Ir Prof. ZHENG Yongping, Director of the Research Institute for Smart Ageing (RISA), Henry G. Leong Professor in Biomedical Engineering and Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering, was featured in HOY TV programme “Health Concern Group”, introducing Liverscan® developed by his research team.
Liverscan® is used for the early diagnosis of liver diseases and frequent assessment during treatment of liver diseases, through measuring the propagation speed of ultrasound in liver tissues for the accurate and rapid assessment of liver fibrosis and fatty liver non-invasively.
Online coverage:
HOY TV - (6:30 - 10:43) (Chinese only)
智齡研究院院長、梁顯利生物醫學工程教授兼生物醫學工程講座教授鄭永平教授、工程師,日前接受HOY TV《 健康關注組 》節目專訪,介紹其研究團隊研發的便攜式無創肝纖維化評估系統Liverscan®。
開電視 - (6:30 - 10:43)
Research Units | Research Institute for Smart Ageing |