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Available now: Cubic Journal #3 Design Making – The Values Had, The Object Made, the Value Had – Practice. Making. Praxis

17 Nov 2020

Books & Articles

Editor(s): Daniel Keith Elkin & James Stevens 

With contributions from:David Schafer, Sara Codarin, Lee Y.H. Brian, Dr. Guan Lee, Daniel Widrig, Philippe Casens, Nathalie Bruyére, Kuo Jze Yi, Eddie Chan, Fernando Bales, Elise DeChard & Daniel Echeverri. 

#Practice #Making #Praxis 

This issue of Cubic Journal concerns making, and the value-structures connected to the premise, before and after execution. Fifteen authors and constituent research teams present their work in manifested design research here. In this work, physical, semi-physical, and transitionally physical embodiments of objects, spaces, and prototypical design conjectures are part and parcel of the researchers’ progress. Embodiment neither preempts, nor follows their work, but is essentially the substance of research itself within these manuscripts. The editors collected this work as status-taking for a broad range of creative and scholarly enterprises in several regions of the world. European, Southeast Asian, and American authors in architectural and product design fields provide perspectives on making-centric design research, across manual, digital, post-digital, and post-consumer spectra of fabrication. But as an assemblage, these works are more than a catalogue. They prompt retrospective thought on the values held, and the value given, by these authors’ conjectural experiments in material form. 

Now available online and at JapSam Books.

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