Laboratory for Smart City and Spatial Big Data Analytics
Research Focus Area: High-definition Map for Autonomous Driving, Connected Environment for Urban Mobility, Smart Environment, Smart Government, Smart Living and Smart Economy
Location: ZN607
Host Department: LSGI
The laboratory aims to develop key technologies for Smart City, including spatial big data analytics and modelling, smart navigation and mobility, and urban sensing and computing; to propose smart city solutions for Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area, covering the areas smart mobility, smart environment, smart people, and smart governance; and to provide consultancy support to Hong Kong SAR Government on strategy and policy on Smart City development.

Navigation Laboratory
Research Focus Area: Smart Positioning and Navigation
Location: ZB223
The Navigation Laboratory has equipped with modern positioning equipment, such as GNSS receivers, INS, optical motion tracking system, and indoor positioning facilities. It has a platform for GNSS RTK service and generates real-time GNSS related products, i.e. water vapor content and ionosphere TEC distribution. The main research directions include GNSS theory and applications in positioning and environment monitoring, technologies for establishing urban positioning infrastructure, integrated navigation systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Location Based services (LBS).

Brain, Language, and Computation Lab (BCL)
Research Focus Area: Smart Living
Location: FG815a
Host Department: CBS
The laboratory aims to understand the neural and computational bases of language representation and learning, specifically addresses the questions of neuroplasticity (e.g., how does language learning lead to experience-dependent brain changes?), individual differences (e.g., how does cognitive capacity impact learning success?), and knowledge representation (e.g., how does brain connectivity reflect knowledge and understanding?).
To achieve these goals, the research team relies on a variety of convergent behavioral, computational, and neuroimaging methodologies and technologies (e.g., cognitive testing, artificial neural network modeling, virtual reality, and functional magnetic resonance imaging).

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Laboratory
Host Department: BEEE
The IEQ Laboratory has been set up in the Department for teaching, research and consultancy projects. Over the years, a wide spectrum of instruments, equipment and test facilities have been purchased or developed. They include a number of infrared gas analyzers for building ventilation / infiltration rate measurements, Bruel and Kjaer thermal comfort meters, toxic gas monitors covering CO, SOx, NOx, ozone, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOC) monitors and analyzers, particulate matter monitors, radon monitors, multiple sets of mobile mini weather stations, particle image velocimetry (PIV) system and Bruel and Kjaer sound analyzers. Test facilities developed include small size chambers and a room size stainless chamber for testing building material radon emission and VOC emissions, and gas-phase filtration test rig for studying filtration in air-conditioning systems.

Ng Wing Hong Laboratory For Sustainable City
Location: ZS701
The multimedia laboratory integrates high-quality sound system, high-definition video images, light control system, and video tracking system for video-conference functions meeting international standards. The net floor area of this laboratory is 94.6 square meters while the room can accommodate around 40 persons. It not only provides teaching and research facilities for the department (BRE), but also provides a space for interacting with external stakeholders (including the industry and other universities) to address complex issues faced in the built environment.

University Research Facility in Big Data Analytics (UBDA)
Location: P505
University Research Facility in Big Data Analytics (UBDA) is the first university-level research facility in Big Data Analytics in Hong Kong for cross-disciplinary research collaborations, teaching, and learning, as well as a partnership with industry. UBDA is a big data platform to store and analyze your data for finding the hidden patterns, exploring unknown correlation, improving prediction, supporting decision making, recommending services, and products and other analytic solutions.
The main objective of UBDA establishment is to meet the increasing demand for computing resources and expertise in big data analytics. It has significant value in promoting open innovation in all aspects of human, social, and technology development.
UBDA offers an advanced infrastructure including the computing platform, data repository, and data analytics tools, and libraries and provides a platform for cross-disciplinary collaboration among PolyU researchers and external partners to develop, support, service and sustain research into big data analytics.

Research Center on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Location: P504
Host Department: COMP
Launched in April 2021, the RC-DSAI is hosted by the Department of Computing, Faculty of Engineering. It aims to encourage greater connection and knowledge-sharing between tertiary and wider research organisations and industry to support the development of a vibrant AI ecosystem in HK, mainland China and the world. The centre has a special focus on real-time analytics for big data, machine learning and deep learning. The establishment of RC-DSAI is the culmination of many years of leading artificial intelligence (AI) and data science (DS) research and teaching led by staff, scholars and researchers at the PolyU.

Center for Economic Sustainability and Entrepreneurial Finance
Host Department: AF

Transport and Highway Engineering Laboratory
Location: ZS1108 & ZS1109
Host Department: CEE
The Laboratory caters teaching-related experiments and research activities in Highway Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning. The equipment is available for various types of bituminous material and pavement testing and transport related measurement.

AMTD-FinTech Center
Host Department: FB
The purposes of the establishment of FinTech Center are to enhance Hong Kong's leading position in financial technology, provide consultancy services to the financial industry, steer and conduct activities on FinTech education and professional training for students and the public, and demonstrate to the community the commitment for excellence in education, research and fulfilment of social responsibility.
A special strength of the FinTech Centre is the strong student body of the Faculty of Business' two flagship programmes, DBA and DMgt. This student body consists of quite a number of entrepreneurs in the FinTech businesses and top executives working in the FinTech areas. They can provide industrial and practical expert experience and opinions.