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General Directory

        >    Performing Arts Division                    >    Leisure Division

        Booth 10 - The PolyArts 綜合演藝社                    Booth 04 - Astronomy Club 天文學會
        Booth 14 - Drama Club 理大劇社                       Booth 11 - Excursion & Travel Affairs Association 旅遊事務協會
        Booth 15 - Philharmonic Orchestra 管弦樂團           Booth 12 - Photographic Society 攝影學會
        Booth 18 - Dance Society 舞蹈學會                    Booth 17 - Mahjong Society 麻雀學會
        Booth 30 - Chinese Orchestra 中樂團                 Booth 33 - Chess & Boardgames Club 棋藝及桌上遊戲學會
        Booth 36 - Music Society 理大音社                    Booth 35 - Cartoons Art Society 動畫及漫畫學會
                                                         Booth 37 - Social Service Group 社會服務團

        >    Religious Division
                                                         >    Non - local Student Associations
        Booth 19 - Christian Band 基督徒樂隊
        Booth 20 - Christian Fellowship 基督徒團契            Booth 02 - Chinese Mainland Student Association 中國內地學生協會
        Booth 34 - Campus Crusade for Christ 學園傳道會       Booth 03 - South Asian Society 南亞學生會
                                                         Booth 07 - International Student Association 國際學生會
                                                         Booth 08 - Korean Student Association 韓國學生會
                                                         Booth 21 - Indonesian Student Association 印尼學生會
        >    Sports Division                             Booth 22 - Taiwanese Student Association 台灣學生會

        Booth 05 - Iai Kenjutsu Club 居合劍術學會
        Booth 06 - PolyTennis Club 網球學會
        Booth 16 - PolyVolley Club 排球學會
                                                         >    Affiliated with Exemption
        Booth 23 - Red Castle Softball Club 壘球學會
        Booth 24 - Archery Club 箭藝會                      Booth 01 - AIESEC - Local Committee - PolyU
        Booth 25 - Karatedo Club 空手道學會                   Booth 09 - Toastmasters Club
        Booth 26 - Taekwondo Club 跆拳道學會                  Booth 13 - Campus YMCA of PolyU 香港青年專上學生聯會
        Booth 27 - Rowing Club 賽艇學會                      Booth 31 - Enactus 創行

        Booth 28 - Wing Chun Society 詠春學會
        Booth 29 - Judo Club 柔道學會
                                                         Booth 32 - Student Participation in PolyU
                                                         Council, Senate & Committees


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