Prof Jin-Guang Teng’s Visit to the three PolyU’s InnoHK Research Centres
Jinjiang Government Delegation visited PolyU InnoHK R&D Centres
Jinjiang Government Delegation visited PolyU InnoHK R&D Centres
... lass research centres at the Hong Kong Science Park under the government-funded InnoHK initiative. These three centres, which have commenced operation, namely t ... DLab Collaborative Institution: Royal College of Art, UK Research Cluster: AIR@InnoHK In collaboration with the Royal College of Art, UK, PolyU established th ...
... tear film and ocular surface, and advanced optometric technology. Supported by InnoHK, the flagship innovation and technology initiative of the HKSAR Governmen ... , and neuroscience, joining forces with them to set up CEVR with the support of InnoHK. We look forward to seeing more technological breakthroughs in eye and vi ...
PolyU Showcases Advanced Technologies in Asia Summit on Global Health
... n highlights PolyU’s research achievements, as well as impactful innovations of InnoHK R&D Centres, which were established as world-class research centres under ... ch were established as world-class research centres under the government-funded InnoHK initiative. The displays attract the visits of government officials and e ...
Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU visited InnoHK Research Centres
Research Salon on InnoHK Centres
... Kong Polytechnic University and the University of Waterloo in Canada under the InnoHK initiative of the HKSAR Government. It is located at the Hong Kong Scienc ... 署助理署長(創新平台) 陳楚穎女士,香港科技園公司行政總裁黃克強先生亦蒞臨,與各界嘉賓交流。 CEVR是香港理工大學與滑鐵盧大學攜手合作,透過香港特區政府的 InnoHK 支持下,共同成立的研究中心。CEVR位於沙田香港科學園,並在以下五個關鍵領域均有突破性的研究,包括近視和眼睛發育、眼科藥物、視力提升、淚膜及眼睛表 ...