Professor Pauline Cho named Most Impactful Author and PolyU recognised as the World’s Leading Institution in orthokeratology

Professor Pauline Cho
Professor Pauline Cho of the School of Optometry was recently named as the Most Impactful Author in a bibliometric analysis of the orthokeratology literature published in the UK Contact Lens & Anterior Eye Journal, with the total number of citations and publications published by Professor Cho ranked first amongst other orthokeratology scholars. PolyU was also named as the Leading Institution with the highest number of highly-cited papers in the field.
The analysis was based on performing a title and abstract search using the Scopus database, with keywords including “orthokeratology”, “corneal refractive therapy” and “corneal reshaping”, from the first publication about orthokeratology in 1962 to November 2020. Among the 650 papers found, Professor Cho is the first author of the top 2 orthokeratology-related papers ranked by the number of citations.
Furthermore, Dr Peggy Cheung, a Postdoctoral Fellow from Professor Cho’s team, is ranked third in the world, in terms of the number of citations of her orthokeratology-related publications. Congratulations to both Professor Cho and Dr Cheung. We offer our heartfelt appreciation for their valuable contributions to the field of orthokeratology!
Professor Cho and her team have been engaged in orthokeratology-related studies since many years ago. Back in 2005, the team published the first longitudinal study on overnight orthokeratology, showing effective slowing of myopia progression. Since then, numerous publications have confirmed the myopia control effect and many practitioners have adopted this modality on a routine basis for myopia management.