Page 16 - Campus Life Festival 2023 ebook
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   Sports Division

   The  PolyU  SAO  Archery  Club  aims  to  provide  diverse  archery         理大箭會致力為同學提供多元化的箭藝活動,例如反曲弓初學課
   activities,  for  example,  recurve  bow  beginner  courses,  braided       程、護弓繩製作班及恆常訓練等,旨在宣揚箭藝文化及運動,給予
   rope DIY classes and general practices, to promote the culture of           學生平台進行文化交流以及提升學生的體育精神。
   archery  by  providing  a  platform  for  cultural  exchange  among
   members  and  enhance  their  sportsmanship.  in  the  aspects  of          本會致力令箭藝普及化,讓更多人有機會透過本會課程接觸射箭活
   cultural exchange and sportsmanship.                                        動並且體驗箭藝之樂趣,同時我們亦為有經驗的射手提供訓練場地
   Our  club  is  dedicated  to  generalizing  archery,  providing  more       練,不斷磨鍊箭藝,務求讓學生體驗到實惠、安全、具專業質素的
   people with the opportunity to try archery and enjoy the happiness          射箭及競技活動。
   it brings. At the same time, we also provide training facilities for
   experienced  archers  and  arrange  coaches  aside  during  training        理大箭會不單止是一個體育學會,我們希望與大家共同開拓一場難
   for  guidance.  Archers  can  seek  advice  from  coaches  regarding        忘的射箭旅程,豐富大家的校園生活。
   their  shortcomings  and  engage  in  regular  training  so  as  to
   sharpen their archery skills. We aim to allow provide affordable,
   safe and quality archery and competitive activities.

   The PolyU SAO Archery Club is not just a sports association. We
   hope  to  embark  on  an  unforgettable  archery  journey  together,
   bringing students a fruitful university life.

   Instagram: polyusao_archery


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