24 student leaders from affiliated PolyU student organisations recently joined a seven-day Greater Bay Area and overseas learning trip led by PolyU Vice President (Student and Global Affairs), Prof. Ben Young, and Dean of Students, Prof. Albert Chan.


The outbound journey aimed to advance competitiveness by exposing students to innovative and entrepreneurial opportunities in the GBA, the first of its kind as the participants are the executive committee members of departmental student societies and interest clubs.


In Guangzhou, Outstanding Alumni Awardee cum University Fellow Mr Liu Sing-cheong facilitated visits to insurance, home decoration, and architecture firms. Students gained insights into the entrepreneurs’ success stories, inspiring their passion and perseverance in seizing opportunities. Fellow Outstanding Alumni Awardee Dr Johnny Ng Kit-chong also shared his entrepreneurial experiences.


In Singapore, the delegation met with student affairs management at the National University of Singapore to exchange perspectives and had fruitful dialogues on the development of student organisations cum campus visit with the staff and student groups in Nanyang Technological University. Students encountered multi-cultural diversity in Singapore and were immersed in the urban green space in the “Garden City”, on the Cultural Exploration Day.


This enriching trip fostered exchange between students, alumni, industry leaders and institutional partners from the Mainland and overseas. It broadened students' horizons and motivated them to dream big and act boldly in realising their potential, providing a valuable opportunity for PolyU’s future leaders to expand their global outlook and draw inspiration for their holistic development.