The funding proposal for the extension and revitalisation work for PolyU’s Pao Yue-kong Library was approved by the Legislative Council’s Finance Committee in July 2020. The proposal, which was supported by the Secretary for Education, will see additional and modernised library space created to cope with the needs of the modern learning environment.


The main part of the project involves the construction of an additional floor, which will provide an extra 2,080 square metres of space. Existing floors will also be revitalised to improve facilities and learning spaces. Work on the project started in late July 2020. Construction of the additional floor will finish in the second quarter of 2022 while the revitalisation work of existing floors will be completed by phases till the fourth quarter of 2023.


Upon completion of the project, the library will be transformed into a modern learning hub with new space for collaborative learning, quiet study, a presentation forum, and information technology workstation areas. It will also have a 24-hour learning centre, as well as recording studios.