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PAIR Research Impact Video Series  Episode 32000 x 1050 pxEN

PAIR Research Impact Video Series | Episode 3 | Electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction: Transforming greenhouse gas into raw material for plastics

The PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) is excited to present the third episode of the PAIR Research ImpactVideo Series. The Series invites PAIR researchers to share their latest research achievements and solutions to major challenges in the society. The third episode titled “Electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction: Transforming greenhouse gas into raw material for plastics” features Prof. Daniel LAU, Associate Director of Photonics Research Institute (PRI), Member of Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations (RCDSE), Head of Department of Applied Physics and Chair Professor of Nanomaterials. In the episode, Prof. Lau introduced the novel electrocatalytic carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction system developed by his team. This system can efficiently convert CO2 into ethylene, a key raw material for plastics, contributing to carbon neutrality. The “catalyst material test device” has been carried into space along with the aerospace programme of the China National Space Administration to test for its stability in space. The team is collaborating with industry partners to enhance the device’s stability and explore its application in overseas petrochemical plants and waste-to-energy facilities. Watch the video now to discover how this chemical process works!

28 Feb, 2025

ISSUE 13  March 2025 2000 x 1050 pxEN

PAIR Newsletter · Issue 13 · March 2025 is now available online

We are excited to release the latest issue of the PAIR Newsletter! Issue 13 of the PAIR Newsletter newly includes the PAIR Three Year Report, a special report on PAIR’s operations from 2021/22 to 2023/24, summarising the major developments and achievements at the Academy in the first three-year operating cycle.  PAIR has finished the first cycle with great achievements.  The summary report provides a glimpse into the fruitful outcomes in scientific research, funding schemes, knowledge transfer and collaborations at the Academy. The Feature Story section of this Issue covers the insights from PAIR Senior Fellow Prof. Philip RUSSELL on the development and application of “photonic crystal fibre” (PCF), a hollow-core fibre which he proposed in 1991 and revolutionised the way how light travels in glass fibre; as well as the research works by Prof. WENG Qihao, Chair Professor of Geomatics and Artificial Intelligence, which integrate geospatial artificial intelligence to give important insights about urbanisation and develop solutions to mitigate its impacts. The Research Achievements section includes some of the latest discoveries at PAIR, including evidence that signifies the presence of ocean on Mars billion ago.  The People section highlights PAIR scholars who have recently been recognised for their research excellence and elected to prestigious academies.  The News & Events section provides a brief review of the many scholarly exchange activities at PAIR over the last few months, media coverages of the works by PAIR scholars, and new partnerships in conducting research and setting up new laboratories. Read on to find out the exciting updates at PAIR! PAIR Newsletter · Issue 13:

27 Feb, 2025

20250311 Lecture on DeepSeek by Prof YANG Hongxia2000 x 1050 px

PAIR Public Forum for Research and Innovation: DeepSeek and Beyond

Chinese AI start-up DeepSeek’s recently released model has sent shockwaves across global tech industry. DeepSeek garnered attention with its low-cost, high-performance model, challenging industry-leading US competitors. DeepSeek’s breakthrough has changed the way how people think about AI development, but has also triggered concerns over privacy security, technological competition and other issues. The explosive growth of generative AI (GenAI) tools is an established trend. How can Hong Kong find its place in the global race for AI? How can Hong Kong universities and research institutions get a piece of the pie, respond to the AI surge and embrace the ample opportunities ahead? In what ways can scientists and researchers contribute to Hong Kong’s AI competitiveness? The PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) will host its inaugural Public Forum on Research and Innovation, titled “DeepSeek and Beyond”, on 11 March 2025. Prof. YANG Hongxia, Associate Dean (Global Engagement) of the Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences and Professor in the Department of Computing at PolyU, will share her Co-Gen AI project, which includes innovative features that have made AI development more accessible and less dependent on massive centralised computational resources, helping Hong Kong occupy an important position in the global generative AI development landscape. Prof. YANG Hongxia is a distinguished AI scientist with over 15 years of experience, specialising in large-scale machine learning, data mining, and deep learning. Throughout her illustrious career, Prof. Yang has developed ten significant algorithmic systems that have enhanced the operations of various enterprises. Her research focuses on pre-trained models, big data analytics, and the practical deployment of large language model systems in real-world settings. Prof. Yang has an impressive academic record, having published over 100 top-tier papers, which have garnered approximately 12,000 citations and an H-index of 46. She also holds more than 50 patents. Her contributions to the field have been recognised with several prestigious awards, including the 2019 Super AI Leader Award at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference and the 2020 National Science and Technology Progress Award. Prof. Yang was named one of Forbes China’s Top 50 Women in Tech for 2022, and she received the AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award for 2023–2024. She founded foundational modelling teams at both ByteDance and Alibaba and has held prominent roles at Yahoo! Inc. and the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. Prof. Yang earned her Ph.D. from Duke University and her B.S. from Nankai University. She is recognised globally as a pioneer in the field of Generative AI. Register now! Don’t miss the chance to learn from distinguished scientist! PAIR Public Forum for Research and Innovation: DeepSeek and Beyond Date: 11 March 2025 (Tuesday) Time: 3:00pm–4:30pm (Hong Kong time) Venue: PolyU Jockey Club Auditorium Language: Putonghua Registration:

24 Feb, 2025

PolyU’s AI-powered healthcare technologies featured in RTHK TV programme

Prof. HE Mingguang, Director of Research Centre for SHARP Vision (RCSV), Chair Professor of Experimental Ophthalmology, Henry G. Leong Professor in Elderly Vision Health; and Ir Prof. ZHENG Yongping, Director of Research Institute for Smart Ageing (RISA), Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Henry G. Leong Professor in Biomedical Engineering, were featured in RTHK’s TV programme “Hong Kong United”. They introduced two of PolyU’s innovative inventions that integrate AI with healthcare technology, including an AI-powered portable camera designed specifically for retinal screening of diabetic retinopathy, and “Scolioscan”, a portable palm-sized 3D ultrasound imaging device for radiation-free assessment of scoliosis. Online coverage: RTHK - (04:09 - 08:52) (Chinese only)

21 Feb, 2025

Event RecapPAIR DLS by Prof John A Rogers 2000 x 1050 pxEN

Biotech expert Prof. John A. ROGERS from Northwestern University delivers PAIR Distinguished Lecture

Prof. John A. ROGERS from Northwestern University, United States, delivered the 35th PAIR Distinguished Lecture titled “Bioelectronics – Frontiers in the Integration of Technology with Biology” on 19 February 2025 on the PolyU campus. The lecture attracted over 130 participants to join in person and captivated an online audience of over 12,800 from different countries and regions who watched the live broadcast on multiple social media platforms, including Bilibili, WeChat, Weibo and YouTube. The lecture began with a warm welcome and introduction of the speaker by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR. Prof. Rogers kickstarted his presentation by providing an overview of the advanced electronic technologies designed for stable, intimate integration with living organisms. These technologies serve as the foundations for patient monitoring and disease treatment. Specifically, the ability to inject miniaturised, biocompatible electronic systems into soft tissues or laminate them onto vital organs opens unique opportunities in tracking and manipulating biological activity, with significant implications in human healthcare.   Prof. Rogers also discussed the core concepts in materials science, circuit design, and manufacturing that underpin these technologies, including bioresorbable or “transient” devices engineered to dissolve in the body in sync with natural processes. He also presented several joint interdisciplinary projects with long-time collaborator Prof. HUANG Yonggang, including skin-like wireless devices for tracking vital signs and bioelectronic “medicines” for neuroregeneration and temporary cardiac pacing. Following the presentation was a question-and-answer session moderated by Prof. ZHENG Zijian, Associate Director of the Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems (RI-IWEAR) and Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices in the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology. The audience engaged in a productive discussion with Prof. Rogers. Please click here for an online review.

19 Feb, 2025


RIAM Member makes breakthrough discovery in structure and synthesis of 2D ferroelectrics

A research team led by Prof. ZHAO Jiong, Member of the Research Institute for Advanced Manufacturing (RIAM), Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Physics of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), has made significant discoveries in the research on 2D ferroelectrics and 2D van der Waals materials. The team unveiled a pioneering approach for the large-scale synthesis of Indium Selenide (In2Se3), and provided new insights into the critical mechanisms that underlie the characteristics of 2D van der Waals materials and bilayer 2D materials. In2Se3 is a promising 2D ferroelectric material but the large-scale synthesis of 2D In2Se3 films with the desired phase is still lacking. The team utilised transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique to directly observe and analyse the ferroelectric domains, domain walls and other crucial features at the atomic level within the materials, and have successfully synthesised 2D In2Se3 films with pure phase. The findings were published in Nature Nanotechnology. Furthermore, the team unveiled the ultra-high plasticity of materials in 2D metal monochalcogenides such as InSe, and the complex vortex patterns with tunable characteristics in twisted-bilayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). The two findings have been published in Nature Materials and Science, respectively. These scientific discoveries significantly boost technological advancements in microelectronics, artificial intelligence and quantum information, and has promising prospects for diverse applications including high-density memory devices, energy conversion systems, sensing technologies and catalysis technologies. The studies were supported by PolyU’s Atomic Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory and contributions of the research team of Prof. Daniel LAU Shu-ping, Chair Professor of Nanomaterials and Head of the PolyU Department of Applied Physics; Prof. YANG Ming, Assistant Professor in the PolyU Department of Applied Physics; and Prof. LY Thuc Hue, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry of City University of Hong Kong. Press Release:

18 Feb, 2025

20250216Prof SONG Haiyan featured on Now News on use of robotics and AI in hotel industryEN

Prof. SONG Haiyan featured on Now News on use of robotics and AI in hotel industry

Prof. SONG Haiyan, Director of Research Centre for Digital Transformation of Tourism (RCDTT), Associate Dean and Chair Professor of School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM), Mr and Mrs Chan Chak Fu Professor in International Tourism, was interviewed by Now News to share his views on how robotics and AI can address manpower shortages and enhance customer experiences in the hotel industry. Prof. Song said, “Some people think that the development of AI and robotics may replace certain jobs in the hotel industry, and this is indeed true. However, the use of robotics and AI also creates opportunities for new and higher-level jobs. As the hotel and tourism industry evolves in the future, many new business operating models and applications of science and technology will emerge.” Online coverage: Now TV - (00:15 - 02:08) Yahoo HK -

16 Feb, 2025

Prof. Daniel LUO named distinguished member of Association for Computing Machinery

Prof. Daniel LUO Xiapu, Member of the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Things (RIAIoT) and Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Smart Cities Research Institute (SCRI), Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences and Professor in the Department of Computing, has been inducted as a Distinguished Member of the Association for Computing Machinery for 2024, in recognition of his seminal contributions to safeguarding blockchain and smart contracts along with Android and its applications. A total of 56 scholars were awarded this prestigious honour, and they were selected by their peers for their significant technical achievements and volunteer service to the professional community.   Online coverage: - NetEase - Sina - Sohu -

15 Feb, 2025

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Prof. DUAN Huan-feng honoured with “2024 Dayu Water Conservancy Science and Technology Progress Award”

Congratulations to Prof. DUAN Huan-feng, Member of the Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS) and the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD), Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, on receiving the “2024 Dayu Water Conservancy Science and Technology Progress Award (2nd Class)” by the Ministry of Water Resources of China, for his project titled “Key Technologies for Real-time Hydraulic Simulation and Precise Regulation of Complex Urban Water Supply Networks”. This accolade is given to individuals who have made exceptional technological innovations and significant contributions to the advancement of water science and technology, bringing substantial economic and social benefits. Prof. Duan’s research focuses on the critical areas of hydraulics and water resources, including urban hydraulics, urban asset management, coastal urban flooding, hydro-environmental management and computational fluid mechanics. He has spearheaded numerous significant research projects and secured grants from various funding bodies in Hong Kong and the Mainland China.

11 Feb, 2025

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RiFood co-organises workshops to promote food upcycling and reduce food waste

The Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood) recently co-organised workshops with the aim of promoting food upcycling and reducing both food waste and carbon footprints. The workshop titled “From Waste to Worth: What Is Upcycled Food and Why Should We Try It?”, held in collaboration with the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) and the Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office (CFSO) on 10 February 2025, discussed the significance of food upcycling in minimising food waste and lowering carbon emissions. Participants also had the opportunity to try upcycled snacks. Additionally, in the “Brew-tiful Workshop” co-organised with the Food and Wine Academy of SHTM on 11 February 2025, participants explored the art of crafting beers, upcycling coffee grounds, bread and fruit into beers with unique flavours, distinct from traditional wheat-brewed varieties.

11 Feb, 2025

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