The ESG Consortium and with the support of Sing Tao News Corporation Limited, to address the policy support needed for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in response to the phased alignment of local sustainability disclosures with the international standards promogulated by the HKSAR Government. In his welcome remarks, Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director, highlighted the significance of the Government's vision to make Hong Kong the first jurisdiction to comply with the international sustainability disclosure benchmarks in order to foster Hong Kong’s position as an international green finance hub. He urged policymakers to conduct more consultation with industry practitioners and incorporate their views into the road map being planned for a transparent and actionable sustainability reporting pathway for businesses in Hong Kong. Prof. CHAO said, “As the engine of economic development, SMEs have a critical role to play in Hong Kong's green finance journey, however, the unique challenges and constraints they face in integrating an environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework into corporate risk management and disclosure have not been well addressed. Discussion on best practices is essential to turn ESG obligations into opportunities for our local businesses.” At the forum, Mr Jonathan WONG, Chief of Innovation, Enterprise and Investment at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific; Mr Hugh CHOW, Executive Director of The ESG Consortium; Ms Clara CHAN, Executive Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the ESG Committee at the Federation of Hong Kong Industries; and Ms Serena MAK, Executive Director of Sustainable Finance at the Institutional Banking Group of DBS Bank (Hong Kong) explored how Hong Kong can leverage green finance and ESG policies to support SMEs in the transition to a low-carbon economy, as well as how to comply with ESG reporting requirements. Ms Clara CHAN emphasised the urgency of adopting ESG principles for manufacturing SMEs. She highlighted, “As the EU will be implementing the CSDDD (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive) and CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) within the next two to three years, enterprises, regardless of their sizes, that proactively embrace these regulations will gain a competitive edge in securing business partnerships with EU clients. SMEs should seize this opportunity to accelerate their ESG journey.” Ms Serena MAK said,” Development of taxonomy and robust disclosure standards foster transparency for stakeholders will play a vital part in increased adoption of sustainable finance. SMEs face resource constraints in their ESG journeys. Funding, government support, digital tools and access to information would all be helpful to encourage SMEs to integrate sustainability in their businesses.” Mr Jonathan WONG introduced some innovative laws, policies, strategies and initiatives that governments in Asia and the Pacific have implemented to achieve sustainability reporting. He urged policymakers to continue to innovate in policymaking on what is still a relatively new policy agenda. Mr Hugh CHOW advocated streamlining ESG Implementation for SME Competitiveness. He added, "As we witness the irreversible trend towards ESG implementation, it is imperative for SMEs to take action now and embrace sustainable practices. By advocating the streamlining of ESG implementation, we empower SMEs to enhance their competitiveness in the market. We understand the challenges they face, such as resource constraints and limited capacity. Therefore, we provide strategies to help SMEs overcome these obstacles and embark on their ESG journey." Founded in 2022, PReCIT is a University-level interdisciplinary policy research centre. Led by Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Director of PReCIT, and Prof. Eric CHUI, Co-Director of PReCIT and Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences of PolyU, the Centre’s primary areas of research include carbon-neutral cities, Greater Bay Area I&T development and Belt and Road Initiative development in Southeast Asia.   For more information about PReCIT, please visit   ***END***   Photo album of the event: Click here Forum Replay: Click here (Speaker Serena Mak’s session is deleted as requested for internal sharing only) Press Release: Click here (English Verision) Click here (Chinese Version) Speakers' presentation files (in PDF format):   Huge CHOW - Link Jonathan WONG - Link Online coverage: Sing Tao Daily - Headline Daily - Bauhinia - Hong Kong Economic Journal News  -



Prof. Christopher CHAO Reappointed Chief Executive's Policy Unit Expert Group Member

Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has been reappointed to the Research Strategy Expert Group of the Chief Executive's Policy Unit Expert Group (CEPU) with the term to be effective for one year starting from 30 May. Five new members: Professor Ba Shusong, Mrs Bonnie Chan Wo, Mr Jonathan Zhu, Mr Tang Fei, Professor Naubahar Sharif are appointed to the CEPU. The CEPU Expert Group was established in May 2023 by the HKSAR Government as an advisory body. 59 members from different backgrounds including business, finance, professionals, think-tanks and academia. Members of the Expert Group are assigned into three broad streams, namely the Economic Advancement Expert Group, the Social Development Expert Group and the Research Strategy Expert Group to contribute expert views and new ideas to the CEPU on various topics.   HKSAR Government announcement:



PolyU Contributes Strategic Vision for Hong Kong's Aviation Development

The Hong Kong Coalition has released a series of research reports outlining the roadmap for Hong Kong's development as an International Trade Center, East-meets-West cultural hub, Regional Intellectual Property Trade Center, and International Aviation Hub. Led by Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT, PolyU was invited to join the aviation task force, which included members from the Airport Authority Hong Kong, Haeco, DHL, The Hong Kong Shippers' Council, the One Country Two Systems Research Institute and more, to contribute their insights on how to enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness in the aviation industry by enhancing HK’s strategic position of the aviation and leveraging on the opportunities from the aviation technology, GBA market. PolyU scholars from the Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Department of Logistics & Maritime Studies, Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology, and Aviation Services Research Centre have formulated constructive insights. The key recommendations from the PolyU team include: Providing long-term and stable funding for aviation research projects, including aviation in funding applications. Fostering long-term collaboration among research, academic, and industry stakeholders on emerging aviation technologies. Establishing flight pilots for autonomous UAV systems and eVTOLs, and integrating Hong Kong into the country's low-altitude economic blueprint. Exploring the feasibility of establishing aviation technology R&D bases in the Greater Bay Area. Strengthening the "air-rail combined transport" system to enhance connectivity between the West Kowloon High-Speed Rail Station and the Hong Kong International Airport. The Transport and Logistics Bureau replied that the Government and stakeholders would consider the recommendations from the Hong Kong Coalition's reports on aviation to reinforce Hong Kong's position as the international aviation hub.   Report link:  



Prof. Christopher CHAO addresses at the Asia Summit on Global Health

Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) joined more than 80 global leaders in healthcare at the fourth Asia Summit on Global Health to discuss diverse industry issues, such as medical and healthcare innovations, healthcare development in China and healthcare investment prospects. PolyU also signed an MOU with PanMediso to collaborate in the field of healthcare.   PolyU will organise another session at the summit today to discuss the development of innovative drugs with specialists from Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co., Ltd, AstraZeneca, and Simcere Pharmaceutical Group Limited.


