Themed “Research Excellence for Societal Impacts”, The PAIR Conference 2023: RCMI Programme was held successfully on 9 May 2023 via hybrid mode, engaging distinguished TCM researchers and over eighty participants to deliberate on pertinent topics and give insights into the recent facets of TCM research and advances in local and global contexts.
The Programme was kickstarted by an Opening remark made by Prof. WONG Man-sau, Director of the Research Centre for Chinese Medicine Innovation. Through a series of thrilling experiences including keynote presentations, technical sessions and poster session, the Programme endeavors to showcase the latest research from pharmacological and clinical perspectives.
The Programme has expanded international collaborations for evidence-based studies on the use of acupuncture and other TCM-based interventions for the treatment, prevention, and recovery of chronic diseases, explaining the clinically proven efficacies of TCM-based exercises and supplements to drive health and longevity. It has also highlighted how recent digital innovations could facilitate Chinse Medicine Practitioners’ (CMPs) clinical practices.