Priya KANNAN教授
PhD (Otago, NZ), MPhty by research (Otago, NZ), BPT (CMC, IND)
- ST532
- +852 3400 3277
- Priya.Kannan@polyu.edu.hk
Priya博士在新西蘭奧塔哥大學通過研究獲得碩士學位,並獲得物理治療(女性健康)博士學位。 她的研究主要集中在疼痛管理,特別是女性健康、尿失禁、運動處方和身體活動。Priya博士亦在具有國際地位和高影響因子的同行評議期刊上發表了多篇論文。她還在國家和國際科學會議上介紹了她的研究成果,她的研究在國際上得到了認可,特別是在澳大利亞。Priya博士在科學會議上的工作成果使她在2015年的澳大利亞物理治療協會會議上獲得了「最佳新研究員」。
Priya博士獲得奧塔哥大學國際研究獎學金,以支持她的碩士研究。 而她在碩士研究時的傑出表現使她成功獲得奧塔哥大學博士研究獎學金,從而攻讀博士學位。 在她的博士研究期間,她成功獲得了新西蘭物理治療組織的資助,以支持她的研究,還獲得了新西蘭研究生婦女聯合會-奧塔哥旅遊獎。
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Christian Medical College
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Otago
- Kannan, P., Chapple, C. M., Miller, D., Claydon, L. S., & Baxter, G. D. Effectiveness of a treadmill-based aerobic exercise intervention on pain, daily functioning, and quality of life in women with primary dysmenorrhea: a randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2019;81:80-86. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2019.05.004.
- Kannan P., Winser, S. J., Lam, C, H., Leung C. H., Lam C. K., Garbien E. A., Leung H. Y. J. Effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions for improving erectile function and climacturia in men after prostatectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clinical Rehabilitation 2019;1-12 (published online). doi: 10.1177/0269215519840392.
- Kannan P., Kwok-Kuen Cheung., Benson Wui-Man Lau. Does aerobic exercise induced-analgesia occur through hormone and inflammatory cytokine-mediated mechanisms in primary dysmenorrhea? Medical Hypotheses 2019;123:50-54. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2018.12.011.
- Kannan P., Brigitte Fung, Regina W. C. Leung, Ravindra Goonetilleke, Winser S. J. Association between high-heeled shoes of varied heel height and bladder neck elevation in women: An exploratory study. Footwear Science 2019;5:1-8. doi: 10.1080/19424280.2019.1588922.
- Kannan, P., Winser, S. J., Fung, B., Cheing, G. Effectiveness of pelvic floor muscle training alone and in combination with biofeedback and/or electrical stimulation compared to control for urinary incontinence in men following prostatectomy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Physical Therapy 2018;98(11):932-45.
- Kannan, P., Winser, S. J., Goonetilleke, R. S., Cheing, G. Ankle positions potentially facilitating greater maximal contraction of pelvic floor muscles: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Disability and Rehabilitation 2018;7:1-9. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1468934.
- Winser, S., Kannan, P., Krishnamurthy, K., Tsang, W. Does Tai Chi improve balance and reduce falls incidence in neurological disorders? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Rehabilitation 2018;32(9):1157–1168. doi: 10.1089/acm.2017.0396.
- Kannan, P., Chapple, C. M., Miller, D., Claydon, L. S., & Baxter, G. D. Menstrual pain and quality of life in women with primary dysmenorrhea: rationale, design, and interventions of a randomized controlled trial of effects of a treadmill-based exercise intervention. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2015;42:81-9. doi.org/10.1016/j.cct.2015.03.010).
- Kannan, P., Claydon, L. S., Miller, D., & Chapple, C. M. (2015). Vigorous exercises in the management of primary dysmenorrhea: a feasibility study. Disability & Rehabilitation 2015;37(15):1334-1339. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2014.962108.
- Kannan, P., & Claydon, L.S. Some physiotherapy treatments may relieve menstrual pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea: a systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy (official journal of the Australian Physiotherapy Association) 2014; 60(1):13-21. doi:10.1016/j.jphys.2013.12.003.