In June, PolyU proudly brought home the "OSCAR of higher education" by winning the Teaching and Learning Strategy of the Year award at the Time Higher Education (THE) Awards Asia 2022. Congratulations to all who contributed their best efforts and support in making PolyU’s Teaching and Learning a great success!


At this year’s THE Awards Asia, nearly 500 entries from all over the world were received. PolyU is proud to have taken away one of the most prestigious trophies, representing a great achievement for the University.


As part of the University’s drive to foster civic-minded students, PolyU has introduced a service-learning programme to the undergraduate curriculum, combining academic learning with community service. Taking to heart the motto – “We learn to serve, and serve to learn”, the programme enables students to apply their classroom knowledge for the benefit of society, while also teaching them how to more effectively collaborate and solve problems – skills that will help them to play an active role in society.


Since it launched in 2012, nearly 29,000 students have enrolled on the programme, contributing close to 1.2 million service-hours to the local and global community. The service-learning projects, both local and overseas, span various areas including STEM education, community development, healthcare and its promotion, environmental protection and many more.


The judges were highly impressed by the work of PolyU, and said “The service-learning programme of PolyU has given students a chance to apply what they have learned in their professional fields to solving real-life problems. In this way, PolyU instils a sense of social responsibility in its students.”


To learn more about this year’s winners, visit THE Asia Awards’ official website.