Since 2018, PolyU’s Student Affairs Office and Global Engagement Office have collaborated with the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) to organise the on-campus Blood Donation Campaign every October. We are thrilled to see that in this year’s Campaign, more than 550 students and staff participated and generously donated their blood, with 414 units of blood collected successfully. Among these successful blood donation cases, 72% or 299 of them were first-time donors.


In recognition of PolyU’s continued support in driving blood donation on campus and promoting a positive message to the public, Dr C K Lee, Chief Executive and Medical Director of the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, presented the “Elite Partnership Award 2021” to Prof. Ben Young, PolyU’s Vice President (Student and International Affairs). Newly launched in 2021, the award recognises enthusiastic partners in the commercial and community sectors that contribute to blood donation in Hong Kong.


Kudos to everyone who contributed to this meaningful Campaign!