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News 20210423

RISE member shared innovations and research achievements in smart energy efficient buildings

RISE associate director, Prof. Linda Fu XIAO delivered a seminar at “EMSTF 25th Anniversary - Technology Seminar: The Smart City of Hong Kong” organized by The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) on 23 April 2021. The seminar entitled "Smart Energy Efficient Buildings Empowered by Big Data and AI" which shared innovations and research achievements in relation to smart energy efficient buildings.  

27 Apr, 2021

Global list_RISE

16 RISE Scholars Ranked World’s Top 2% Scientists Released by Stanford University

16 RISE members have been listed among the top 2% scientists in a global list released by the prestigious Stanford University. The ranking identifies the top scholars in their own areas of specialty and whose publications are most frequently cited by other authors around the globe. The report was prepared by a team of experts led by Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford University. According to the team, the publicly available database provides standardized information on citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator. The report can be downloaded from's_Top_2_Scientists_by_Stanford_University-_Dr_John_Ioannidis_and_team. Congratulations to our colleagues on the high ranking in the World in Stanford Study! This recognition demonstrates RISE’s influence in multi disciplines and signifies our dedication in conducting world-class research in energy. RISE's Top 2% Scientists in the Global List  Name (by alphabetical order of surname) Subject Field (Rank within field) Dr. AN Liang Energy Prof. CAO Jiannong Networking & Telecommunications Prof. CHEN Guohua Chemical Engineering (15) Prof. HAO Jianhua Applied Physics Dr. HUANG Haitao Materials Prof. LAU Shu Ping Applied Physics Prof. LU Lin Energy Dr. MUI Kwok Wai, Horace Building & Construction Prof. NI Meng Energy  Prof. TAO Xiaoming Materials Dr. WANG Peng Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Prof. WANG Shengwei Building & Construction (22) Dr. WONG Ling Tim Building & Construction Prof. WONG Wai Yeung Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry (25) Prof. YAN Feng Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Prof. YANG Hongxing Energy

23 Apr, 2021

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