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RS Inauguration Ceremony 2019/20

The Inauguration Ceremony 2019-2020 of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) was held on the morning of 28th August 2019, marking the beginning of a new academic life for a new cohort of students. Over 200 guests, comprising the government officials, scolarship donors, clinical educators, RS academic staff and students, attended the Ceremony. Addressing the Ceremony, Prof. Hector Tsang (Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Head of RS) began his speech by extending a warm welcome to all of the newly admitted physiotherapy and occupational therapy students. He was glad to share the incredible JUPAS admission figures of this year that remain marvelous and outstanding as always, with almost 40 freshmen scoring 36 of above in their best six subjects in HKDSE. Despite of the outstanding results, he hoped that the freshmen could stay humble and never be complacent of themselves. He also advised them to expose themselves to the opportunities of learning outside Hong Kong, given the fact that RS has established numerous prestigious partners with overseas and Chinese Mainland universities on clinical placement. Prof. Tsang then presented some updates on the completion of new teaching and research facilities in the near future, which include three new teaching and research laboratories, new campus in Homantin and a new Rehabilitation Clinic. On behalf of RS, he would like to express his sincere thanks to the support of PolyU management and the HKSAR government, especially the Food and Health Bureau. We were honoured to have the presence of Dr Chui Tak-yi (Under Secretary for Food and Health of Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR) as our officiating guest and to give us a speech. Dr Chui addressed the problem of a shortage of manpower in rehabilitation sector in Hong Kong and he was glad to see the admission of elite students who decide to serve the Hong Kong community as physiotherapists and occupational therapists in the coming years. He wished the freshmen a fruitful and enjoyable university life in RS. Followed by a series of prize presentations to both the awarded teaching staff and top students, Prof. Hector Tsang made a closing remark with warm congratulations to the recently promoted staff members and a vote of thanks to all the guests who attended the Ceremony.




「服务‧学习」昆明2019年"医院-社区康复教育论坛" 2019年8月24日-25日,由香港理工大学康复治疗科学系及云南省康医学会联合举办的“医院-社区康复教育论坛”在昆明举行,是此论坛主题为「促进基层社区康复发展与人才培养」。邝美云社会心理健康教授、香港理工大学康复治疗科学讲座教授及系主任曾永康教授发表演说,介绍了香港社区康复的演变和近年发展,并分享他对在大湾区发展社区康复的看法。 由理大康复治疗科学系李曾慧平教授、邓健聪先生和黄家强先生率领的「理大康复治疗科学系社区康复重建团队」于会上分享在云南省鲁甸县地震后提供的社区康复工作。此项灾后康复项目由五间中国内地大学一齐合作,包括首都医科大学、昆明医科大学、福建中医药大学、四川大学华西医院和上海中医药大学,目的为建立一个崭新而又可持续发展的临床护理培训模式,不单为培育将来康复人材而奠定基础,更订立了一个为残疾人士提供服务的准则。理大康复治疗科学系「服务‧学习」团队的职业治疗学生于会上汇报了过去在云南的社区康复工作,并分享了他们的学习体验。他们更邀来一班受惠者分享康复工作为他们带来的转变,令现场听众无不动容。 自2018年汶川地震后,理大康复治疗科学系的教学团队和学生社区服务团队一直致力为社区康复发展而作出努力。团队希望利用自己的专业学识和技术推广身心健康发展和帮助社会上的残疾人士,近年来团队正努力地尝试与更多不同的本地或海外医疗机构乃至工程及设计团体合作,进一步将「服务‧学习」的理念传播开去。


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OTSA Elite Occupational Therapist Taster Programme (EOTTP) 2019

Members of Occupational Therapy Student Ambassador (OTSA) has been striving their best to organize various activities for Occupational Therapy (OT) students to broaden their horizons and for the general public to promote OT profession. With secondary school students being one of the major targets of promotion, they organised Elite Occupational Therapist Taster Programme (EOTTP). With the enormous support from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS), EOTTP was successfully held on 6 July 2019 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Over 100 aspiring participants from more than 40 top secondary schools in Hong Kong have joined on this special occasion. After the opening speech given by Dr Andy Cheng (Associate Professor of RS), a kick-off ceremony was done to announce the commencement of the activity. In order to give the participants an overview of OT beforehand, we have invited Mr Tony Wong (Clinical Associate of RS) to have a brief sharing about OT and PolyU OT Programme. After the sharing, the participants were divided into small groups led by OT students and began their one-day experience as an Occupational Therapist. In order to provide a thorough view on the roles and expertise of Occupational Therapists, we have prepared laboratory tours and hands-on experience for the participants. By visiting the teaching classrooms, participants could develop basic understanding about home modification, remedial activities and some common musculoskeletal disorders. On the other hand, we have introduced several OT concepts and models, including 8 areas of occupation and Person-Environment-Occupation Model. With these concepts, participants were encouraged to think as an Occupational Therapist and work on some simple case analysis. It is hoped that the secondary school students could develop a clear picture of OT through this one-day programme. Although EOTTP is the last event organised by OTSA in the academic year 2018-2019, OTSA would continue to promote our profession through different activities in the future.



Physiotherapy Summer Programme 2019

PolyU Summer Programme 2019 – Physiotherapy (PT) was successfully held on 27 June 2019 with over 80 secondary five students from top local secondary schools. The programme aims to enhance the understanding of anatomy for physiotherapy practice. Dr Billy So, Assistant Professor (PT), welcomed the participants and introduced the content of the programme. In order to let the participants to warm up and get to know each other, current PT students from Physiotherapy Students’ Society (PSS) led the ice-breaking activities after the opening speech. After the ice-breaking activities, participants were divided into 4 groups to take turns to attend different mini-lecture sessions, which were: "Anatomy and Physiology of cardiorespiratory system" by Dr Alex Cheung (Research Assistant Professor, PT);  "Functional Anatomy in Lower Limb" by Dr Billy So (Assistant Professor, PT); "Human Anatomy: Facilities and Learning experience" by Dr Stanley Winser (Assistant Professor, PT); and "Fundamental neuroscience research using animal models" by Dr Sonata Yau (Assistant Professor, PT) respectively. The participants enjoyed the mini-lecture sessions since they can experience the mock class of PT programmge. At the end of the programme, Dr Billy So shared the information about admission requirements, course content and career perspective of PT programme.



Occupational Therapy Student Ambassador (OTSA) Young Professional Exchange Program 2019

In the Young Professional Exchange Program, our group of 30 occupational therapy students went to Chiang Mai and Bangkok in Thailand for a week to learn about the practice of OT there. We visited the facilities in the Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences in CMU, the Industrial Rehabilitation Northern Centre, the Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development, and the Christian Care Foundation for Children with Disabilities. An overall observation is that Chiang Mai has larger physical space for practice, and thus allows a more immersive experience for rehab patients. For example, the Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development is a large building shaped like a gigantic piano, in which children can receive therapy in well-decorated sensory integration and relaxation rooms, and start vocational training in the simulated settings. Furthermore, the cultural factor of rehabilitation methods is also prominent in their practice. The Industrial Rehabilitation Northern Centre includes the production of silkscreen painting, glass etching and Lanna art as part of vocational rehab. Lanna is a type of three-dimensional art only found in Northern Thailand, where one uses hammer and nails to sculpt an image that protrudes out of a silver or aluminum sheet. It makes us wonder what local art forms can be used therapeutically back home. We also paid a visit to the Elephant Conservation Center located in Lampang to learn about Elephant-Assisted Therapy for children with Autism and Down Syndrome. All the fun aside, we also experienced the abstract feeling of human-animal bond that is used in animal-assisted therapy - the sense of calmness and wonder that is intrinsic in humans is a magical feeling. Knowing that enthusiastic practitioners are making the best of this natural marvel in OT practice, we leave Thailand a little more knowledgeable and a immensely more inspired.




理大与香港大学深圳医院签订合作备忘录 2019年5月31日,香港理工大学 (理大) 与香港大学深圳医院 (港大深圳医院)于港大深圳医院签订合作备忘录(备忘录)。 备忘录由理大康复治疗科学系与港大深圳医院所签订,目的为促进粤港澳大湾区康复治疗技术和培训,并加强双方的交流合作。备忘录主要就以下五项范畴上制定合作事宜,包括︰(一)人才交流培训(二)医疗技术支援 (三)康复治疗学生培训合作(四)培训老师安排(五)临床科研合作。 曾永康教授(理大康复治疗科学系—邝美云社会心理健康教授, 教授及系主任)及卢宠茂教授(港大深圳医院院长)在现场超过100位理大康复治疗科学系同事和港大深圳医院医护团队的见证下,签署备忘录。 期望签署备忘录后,理大与港大深圳医院将会有更多临床工作及教学的交流活动,以切实提升双方医疗技术水准和专业技术人员的业务素质。


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5th Elite Alumni Seminar

The 5th Elite Alumni Seminar was successfully held on 22th May 2019. Over 100 guests including government officials, senior management from PolyU, staff, alumni, students and friends gathered at the Regal Kowloon Hotel to join the Seminar. We were so pleased to have Ir Prof. Ben Young (Vice President (Student Affairs) of PolyU) delivering his welcome speech, Dr Choi Yuk Lin (Under Secretary for Education of Education Bureau, HKSAR) and Mr Wong Kwok Hing (Deputy Commissioner of Correctional Services Department, HKSAR) as our guest speakers. Dr Choi Yuk-lin is a parent of a graduate from Physiotherapy Programme. She is a veteran education practitioner, having worked in the education field for over 30 years. She shared the story of her son’s study at PolyU and being a physiotherapist after graduated. Mr Wong Kwok Hing graduated from the Occupational Therapy (OT) programme and is now Deputy Commissioner of Correctional Services Department, HKSAR. He shared the works doing by Correctional Services Department (CSD) in order to create rehabilitation opportunities for persons in custody and promoting law-abiding and inclusive values through community education. At the end of the 5th Elite Alumni Seminar, Prof. Hector Tsang delivered vote of thanks. Prof. Tsang expressed his warmest appreciation to Dr Choi and Mr Wong for the sharing, and looked forward to the next Elite Alumni Seminar in the coming future.  Please click here for more photos.




理大与威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校签订合作备忘录 2019年5月22日,香港理工大学 (理大) 与威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 (威斯康辛大学)于理大签订合作备忘录(备忘录)。 备忘录由理大康复治疗科学系与威斯康辛大学教育学院辖下的康复心理学及特殊教育学系所签订,目的为在公平及互惠的基础下,促进双方于学术及教育上的交流和合作。曾永康教授(理大康复治疗科学系—邝美云社会心理健康教授, 教授及系主任) 及 Dr Timothy Tansey(威斯康辛大学教育学院康复心理学及特殊教育系—副讲座教授及副教授)在超过30位同事和理大国际事务处总监Dr Alison Lloyd的见证下,签署备忘录。 期望签署备忘录后,理大与威斯康辛大学将会有更多的交流,以及更多的合作研究项目和成果。


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黄宇乐博士荣获SOSORT 2019年度论文奖

黄宇乐博士荣获SOSORT 2019年度论文奖 理大康复治疗科学系助理教授(物理治疗)黄宇乐博士领导来自三个不同国家的六个机构的研究人员所组成的研究小组发表题为「青少年特发性脊柱侧弯患者的脊柱畸形与肺功能有关吗?系统评价和荟萃分析」的研究论文,该研究论文于第14届国际SOSORT 会议上荣获「SOSORT 2019年度论文奖」。 脊柱侧弯矫形和康复治疗协会(SOSORT)是一个非盈利组织。 SOSORT的目标是促进脊柱侧弯和其他脊柱畸形的最佳管理、早期发现、预防、护理及教育,并鼓励跨学科团队的合作,包括科学家、医疗和保健专业人员、患者及其家人。 SOSORT论文奖是由2008年雅典会议开始的传统,SOSORT论文奖颁发给SOSORT年会中提交的两份最佳研究论文。


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康复治疗科学系校友刘敏昌博士及吴俊霆先生获选为2019 年「杰出理大校友」

康复治疗科学系校友刘敏昌博士及吴俊霆先生获选为2019 年「杰出理大校友」 祝贺两名康复治疗科学系校友–刘敏昌博士及吴俊霆先生,获选成为第十二届「杰出理大校友」。 两年一度的「杰出理大校友」选举由香港理工大学(理大)及理大校友会联会合办,目的是公开表扬在所属行业表现出色,以及对社会和母校有杰出贡献的理大毕业生。第十二届「杰出理大校友」颁奖典礼已于二零一九年四月三十日举行。当中共九位得奖者中,有两位是康复治疗科学系毕业生。 其中一名得奖者刘敏昌博士,为康复治疗科学系物理治疗学毕业生。刘博士现任白普理宁养中心、沙田慈氏护养院及沙田医院三间医院之行政总监。刘博士拥有丰富的医疗管理经验,是本港首位获委任为医院行政总监之物理治疗师。他致力在医院推动志愿服务,其辖下医务团队每月提供约一万个志愿服务小时。2009 年,他获香港特别行政区颁授行政长官社区服务奖状。刘博士现为理大康复治疗科学系顾问委员会成员及理大康复治疗科学系校友会会长。他曾担任理大客座副教授及实务教授,为手法物理治疗理学硕士课程提供宝贵意见及教学支援。 另外一位得奖者吴俊霆先生同为康复治疗科学系物理治疗学毕业生。吴先生现为私人执业物理治疗师,同时亦是一名越野赛运动员及攀山家。 吴先生拥有坚毅不屈的精神,处处展现关怀别人的心。他曾多次代表香港到世界各地参加越野赛运动并获奖。2016 年,他成为第二位香港人成功登上世界第八高峰马纳斯卢峰。继 2017 年登上世界最高的珠穆朗玛峰,他成为第二位完攀世界七大洲八大最高峰壮举的本港攀山家。吴先生积极参与义工服务及慈善工作,于 2018 年获国际青年商会香港总会选为香港十大杰出青年(专业工作界别)。  有关更多详情,请浏览:。


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