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- +852 2766 5863
- hong-xing.yang@polyu.edu.hk
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Prof. Yang received his BEng in 1982 and MEng in 1985 from Division of HVACR Engineering of Tianjin University, China. He obtained his PhD in 1993 in the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Wales College of Cardiff, UK. He is now leading the Renewable Energy Research Group (RERG) in the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests cover a number of R&D topics in renewable energy applications and energy saving in buildings including solar cell materials, solar photovoltaic integration in buildings, wind power, hybrid solar-wind power, ground-coupled heat pump technologies and indirect evaporative cooling. He has completed many research and consultancy projects for local industry and governmental departments. He has received awards from local and world organizations. He has supervised 45 PhD students (41 have graduated) as chief supervisor. He has over 560 academic papers published including more than 350 SCI journal papers published. According to the ShanghaiRanking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2016, he was on the list of 150 world most-cited researchers with impactful research in the disciplines of Civil Engineering. He was also a Highly Cited Researcher from 2017 to 2020 according to Elsevier, and he has been included in Stanford’s List of World’s Top 2% Scientists since 2022. He is now serving the International Journal of Applied Energy as Senior Editor and other international journals as editor or editorial board member. Together with his co-authors, he has published 8 professional books (in Chinese) as shown below.
楊洪興教授於1982年和1985年分別獲得天津大學土木工程系暖通空調專業學士學位和碩士學位,1993獲得英國威爾士大學卡迪夫學院機械工程系博士學位。從1995年開始,他受聘於香港理工大學屋宇設備工程學系(現改名為建築環境及能源工程學系)進行教學與科研工作,他創建了香港理工大學可再生能源研究室,領導著一個研究小組進行建築物可再生能源利用的前沿課題研發,包括太陽能光伏電池材料,太陽能光伏建築一體化技術,風力發電技術,風光互補發電技術,地源熱泵空調技術和間接蒸發冷卻空調技術。他得到多項工業界,政府和大學的科研經費和獎項,指導了45位博士研究生(其中41位已畢業),發表了560多篇各種期刊和會議論文,包括350多篇SCI期刊論文。他被“上海軟科與愛思維爾出版集團”合作發佈的2016 年全球150名土木工程學科“高被引學者”之一,也是2017-2020愛思維爾發佈的高被引學者及自2022年以來一直被列入斯坦福大學世界前 2% 科學家名單,他目前是國際期刊《應用能源》的高級編輯和多個國際期刊的编辑和編委。他和合作者已发表8部著作:
- 張晴原,楊洪興,常開著:《建築環境與能源應用工程氣象資料手冊》,ISBN 978-7-112-28763-5,中國建築工業出版社,2023年6月。
- 楊洪興,郭春梅,陳奕,呂建著:《空調系統能量回收新技術--間接蒸發冷卻原理與應用》,ISBN 978-7-112-23687-9,中國建築工業出版社,2019年8月。
- 楊洪興,薑希猛編著:《綠色建築發展與可再生能源應用》,ISBN 978-7-113-21689-4,中國鐵道出版社,2016年12月。
- 張晴原,楊洪興著:《建築用標準氣象資料手冊》,ISBN 978-7-112-13770-1,中國建築工業出版社,2012年3月。
- 付小平,楊洪興,安大偉著:《中央空調系統運行管理》,清華大學出版社,ISBN 7-302-04602-6/TB.34,2001年8月第一版;ISBN 978-7-302-16275-9,2008年1月第二版;ISBN 978-7-302-42095-8,2015年12月第三版。
- 楊洪興,呂琳,馬濤著:《太陽能-風能互補發電技術及應用》,ISBN 978-7-112-17328-0,中國建築工業出版社,2015年1月。
- 楊洪興著:《太陽能光伏建築一體化工程》,ISBN 978-7-112-13985-9,中國建築工業出版社,2012年5月。
- 楊洪興,呂琳,彭晉卿,周偉著:《太陽能建築一體化技術與應用》。中國建築工業出版社,ISBN 978-7-112-10377-5,2009年1月第一版;ISBN 978-7-112-18286-2,2015年10月第二版。
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor of Engineering, Tianjin University
- Master of Science, Tianjin University
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Wales
Professional Qualifications
- Registered Professional Engineer (Building Services)
- Fellow of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers