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Visit of Occupational Therapists Board on 28 May 2020

Ms Mabel Chau (Chairman), Ms Angel Chan (Secretary) and Miss Jacqueline Law (Assistant Secretarty) of the Occupational Therapists Board visited RS on 28 May 2020. During the meeting with Prof. Hector Tsang (Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Head, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS)), Prof. Shamay Ng (Professor and Associate Head of RS) and Dr Kenneth Fong (Assoicate Professor and OT Porgramme Leader of RS), discussions have been made on the RS online teaching and practical class and clinical placement arrangement. Followed by a tour visit to the RS new research lab and OT Clinic (Tam Wing Fan Rehabilitation Centre (Occupational Therapy)), the Occupational Therapists Board members were able to gain a better understanding on the updated development of RS and thus enhance furture collaborations. 


2020 05 14 Student Forum_DSC_9941


學生論壇(2020年5月14日) 康復治療科學系於2020年5月14日舉行了學生論壇, 10名來自本科課程的班級代表和學生組織代表應邀與鄺美雲社會心理健康教授,康復治療科學講座教授及系主任曾永康教授、副系主任伍尚美教授,以及本科學士課程主任-方乃權博士(職業治療學(榮譽)理學士課程主任)和魏佩菁博士(物理治療(榮譽)理學士課程主任)進行交流。論壇主要目的為發佈有關之前大學和部門就學生對網上教學意見的網上問卷調查結果,及讓學生代表了解有關考試和臨床實習安排的最新信息。問卷調查結果顯示大部分學生均滿意網上教學安排。


最新消息 康復治療科學系

2020 05 15 PT Studeut_Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship


物理治療學生獲得香港賽馬會獎學金 物理治療學(榮譽) 理學士學位課程二年級生郭熲恩同學獲得香港賽馬會獎學金,此獎學金是由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金。賽馬會獎學金甄選具領導能力、學術表現及品格卓越的學生,也要求賽馬會學人熱心參與社會事務。近年獎學金秘書處的成立,為賽馬會學人提供不同的學習、發展及社會服務的機會,致力培育他們成為未來社區領袖。以下為郭熲恩同學的得獎感受︰ 「首先,我十分之榮幸有這個難能可貴的機會獲得這一個獎項。而我希望藉此可以感謝家人和老師一直以來對我無條件的關懷和照料。而且,我亦感謝他們亦花了無盡的時間和精神去栽培我。隨此之外,我很感恩大學給予了我不同的機會讓我去發掘自己和認識這世界,令我可以得到全能的發展。沒有他們的指導,我絕不可能獲得這個獎項。另外,這一個獎項亦提醒了我要好好裝備自己,那麼我便能夠握著身邊的每一個機會。更重要的是,這個獎項讓我眀白到︰「我不應該只思考我在這個社會上可以得到什麼,而是好好反思自己可以為這個社會付出什麼」。所以,作為一位物理治療學生,我希望能夠好好運用自己的知識和技能,去幫助社會上有需要的人。」



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Prof. Hector Tsang, Head of RS, has been appointed as Executive Guest Editor of Current Neuropharmacology

Prof. Hector Tsang has been appointed as Executive Guest Editor of Current Neuropharmacology, which is an SCIE journal with impact factor of 4.568. The journal publishes reviews and thematic issues related to neuropharmacology and neuroscience, and it ranks the 59th of 267 in Neurosciences and the 33rd of 267 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy. Prof. Tsang will serve as Executive Guest Editor for three years, and Dr Georg Kranz (Research Assistant Professor of RS) will work with him as Co-Guest Editor. During each year, Prof. Tsang and Dr Kranz will propose and edit a series of thematic issues on the neuroscience of nonpharmacological interventions for mental health. Authors with PhD degree and an h-index over 10 can contribute to the thematic issues. This is an acknowledgement of Prof. Tsang’s and Dr Kranz’s expertise in and contribution to the fields of neuroscience and nonpharmacological interventions. This is also a great opportunity for our faculty members and research staff to publish their research with high quality. Link of Current Neuropharmacology:




2019/2020年度學生論壇 康復治療科學系於2020年1月16日舉行了2019/2020年度學生論壇, 9名來自本科及研究生課程的班級代表應邀與鄺美雲社會心理健康教授,康復治療科學講座教授及系主任曾永康教授、香港物理治療學會會長彭耀宗教授及香港職業治療學會會長鄭慧慈女士進行交流及了解康復治療科學系發展計劃的最新信息。 論壇期間,康復治療科學系副系主任伍尚美教授簡介了本系有關基礎設施的短期和長期規劃及發展。學生們對正在進行的翻新工程和位於何文田的新校舍感到興奮,而有關規劃將使本系於未來可以更靈活地運用教學空間。論壇的另一個焦點是討論當前的碩士準入課程正規化計劃,與會者就碩士準入課程正規化對畢業生就業機會的影響和對康復治療產業的發展等各項議題進行了建設性的討論,彭耀宗教授分享了國際上對於舉辦職業治療學及物理治療學碩士準入課程的經驗,而鄭慧慈女士則分享了專職醫療專業人員未來十年於本港的就業前景。


最新消息 康復治療科學系

20200116We are PolyUDr Bolton Chau57

Congratulations to Dr Bolton Chau for being selected as an "APS Rising Star"by the Association for Psychological Science (APS)

Dr Bolton Chau, Assistant Professor of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) has been selected by the Association for Psychological Science (APS) as one of the "APS Rising Stars" in January 2020. It was announced in the latest issue of the APS communication magazine (please click here and refer to P. 10). The APS Rising Star designation is presented to outstanding APS members in the earliest stages of their research career post-PhD. Drawing its name from an Observer editorial series that featured exemplars of the exciting work being done by the field's newest researchers, this designation recognizes researchers whose innovative work has already advanced the field and signals great potential for their continued contributions. Dr Chau was being selected as the Rising Star based on his excellence in research with the following criteria: - Significant publications - Significant recognitions - Significant discoveries, methodological innovations, or theoretical or empirical contributions - Work with potentially broad impacts Association for Psychological Science (APS) is the leading international organization dedicated to advancing scientific psychology across disciplinary and geographic borders. It is a highly prestigious professional association for psychologists in the US. For more details about APS, please visit




康復治療科學系系主任曾永康教授接受傳媒訪問,分享對基層醫療發展的看法 康復治療科學系系主任曾永康教授早前接受傳媒專訪,分享他對政府大力推動基層醫療的看法。兼任基層醫療健康發展督導委員會委員的曾教授認為,政府大力推動基層醫療,位於葵青區的全港首間地區康健中心9月底啟用,為區內居民提供健康評估及專職治療,但中心仍有改善空間,應涵蓋更多類型疾病,包括精神健康問題;長遠亦不應靠津貼做誘因,而是要由教育做起加強大眾「治未病」意識。曾教授形容,現時政府是一步步推行基層醫療,「不能說理念不正確」,但不妨行前一些,毋須規範於地區康健中心進行,「康健中心只是其中一個模式,不是唯一機構。」他建議參考先進國家如加拿大的基層醫療理念,「不只是講prevention(預防),是講wellness(健康)。」他解釋wellness 在英文的意思,不止形容身體沒有疾病,而是全面涵蓋生理、心理、社會及精神健康。他認為,基層醫療要做得好,單靠政府是不可能,同時要非牟利機構甚至私人企業參與,亦倚靠專職醫療人員多投入社區,推廣健康服務。他提到理大的職業治療及物理治療科系,曾與志願機構合作,安排學生落區為長者做身體檢查;以及為香港員警學院學員提供運動創傷評估;在慈善跑活動中提供駐場運動物理治療服務等。 目前理大職業治療及物理治療的畢業生,大部分都被醫院吸納,過去五年物理治療生加入醫院的比例達八至九成,職業治療亦達六至七成,投身社區的人相對較少。曾教授說政府知悉問題,希望理大增加學額,但受限於校園空間飽和,需在計劃中的何文田新大樓落成後才能配合。至於學額能夠增加多少,目前未有定案,有待同政府磋商。 傳媒報導:香港經濟日報 A24, 東方日報 A13, am730 A22 網上媒體報導: 香港01 - 香港電台「晨早新聞天地」(約 55:15 至 59:40) -  思考HK -



Photo taking session of PolyU Senior management RS staff and awardees of PolyUs Entry Scholarships f


大學管理層及康復治療科學系教學人員與2019-20學年理大入學獎學金得獎者合照 於 2019-2020學年,超過190名入讀康復治療科學系的物理治療學(榮譽)理學士學位課程及職業治療學(榮譽)理學士學位課程的新生獲頒理大入學獎學金,佔整體獲獎學生的一半。 2019年10月31日,獲獎同學受遨與常務及學務副校長陳正豪教授、楊曾永儀曾永馨腦神經心理學教授,神經心理學講座教授,醫療及社會科學院院長醫療及社會科學院院長岑浩强教授、鄺美雲社會心理健康教授,康復治療科學講座教授及系主任曾永康教授及康復治療科學系教學人員合照留念,共享喜悅。 曾永康教授致歡迎辭時指出:「理大入學獎學金設立的目的是為了表揚在學術或非學術有傑出成就而獲錄取的學生。今年的得獎者共超過350名,當中有超過190名得獎者是來自本系,佔整體獲獎者的一半。而根據紀錄,康復治療科學系在過去3年的獲獎人數均保持在約190人或以上,成績令人十分鼓舞。」此外,曾永康教授更鼓勵獲獎學生享受在理大的學習時光,在未來四年的學習期間,透過在康復治療科學系的專業訓練,成為專業的物理治療師及職業治療師。 理大入學獎學金得獎條件︰在學術成績方面獲獎的學生,需要在DSE中最少獲得一科5**,或最佳5科成績中取得28分,或在IB中取得最少36分,或在GCEAL中取得最少3A的成績。而在非學術方面獲獎的學生,全部是在藝術、領導才能、音樂、體育或社區服務方面有傑出成就的同學。


最新消息 康復治療科學系

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RS Students awarded 2019/20 Dean's Honours List

We are proud to annouce that 40 of RS graduates have been placed in the 2019/20 Dean's Honours List and two PhD graduates, Dr Liu Tai Wa and Dr Huang Meizhen, have been awarded the Distinguished Thesis Award of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.


RS Students awarded Distinguished Thesis Award of FHSS

Distinguished PhD Thesis Award of FHSS - Dr Liu Tai Wa (RS PhD graduate, Supervisor: Prof. Shamay Ng) Dr Liu Tai Wa (right) and his supervisor, Prof. Shamay Ng (left) Sharing by Dr Liu Tai Wa: I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences for presenting me the Faculty Distinguished Thesis Award, and the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences for giving me the chance to accomplish a Doctor of philosophy degree. I am glad that I made a firm decision to pursue a PhD degree at The Hong Kong Polytechnic few years ago and grateful to have a precious opportunity to meet my chief supervisor, Professor Shamay Ng, and co-supervisor, Professor Gabriel Ng. They have provided me with their unreserved support and expert guidance along this path, which has not only helped me to complete the PhD degree, but also inspired me to proceed for greater advancement in the future as a researcher. As a part-time student, the learning process has always been busy but fruitful. I have been involved in various research projects which has given me the chances to work with the most knowledgeable and passionate research team of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences. In addition, the Department of Rehabilitation accommodated me with all the equipment needed and technical support during the research process. With all the support and resources from my supervisors and the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, we have published seven academic papers and have presented nine abstracts in international conferences. In August of this year, I have successfully passed my oral defense and fulfilled the PhD graduation requirement. Lastly, it has not been easy to complete a PhD programme, but every little encounter and experience gained throughout these years have been enriching and will certainly remain in my memories for life long. Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been there for me along the way for all their time, effort, support and patience. Distinguished PhD Thesis Award of FHSS -Dr Huang Meizhen (RS PhD Graduate, Supervisor: Prof. Marco Pang) Sharing by Dr Huang Meizhen: It is my great honor to receive the Distinguished Thesis Award. I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Prof. Marco Pang. I knew little thing about research when I reached PolyU, and now I feel confident to conduct study independently. As the advice from Prof. Pang, interest and self-motivation is crucial to be a researcher. The ability in goal-orientated, self-learning and time-management will be great asset in my life. It is also very grateful that PolyU and RS offers incredible opportunities and tremendous support in both professional and personal development. From lectures and workshops to conferences and overseas exchange, PolyU and RS provides ample resources to research postgraduate students so that we could gear ourselves up the world. Lastly, I want to express my deepest gratitude to RS . I received BSc in physical therapy from Sichuan University while our lectures/clinical placements were conducted by academic staff from RS due to the earthquake in 2008. I did not know the word "physical therapy" and how important it was until I visited the injured persons in the disaster area. Also, until I started study in PolyU, I can't imagine what a great dedication it is that teachers set aside the busy work in Hong Kong and gave lectures in Sichuan. The great sense of mission to promote rehabilitation demonstrated from RS always motivates me. I thank RS and all my teachers.


