PhD (HKPU), MPhil (HKPU), PDip Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CUHK), BSc (OT) (HKPU), BSc (Kinesiology) (SFU), ATP (RESNA)
- ST533
- +852 2766 4310
- samcc.chan@polyu.edu.hk
陈子颂博士分别在加拿大西门菲沙大学及香港理工大学完成人体运动学士和职业治疗学士课程。随后,他于香港一所复康医院中担任职业治疗师近十年,为患有脊髓损伤、骨科及中风等人士提供康复训练。在临床执业期间,他亦获得辅助技术师(RESNA,美国)及人生教练(the Institution for Life Coach Training,美国)的专业认证。在学术领域方面,他的哲学硕士论文乃研究长期病患人士在参与社区自我管理小组的过程中,心理因素对行为改变的影响。在完成博士研究期间,陈博士曾以研究员的身分,到加拿大多伦多的Rotman研究学院,参与有关脑神经科学的研究项目。随后发表的博士论文是有关慢性疼痛的患者以自我调整的思维模式控制痛觉时,当中的神经处理过程。陈博士曾于多份的国际期刊中,如PLoS ONE, Rehabilitation Psychology and Spinal Cord,发表文章。他亦被数份国际期刊,如NeuroRehabilitation, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Disability and Rehabilitation,邀请为文章评审。在2009年,他获颁尤德爵士纪念奖学金。
- Postgraduate Diploma in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Master of Philosophy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Doctor of Philosophy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Chan, S. C. C., & Chan, A. P. S. (2013). One-year follow-up of Chinese people with spinal cord injury: A preliminary study. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 36(1), 12-23.
- Chan, S. C. C, Chan, C. C. H., Kwan, A. S. K., Ting, K.-H., Chui, T.-Y. (2012). Orienting attention modulates pain perception: An ERP study. PLoS ONE, 7(6), e40215.
- Chan, S. C. C., & Chan, C. C. H. (2011). Attitude, descriptive norm and self-efficacy among Chinese participants of chronic disease self-management program: A latent growth curve modeling study. Rehabilitation Psychology, 56(3), 191-199.
- Vallesi, A., McIntosh, A. R., Kovacevic, N., Chan, S. C. C., & Stuss, D. T. (2010). Age effects on the asymmetry of the motor system: evidence from cortical oscillatory activity, Biological Psychology, 85(2), 213-218.
- Chan, S.C.C., & Chan, A.P.S. (2007). User satisfaction, community participation and quality of life among Chinese wheelchair users with spinal cord injury: A preliminary study. Occupational Therapy International, 14(3), 123-143.