Project Description
- Funded by the Sustainable Agricultural Development Fund of the Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Department, PolyU’s "Shun Kai Urban Green Farming Research Laboratory" operates as Hong Kong's first urban farming research and development platform.
- Our focus is on developing bio-fortified precision hydroponics technology to enhance the mineral and trace nutrient content in vegetables during cultivation. With Hong Kong residents often deficient in calcium, iron, and iodine, our team has formulated a method to add these essential nutrients to commonly consumed vegetables, such as Chinese vegetables and salad greens. This approach provides a practical, affordable, and natural solution for meeting nutritional needs through daily diets.

Project Objectives
- To address local nutrient deficiencies in calcium, iron, and iodine by building upon PolyU’s patented technology. Through an indoor, controlled-environment hydroponics platform, we aim to further develop efficient bio-fortification techniques, focusing on the effects of different chemical forms and concentrations of calcium, iron, and iodine on commonly consumed salad greens and Chinese vegetables in Hong Kong.
- To collaborate with local hydroponics businesses to use their farms as pilot testing sites, allowing us to scale and optimize the bio-fortification technology developed in our lab. This includes establishing a mid-scale production line and creating standardized operating procedures.
- To promote sustainable hydroponics through knowledge transfer, public education, and promotional activities. Our goal is to enhance the market competitiveness of locally grown hydroponic vegetables, foster sustainable development in the hydroponics industry, and nurture a culture of "healthy eating and sustainable living" in Hong Kong, ensuring better public health.

Activities (Launching Mid-2025)
- Bio-Fortification Knowledge Transfer Workshops: Offering technical support and quality control testing services.
- Public Talks and Hydroponic Vegetable Tastings: Allowing consumers to learn about the cultivation environment and processes behind hydroponics while experiencing the quality and taste of hydroponic vegetables firsthand.
News & Events

創新科技推動農業 邁向高質量可持續發展 [Chinese only]
一直以來,本港的菜供應以進口為主。 現時本港約有50個水耕農場,產量僅佔本地生產蔬果總量的百分之三。雖然水耕栽培能有效及穩定地生產疏菜,但建立水耕系統的前期投資和日常營運成本費用高昂,導致本地水耕蔬菜成本價格較高,不利於與內地進口蔬菜競爭,市民對購買水耕蔬菜的意欲亦相對薄弱,為水耕業的長遠發展帶來隱憂。
Public Talks and Hydroponic Vegetable Tastings
Public Talks and Hydroponic Vegetable Tastings: Allowing consumers to learn about the cultivation environment and processes behind hydroponics while experiencing the quality and taste of hydroponic vegetables firsthand.
-Launching Soon-
Public Talks and Hydroponic Vegetable Tastings