Biosensing and Point-of-care Diagnostics
Nanobiosensors for molecular biomarker detection
The combination of nanotechnology with cellular engineering, and molecular biology for ultrasensitive detection of various biomarkers could obtain accurate information reflecting major diseases such as tumor and neurodegenerative diseases.
Microfluidic biochips for high-throughput detection and drug screening
The combination of microfluidics with sensors may enable the development of Lab-on-a-chip for high-throughput detection of various biomarkers of diseases and drug screening.

Precision Therapy
Multimodality-imaging guided cancer phototherapy
Among the emerging new cancer therapy approaches, phototherapy is a promising alternative to traditional approaches due to its non-invasive nature, few side effects and low toxicity. Moreover, multimodality imaging can provide more accurate guidance for precision therapy.
Theranostic probes for osteoarthritis therapy
Osteoarthritis (OA) represents one of the most common painful conditions in the life of a human. It has caused a heavy healthcare and socioeconomic burden. Yet current diagnosis and therapy for OA pain are subjective and nonspecific with significant adverse effects.
Study of the role of ion-channels as diagnostic or therapeutic targets for bone diseases
Problems of ion channels result in human diseases. On the other hand, since most of them are in accessible plasma membranes, ion channels are potential molecular targets for pharmaceutical drugs and for medical devices.
Personalized telerehabilitation for stroke patients
Research problem: Current rehabilitation methods for stroke patients are labor-intensive and low-automation. Therefore, personalized telerehabilitation is of high importance to improve the therapy efficiency. One of the potential direction is to design multi-module hybrid robots with artificial intelligent controls and data engineering for automations in personalized diagnosis, treatment, and long-term follow-up in rehabilitation management after stroke.

Advanced Bioimaging for Precision Diagnostics
Deep-tissue optical wavefront shaping and photoacoustic imaging
In the past decades, many exciting optical technologies have been developed that allow us to see and interact with finer and finer tissue structures and functions. Their applications, however, are limited to superficial layers beneath sample surface or compromised resolution at depths due to the inherent strong scattering nature of light in tissue.
Ultrasound imaging-based precision diagnostics
Research Problem: The recent development of ultrasound imaging have provides new methods are expanding the use of ultrasound in interventions and 3D imaging that brings value to new care areas.
High-resolution single-pixel optical bioimaging
High- or super-resolution microscopy has rapidly developed with various techniques or methods nowadays. In recent years, imaging through strong turbulence and highly scattering media, e.g., imaging through thick biological tissue, is considered as the most challenging research topic in optics, which have important applications in various biomedical fields.