MSc Health Care (PT) (PolyU), PDPT (PolyU)
- ST519
- +852 3400 8964
- nerita.chan@polyu.edu.hk
陈女士在香港理工大学取得物理治疗学理学士学位和医疗护理学 (物理治疗学)理学硕士学位。
陈女士在小儿物理治疗领域工作超过30年。 她曾担任屯门医院高级物理治疗师及部门经理。 在陈女士加入香港理工大学之前,她曾担任香港儿童医院专职医疗部部门经理,并负责七个专职医疗专业。
陈女士专攻小儿物理治疗,尤其是神经康复领域。 她热衷于对患有神经系统问题的儿童进行运动和步态分析。 在过去25年,陈女士与小儿神经内科团队及神经外科团队紧密合作,为脑瘫儿童制定全面的痉挛管理计划,而该计划随后更扩展到患有神经系统问题的成年患者。陈女士的工作取得了成就,并于2013年和2014年两次荣获医院管理局颁发的杰出团队奖。陈女士还进行了多项有关儿科康复和运动分析的研究,并在本地和海外会议上展示研究成果。 陈女士更从事教学工作二十多年,专攻儿科专业,曾于香港及中国内地多间大学担任兼职高级讲师。
陈女士现时担任香港物理治疗师学会的儿科专研小组主席,更代表香港成为国际儿科物理治疗师组织(IOPTP)世界物理治疗协会的代表成员。 她亦于2015至2022年期间受邀担任世界物理治疗大会的摘要审稿人。 陈女士亦获邀担任Journal of Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 及 Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal 的审稿人。 同时,她是香港痉挛管理学会和香港神经肌肉疾病学会的理事会成员。
- Master of Science in Health Care (Physiotherapy), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Post-experience Certificate in Spinal Manipulative Therapy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Professional Diploma in Physiotherapy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Certificate in Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) ---Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy, Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association in USA
- Certificate of Accreditation of Acupuncture, Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association
- He Z, Wong ST, Law HY, Lao LM, Chan NC, Chan KF, Yam KY. Multidimensional Outcomes of Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy for Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy: Single-Level Laminectomy vs Multiple-Level Laminotomy Techniques. Neurosurgery 00:1–12, 2022.
- Kung KL, Choi KY, Ma KH, Chan NC, Lao LM, Kwun TL. Correction of Combined Flexed and Stiff Knee Gait in Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy by Double Tendon Transfers Around the Knee as Part of Multilevel Surgery. Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation 23 (2017) 13-17.
- Chan NC. Physiotherapy Management for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Brainchild, Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics, Vol 15, No.1, p37-42, Dec 2014.
- Fong SSM, Lee VYL, Chan NC, Chan RSH, Chak WK, Pang MYC. Motor Ability and Weight Status are Determinants of Out-of-school Activity Participation for Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. Research Developmental Disability, 2011, v. 32 n. 6, p. 2614-2623.
- Chan NC. Physiotherapy in Spasticity Management for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Hong Kong Medical Daily, Vol 16, No. 7, p24-26, July 2011.
- Chan HS, Yam KY, Chan NC, Lau PH, Poon YC, Cheung HM, Chak WK. Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy in Hong Kong: Multidimensional Outcome Measure. Paediatric Neurology, Vol 39, Issue 1, p22-32, 2008.
- Law HY, Yiu B, Poon C, Chan NC, Chan HS, Yam KY and Fong TS. Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy – Experience of Tuen Mun Hospital. Brainchild. Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics, Vol 6, No.3, p17-21, August 2006.
- Chan NC. Botulinum Toxin A Injection to Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Local Experience. Brainchild. Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics, Vol 4, No.1, p5-8, May 2003.
- Chan NC, Smith AW, Lo SK. Efficacy of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in Improving Ankle Kinetics during Walking in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal, Vol 22, p50-56, 2004.
- 小儿物理治疗
- 神经康复及运动障碍
- 动作及步态分析