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助理教授 (研究)




BSc (HKU), PhD (HKU)



麥博士的研究主要探討心理因素 ( 特別是專注力和動作思維的相關變化 ) 如何影響長者控制步行的方式。他最近的研究擴展到探索這些因素如何影響有跌倒風險的長者的視覺動作協調(例如步行時的視覺搜索策略)。麥博士也致力於採用跨學科方式研究如何用心理動作訓練方法,以增強對長者和中風人口的視覺動作協調能力及預防跌倒的康復治療效果。


  • Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health), The University of Hong Kong
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Kinesiology), The University of Hong Kong


    • 心理動作控制
    • 視覺動作協調
    • 跌倒預防
    • 長者復康

      Selective publications

      • Mak, T. C. T., Ng, S. S. M., Leung, M. C. Y., & Wong, T. W. L. (2024). Examining the role of attention focus walking training on conscious motor processing during rehabilitation by older adults at risk of falling: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 121, 105352. (2022 IF=4.0, Q1)
      • Tang, T. C. W., Mak, T. C. T., Wong, T. W. L., Capio, C. M., Li, J., Masters, R. S. W., & Chan, D. K. C. (2023). A meta-analysis of the association between movement specific reinvestment and motor performance. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/1750984X.2023.2214813 (2022 IF=5.5, Q1)
      • Mak, T. C. T., Wong, T. W. L., & Ng, S. S. M. (2023). The use of mindfulness-based interventions in stroke rehabilitation: A scoping review. Rehabilitation Psychology 68(3), 221–234. (2022 IF=2.7, Q1)
      • Mak, T. C. T., Young, W. R., Chan, D. C. L., & Wong, T. W. L. (2020). Gait stability in older adults during level-ground walking: the attentional focus approach. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 75(2), 274-281 (2022 IF=6.2, Q1)
      • Mak, T. C. T., Young, W. R., Lam, W. K., Tse, A. C. Y., & Wong, T. W. L. (2019). The role of attentional focus on walking efficiency among older fallers and non-fallers. Age and Ageing, 48(6), 811-816. (2022 IF=6.7, Q1)


