PhD Seminar by Paolo Favero - Living, Loving and Dying: Reflections on Ethnography, Existence and the Senses
07 Oct 2020
PolyU Design
15:00 - 17:00
Paolo Favero
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Meeting ID: 976 8733 3012
Passcode: 553378
All PolyU PhD students are welcome.
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Event registration is required (click HERE). Registrants will receive a reading list prior to this seminar.
Keynote Speaker

Paolo Favero
Paolo Silvio Harald Favero is Associate Professor in Film Studies and Visual Culture at the University of Antwerp where he is a member of the Visual and Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi). Trained as a social anthropologist at the University of Stockholm (Sweden), Paolo has devoted the core of his career to the study of visual culture in India. Presently he is conducting a visual/sensory/existential exploration of ageing and dying in New Delhi. Active also as image-maker, Paolo works on the incorporation of artistic and digital practices in ethnographic research. In 2017 he launched in collaboration with the University of Deusto (Bilbao) “EthnoAlly” a digital tool for supporting researchers in conducting emplaced, sensory and participatory ethnographic work. Paolo is the author of The Present Image: Visible Stories in a Digital Habitat (2018, Palgrave Macmillan) and of Image-Making-India: Visual Culture, Technology, Politics (2021, Routledge).
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