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 協會                                                                                                          攝影學會


         Leisure Division              <IG> @polyusao_fotosoc -

     We are Photographic Society - Specity. Specity is composed of       我們是 攝影學會- Specity。 Specity 是由“Special”和“Diver-

     two words, ‘Special’ and ‘Diversity’. ‘Special’ indicates that      sity”兩個詞組成。“Special”表示每個人都想通過攝影捕捉獨
     everyone wants to capture the unique and special moments            特的時刻,而“Diversity”則意味著多樣化和無限可能。
     through photography, while ‘Diversity’ signi es diverse and
     unlimited possibilities. Everyone can take a shot from di er-       我們的理念是希望通過攝影探索無限可能,捕捉獨特時刻。在
     ent perspectives at the same instant. Therefore, our themes         本學年,我們將舉行一系列精彩的活動,以促進理大同學的多
     advocate exploring in nite possibilities and capturing special      元發展,並為有共同興趣的同學提供機會融入大學生活。
     moments through photography.

     Furthermore, our style is illusory as we aim to express innova-
     tion. In this academic year, we are going to organise a series
     of fascinating activities to foster students’ holistic develop-
     ment and o er opportunities for students with common
     interests to mingle to build a meaningful University life.

                               LIFE                                                                                                    25
            校園祭 FESTIVAL
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