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PAIR Feature Story_Prof Raymond WONG

PAIR Newsletter-Feature Story of Prof. Wai-yeung WONG Raymond (只有英文版本)

We are excited to share that Professor Wai-yeung WONG Raymond, Dean of the Faculty of Science (FS), our RISE Associate Director, Clarea Au Professor in Energy and Chair Professor of Chemical Technology is interviewed in PAIR Newsletter-Issue 6 June 2023 Feature Story-Chemist with superhuman vision saves the world with photofunctional materials. Through this Feature Story, you can be more familiar with Professor Wong, his motto and his research work.   Besides, if you want to review the previous programme of RTHK TV, you may visit here . Professor Wong shares his research on sustainable energy development and enhanced energy conversion technologies.  Come and join us to discover more about Professor Wong! 



理工大學與新地旗下啟勝攜手合作 定節能目標 為期二十四個月(只有英文版本)

We are pleased to announced that Professor Shengwei WANG, Director of RISE is invited to collaborate with Kai Shing Management Services Limited (Kai Shing), conducting applicable researches. PolyU has joint an energy saving charter of Kai Shing, a subsidiary of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, and other corporates with an aim of saving 3 million units of electricity in 24 months. Eight of the Properties under Kai Shing will be adopted with Smart air-conditioning control systems, for example, ICC, New Town Plaza, Metroplaza, Yoho Mall, Kowloon Commerce Centre…etc. PolyU has been working with Kai Shing since 2011 and together they have conserved 20 million units of electricity from 2012 to 2022.   Online coverage: Now TV - Ming Pao Daily News - Sing Tao Daily - HK01 - Bastille Post - Yahoo HK -


Geneva Inventions

智慧能源研究院成員許超教授和機電工程署的1項協作研究項目於第四十八屆日內瓦國際發明展獲得金獎 (只有英文版本)

We are pleased to announce that our RISE member, Professor Zhao XU collaborates with The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), HKSAR, conducting a research project and won the Gold medal in 45th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. It is a significant event, which provide a unique opportunity for industrial and commercial companies, universities, inventors ad researchers, associations, private and state organisms and institutions to present their inventions, the results of their research and their new products. RISE encourages members to collaborate with different institutions, government and industry, to conduct collaborative research projects in Energy field, brings the great impacts and contribute to the society. Prof. Zhao XU’s achievement represent their efforts on supporting Smart City development and achievement the carbon neutrality. Project: Integrated Self-sustained renewable-Energy Explorer (iSEE) RISE sincerely congratulate to Prof. XU and his research team!   Reference: Geneva Inventions Official Website: EMSD Official News:    


RISE ResearchProf Gang LI

智慧能源研究院成員研發可拉伸的半透明有機太陽能電池,實現10.90%的創紀錄光電轉換效率 (只有英文版本)

We are delighted to announce that Prof. Gang LI and Dr Jiaming HUANG, our RISE members have a significant research finding regarding to solar cells. This paper is published in Energy & Environmental Science, Royal Society of Chemistry. Title: Intrinsically Stretchable, Semi-transparent Organic Photovoltaics with High Efficiency and Mechanical Robustness via A Full-Solution Process For more detail, please refer to         Reference: News Release:


Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province-General Program

黃勃龍副教授研究項目獲選為2023年度廣東省基礎與應用基礎研究基金自然科學基金 - 面上項目(只有英文版本)

We are pleased to share that Dr Bolong HUANG, our RISE member and Associate Professor of Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT) has successfully awarded with 2023 Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province-General Program 2023年度廣東省基礎與應用基礎研究基金自然科學基金 - 面上項目. It is a funding from Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province (GDST) 廣東省科學技術廳, aims at supporting researchers to conduct fundamental researches and bringing impactful deliverables to benefit society. Through this Foundation, GDST would encourage the participation of Hong Kong and Macau young researchers, in order to facilitate the sustainable development of International Centre of Science and Innovation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). This year, there are total 3,449 research projects are awarded. Under this competitive condition, the below project of Dr Huang is awarded with funding RMB 100,000 for three years. Project Title: Rational Design of Advanced Pd-based Electrocatalysts for Carbon Dioxide Reduction 理性設計先進鈀基催化劑實現高效二氧化碳還原 Congratulations to Dr Huang and wish him every success in his research!           Reference: News Release in the official website List of awarded projects


Vebleo Fellow_Dr Bolong HUANG


Recently, Dr Bolong HUANG, our RISE member and Associate Professor of Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology is recognized as Vebleo Fellow. Vebleo Fellow serves as a global honour, acknowledging researcher and scientist who has prominence and leadership in science, engineering and technology field. Vebleo Fellow is outstanding researcher or scientist, who is recommended by the committee members and executive board members. It is a recognition for Dr Huang’s significant researches, highlighting his outstanding and innovative achievement in his research field. Congratulations to Dr Huang!




We are pleased to announce that two research projects which are led by Prof. Hongxing YANG, our RISE member are recognised as 2022年度深港環境創新優秀項目, which represent their efforts on green technologies application.   Hong Kong Productivity Council partner with Shenzhen Environmental Science Society (深圳市環境科學學會) and Shenzhen Academy of Environmental Sciences (深圳市環境科學研究院), co-organised the 2022年深港生態環境科技創新交流活動.It aims at providing a platform for environmental industry, scientific research institutes and academia between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, to collaborate conduct innovative green technologies researches and exchange their valuable ideas. Kindly find the below project information for your reference.   Project Title: Development of Inline Hydropower Harvesting Systems for application in urban water supply pipelines 為智管網供能的自適應水力發電裝置 Investigators: Prof. Yang Hongxing, Dr Wang Qiliang, Mr Yao Yao, Mr Shen Zhicheng Abstract: Supported by the Innovation and Technology Fund, though collaborations with Water Supplies Department (WSD) of the Hong Kong SAR Government since 2012, four generations of the Inline Hydropower Harvesting Systems (IHHS) have been developed for power supply to the Water Intelligent Network (WIN) of local water supply pipelines for data monitoring purpose. The system includes a novel turbine, a generator and a smart controller. About 15-25 W electric power can be produced at water flow speed of 1.5 m/s in normal water pipelines. A demonstration system on a real water pipeline has been operated for more than 18 months. Significant labour and other maintenance costs can be saved if this novel system can be used throughout the WIN system in the future. Reliable power supply to the WIN system also means reliable and continuous data recording and transmission from the WIN system for protecting the local water supply pipelines.   Project Title: A Novel Indirect Evaporative Cooler for Enhanced Energy Recovery in Central Air-Conditioning Systems 高效能量回收間接蒸發冷卻器 Investigators: Prof. Yang Hongxing, Mr Shi Wenchao, Ms Ma Xiaochen Abstract: This novel Indirect Evaporative (IEC) technology can be used to recover energy from central air-conditioning systems for precooling fresh air by capturing the cooling potential of exhaust air from indoor space enhanced by water evaporation in the wet channels of its heat exchanger. A large wet-bulb depression of the secondary air can be achieved by using the exhaust air to evaporate sprayed water in wet channels, which facilitates the primary air-cooling process in dry channels for fresh air supply to buildings. This technology is especially developed for hot and humid regions like Hong Kong where the IEC can achieve sensible and latent heat recovery because of possible condensation deriving from highly humid fresh air. About 17-35% of the energy consumption for fresh air supply to commercial and public buildings can be saved depending on the operation hours and amount of fresh air supply of a central air-conditioning system. RISE sincerely congratulate to Prof. Yang and his research team!   Reference: HKPC Official Website: SZNEWS: GBA Biz Tech Magazine: SINA: Sohu:


Dr Bolong HUANG_Shenzhen Fundamental Research Scheme General Program


We are delighted to share with you that Dr Bolong HUANG, our RISE member and Associate Professor of Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT) has successfully awarded with Shenzhen Fundamental Research Scheme-General Program 2022年度基礎研究專項(深圳市自然科學基金)面上項目. It is a funding from Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission (SZSTI)深圳市科技創新委員會, aims at supporting researchers to conduct fundamental researches and bringing impactful deliverables to benefit society. This year, there are total 1,044 research projects are awarded. Under this competitive condition, the below project of Dr Huang is awarded with funding RMB 300,000 for three years. Project Title: Developments of Robust Noble Metal Catalysts for Electrochemical Energy Conversion 開發長效穩定貴金屬催化劑應用於電化學能源轉化的基礎研究 Congratulations to Dr Huang and wish him every success in his research!   Reference: News Release in the official website


Best Paper Award Dr Minhyun LEE

Dr Minhyun LEE won the Best Paper Award in the 22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2022)(只有英文版本)

We are pleased to announce that the paper entitled “An Integrated Design of Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality Monitoring System for Effective Building Performance Management” by Mr. Vincent Gbouna Zakka, Former Research Assistant in BRE and Dr. Minhyun Lee, our RISE member and Assistant Professor in BRE has won the Best Paper Award for Environmental Sustainability in the 22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2022)! Details of this work can be found below:  Understanding the energy consumption pattern in the built environment is invaluable for the evaluation of the sources of energy wastage and the development of strategies for efficient energy management. An integrated monitoring system that can provide high granularity energy consumption and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) data is essential to enable intelligent, customized, and user-friendly energy management systems for end users and help improve building system performance. This paper, therefore, presents an integrated design of an internet of things (IoT)-based embedded, non-invasive, and user-friendly monitoring system for efficient building energy and IEQ management. The hardware unit of the system is comprised of a wireless microcontroller unit, current and voltage sensor, IEQ sensors, and power management unit that enables the acquisition, processing, and telemetering of energy and IEQ data. The software unit is made up of embedded software and a web-based information provision unit that handles real-time data analysis, transmission, and visualization on the web and provides relevant notifications to the end users about energy consumption patterns. The proposed system provides a promising solution for real-time information exchange regarding energy consumption and IEQ for both end-users and managers that will enhance effective building energy and environmental management. Congratulations to Dr Lee! Please click here for more detail about CONVR 2022.


Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate Analytics 2022


We are delighted to announce that 5 RISE members are recognized as highly cited researchers 2022 by Clarivate Analytics! It shows our RISE members’ contributions in different research fields. We highly appreciate our RISE members’ efforts and wish them every success in their researches, to bring more impactful research deliverables to local, nations and the world. In this year, there are 6,938 highly citied researchers. Their papers rank in the top 1 % by citations for a field or fields and publication year in the Web of Science. Congratulations to our highly cited researchers! RISE highly cited researchers in 2022 Name (by alphabetical order of surname) Category Dr Bolong HUANG (ABCT)  Cross-Field Prof. Gang LI (EIE)  Cross-Field Dr Ruijie MA (EIE)  Cross-Field Prof. Feng YAN (AP)  Cross-Field Dr Xiao ZHANG (ME)  Cross-Field   Reference:  


