Biomedical Ultrasound & Bioinstrumentation Laboratory
Location: S107
Host department/unit: Biomedical Engineering Department
The Biomedical Ultrasound & Bioinstrumentation Laboratory contains ultrasonic imaging devices for clinical research. The laboratory provides facilities to obtain high-quality images of different internal organs, vessels, muscles and bones.

Cell Culture Laboratory
Research Focus Area: Smart Health and Gerontechnology
Location: Y1207
Host department/unit: Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
The cell culture laboratory contains biological safety cabinets, CO2 incubators, water bath and light microscope for cell morphological and molecular studies. The laboratory provides facilities to maintain stable conditions for culturing different cell lines and primary cells isolated from animal tissues.

Gerontechnology Laboratory
Location: S102
Host department/unit: Biomedical Engineering Department
The Gerontechnology Laboratory host the study to design smart insole system for improving balance and fall prevention.

Image Science Laboratory
Location: Y1112
Host department/unit: Department of Health Technology and Informatics
The Laboratory is equipped with high performance computing servers and state-of-the-art radiotherapy treatment planning systems for medical imaging, radiotherapy, and artificial intelligence research. The laboratory provides various tools and software for image analysis, image processing, and big data analysis for various diseases and sites such as brain, lung, liver, prostate, etc.

Jockey Club Smart Aging Hub
Research Focus Area: Smart intelligence
Location: GH041
Host department/unit: Biomedical Engineering Department
The Jockey Club Smart Ageing Hub is a one-stop resource centre for providing public education on gerontechnology where the latest information, products, inventions and technology about smart ageing can be obtained.

Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
Research Focus Area: Smart Health
Location: GH206
Host department/unit: Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
The Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab contains equipment for the study of people’s brain and physiological responses ( We conduct research focused on the mechanistic understanding underlying executive functions and social cognition.

Neurorehabilitation & Neural Engineering Laboratory
Research Focus Area: Smart health
Location: S107a
Host department/unit: Biomedical Engineering Department
The Neurorehabilitation & Neural Engineering Laboratory is a research and development laboratory for developing different devices for neurorehabilitation.
Robotics and Machine Intelligence Laboratory
Research Focus Area: Smart health
Host department/unit: Mechanical Engineering
The mission of the Robotics and Machine Intelligence Laboratory (ROMI-Lab) is to conduct fundamental research on the development of embodied artificial capabilities in robots. The laboratory counts with various experimental platforms to perform robotic tasks such as manipulation and grasping, mobile navigation, multimodal perception, and automatic motion control.

Spinal Research Laboratory
Research Focus Area: Spinal Research
Location: ST106
Host department/unit: Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
The Spinal Research Laboratory contains a series of equipment (e.g., an ultrasonic imaging device, wearable motion sensors, surface electromyography devices, a force plate, 4D surface topography device, automated spinal stiffness measurement device, and spinal proprioception testing/training device) to examine spinal biomechanics.

X-ray laboratory
Research Focus Area: Smart Health and Gerontechnology
Host department/unit: Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
The X-ray Laboratory contains a high-resolution microCT system for bone and mineral research. The laboratory provides facilities to obtain high-quality 3D images of bones and the analysis of the bone microarchitecture.

Gerontological Nursing Laboratory
Research Focus Area: Smart Health and Gerontechnology
Location: A107
Host department/unit: School of Nursing
The Gerontological Nursing Laboratory (GNL) provides a simulated environment in which students can experience age-related changes, assess the physical and psychosocial health of older people and practise skills in gerontological nursing. The GNL allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the care needs of older people and their caregivers, which facilitates better care planning and quality care provision.