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PolyU Scholars Hub



BSc (NTU), MEd (JCU), PhD (Monash)


简启文博士自2003年于国立台湾大学获得学士学位后,便成为职业治疗师。在加入香港理工大学之前,他于2010年在澳洲蒙纳许大学(Monash University)获得职业治疗学博士,接着在澳洲昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland)从事三年的博士后研究员工作。在这段期间,他评估与治疗过许多肢体、发展或智能障碍的孩童以及他们的家庭成员。

简博士的研究兴趣是发展儿童手技巧相关之评估工具,以及应用现代测验理论(像是罗许测量模式)来验证既有康复评估工具的心理计量特性。同时他创建了一个孩童手技巧评估测验中心(Children’s Hand Skills Assessment Hub),此中心包含三个由简博士所发展的测验,如孩童手技巧评估测验(Assessment of Children’s Hand Skills, ACHS)、孩童手技巧能力问卷(Children’s Hand-Skills ability Questionnaire, CHSQ)、和孩童使用手于生活参与之测验(Children’s Assessment of Participation with Hands, CAP-Hand)。



  • Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University
  • Master of Education with Honours, James Cook University, Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Occupational Therapy, Monash University, Australia


  • 针对发展障碍儿童的介入措施(以参与为重点)
  • 职能表现辅导
  • 心理测量及Rasch测量理论分析
  • 儿童手部技能


    • Chien CW, Lin CY, Lai YYC, Graham F. Parent coaching to enhance community participation in young children with developmental disabilities: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2024, Online Ahead of Print.
    • Lo OYH, Wong YM, Kwok NT, Ma PS, Chien CW. Relationship between change in participation and later mental health problems in children. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health 2024, 2024, Online Ahead of Print.
    • Huang Q, Kuo LC, Fong KNK, Chien CW. Rapid online correction of reach-to-manipulate movements in children with developmental coordination disorder: A pilot kinematic comparison study. Clinical Biomechanics 2024, Online Ahead of Print.
    • Choi PH, Ma PS, Mak WY, Mok NP, Lai YYC, Chien CW. Participation of children with and without disabilities in home, school, and community in Hong Kong: A 2-year longitudinal study. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy 2022, 35(1): 71-83.
    • Chien CW. Effects of the change in activity participation during coronavirus disease pandemic on children's mental health. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 2022, 76(2): 7602345010.
    • Chien CW, Leung C, Schoeb V, Au A. A Chinese version of the Young Children's Participation and Environment Measure: Psychometric evaluation in a Hong Kong sample. Disability and Rehabilitation 2021, 43(21): 3061-3069.
    • Chien CW, Lin CY. Community participation of school-age children: Who is at risk of restricted participation? Physical and Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics 2021, 41(5): 447-463.
    • Andrews N, Chien CW, Ireland D, Vamfield M. Overactivity assessment in chronic pain: The development and psychometric evaluation of a multifaceted self-report assessment. European Journal of Pain 2021, 25(1): 225-242.
    • Chien CW, Mo SYC, Chow J. Using an international role-modeling pedagogy to engage first-year occupational therapy students in learning professionalism. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 2020, 74(6): 7406205060p1-p11.
    • Ng CKM, Lam SHF, Tsang STK, Yuen CMC, Chien CW. The relationship between parents' internalized stigma and their children's participation in home, school, and community activities among preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17(5): 1799.

