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基督徒團契                                                                                                基督徒樂隊

 Christian                                                                                                  Christian

 Fellowship                                                                                                              Band

         Religious Division                <IG>@polyusao_cb -         

     Our Christian Band hopes to use the gift from God to preach         本樂隊希望運用天父給予之恩賜,以樂隊音樂宣揚福音,服侍
     the gospel with band music and inspire PolyU students to            校園內的同學,讓同學更認識基督。同時為校內基督徒提供平
     know Christ. We o er a platform for PolyU students to serve         台,用歌聲讚美神,以音樂事奉主,以生命及音樂見證上帝。
     and praise God through singing and band music.  Our Band            另外,我們也著重樂隊內的關係。我們在練習以外的時間亦透
     also values relationship building among members. Through            過期中營、相交小組等聯誼活動,了解對方更多,成為彼此的同
     regular practice, term-break camp, fellowships, and other           路人,承托生命。
     activities, members could build up genuine, supportive
     relationships and learn to walk with each other.

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            校園祭 FESTIVAL
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