PhD Seminar by Dominique Lämmli - Practitioner research on working with art in socio-cultural settings
24 Feb 2021
PolyU Design
16:00 - 18:00
Dominique Lämmli
While both artists and non-artists have long been working with art in socio-cultural settings, this phenomenon is now rapidly expanding worldwide. These initiatives are embedded in holistic real-life processes of change and are often informed by understandings of art that merge several art traditions. Practical knowledge and know-how within the field are immense. How do we make these accessible for interglocal exchange? In this talk, Dominique will discuss art practitioner research approaches, relate it to the Global Turn in research, and provide practical guidelines.
Join this seminar on Zoom
Meeting ID: 977 9331 5711
Passcode: 761600
All PolyU PhD students are welcome.
This seminar, hosted on Zoom Meeting, allows only authenticated users (i.e. Zoom logged-in users).
Event registration is required (click HERE). Registrants will receive a reading list prior to this seminar.
Keynote Speaker

Dominique Lämmli
Co-founder and -director, FOA-FLUX; Professor of Drawing & Painting, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)
Dominique Lämmli ( is an artist and philosopher. She is the co-founder and -director of FOA-FLUX (, an independent research initiative running inter-/transregional, transdisciplinary, art-centred, practice-based, practice-led, and meta-theoretical projects. FOA-FLUX researches and designs inclusive development activities and creates programs, courses and events with a particular interest in Art in Action ( FOA-FLUX brings together artists, professionals, academics, curators, researchers, and vigilant citizens from all walks of life and regions to further the socio-cultural involvement of art in real-life settings. Dominique holds a professorship of Drawing & Painting at the
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