Page 3 - Campus Life Festival 2023 ebook
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Welcome Message to Students

      Welcome to Campus Life Festival 2023, a magnificent event that promises to be a wondrous adventure
      for all! We invite you to embark on a journey that will ignite your curiosity, foster personal growth, and
      forge lasting memories.

      The Festival is a collaborative endeavour between the Student Development Section (SDS) of the Stu-

      dent Affairs Office (SAO) and more than 40 of our affiliated student organisations. Prepare to step into
      a world of endless possibilities as you explore the diverse booths of student organisations, each offer-
      ing unique experiences and opportunities for integration. Immerse yourself in a tapestry of arts, cul-

      ture, sports, and leisure activities that await you, discovering new interests and forming meaningful
      connections with like-minded peers!

      Also, make sure to visit the booth of SDS - an essential stop on your festival journey. Committed to
      empowering and supporting your holistic development and leadership potential, SDS offers various

      signature programmes, events, and key services. Do drop by to learn more about the newly launched
      EAGLE Global Youth Leadership Programme, the Amigos: Global Peer Support Scheme, and other
      fascinating opportunities such as student representation in university governance.

      Together, let us create memories that will shape your university experience and beyond.

      Student Development Section (SDS)

      Student Affairs Office (SAO)

      歡迎乘搭「校園祭2023」列車! 我們誠摯邀請你展開奇妙之旅,盡情探索繽紛的校園生活,燃點



      別忘了到SDS的攤位打卡,探索我們的特色計劃、活動和服務! 我們提供多種機會,幫助你盡展


      學生事務處 學生發展部

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