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Prof. Tommy Wei
PolyU Scholars Hub

Prof. WEI Minchen, Tommy

DoQHRC, Assoc. Head(BEEE) & Professor


Prof. Minchen Wei is the Director of Color, Imaging and Metaverse Research Center, the recipient of China's Excellent Young Scientists Fund. He obtained his bachelor’s degree from Fudan University in 2009. In Aug 2011 and Dec 2015, he earned his Master of Science and PhD degrees in Architectural Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. He joined PolyU in Oct 2015 as an Assistant Professor. His research mainly focuses on fundamental color science, color management and application for imaging and metaverse systems (e.g., display, camera, AR/VR/MR), and illuminating engineering. His work has been supported by the Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Hong Kong Policy Innovation and Coordination Office, and Hong Kong SAR Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), and various industry partners (i.e., Facebook, Google, Huawei, DJI, WSP, OPPO, OPPLE Lighting, etc). Dr Wei is currently the Vice President of CIE, Chairman of CIE (HK), and national representative in CIE Divisions 1 and 8. He is also an Associate Editor of Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Color Research & Application, and LEUKOS (Journal of Illuminating Engineering Society). He received a Google Research Scholar Award in 2021, and PolyU Young Innovative Researcher Award, and PolyU President's Award for Outstanding Knowledge Transfer in 2022, Hong Kong Engineering Science Award in 2023, SID Young Leadership Award and Distinguished Paper Award in 2024.


魏敏晨教授现任颜色、影像与元宇宙研究中心主任、国家优秀青年基金获得者。他于2009年毕业于复旦大学,并于2011年8月及2015年12月在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学建筑工程系获得理学硕士和哲学博士学位。2015年10月以助理教授身份加入理工大学。魏教授的研究方向主要包括基础颜色科学、针对影像系统、元宇宙技术(显示器、相机、AR/VR/MR系统)的颜色管理、及照明系统。魏教授的研究获得香港研究资助局RGC、国家自然科学基金、香港特区政府政策创新与统筹办事处、香港机电工程署及工业界(Facebook、Google、 华为、大疆、WSP、OPPO、 欧普照明等)资助。目前,魏教授担任国际照明委员会副主席、香港照明学会主席、国际照明委员会第一分部和第八分部国家代表,美国光学学会期刊JOSA A颜色科学副主编、Color Research & Application以及LEUKOS副主编。魏教授获得2021年Google全球研究学者奖;2022年香港理工大学青年创新研究者奖以及杰出成就校长奖(技术转移);2023年香港工程科技奖;2024年SID青年领袖奖及杰出论文奖。

Education and Academic Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Engineering, Fudan University
  • Master of Science, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Pennsylvania State University

Research Interests

  • Color Science, Color Technology, and Color Management for Imaging and Display Systems
  • Lighting Quality, Characterization, and Lighting Measurements
  • LED Lighting
  • Light Pollution
  • Daylighting and Energy Efficiency

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